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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"I can't believe I had a child with you." "Oh, who knows? Maybe you didn't. Could be Whale's!" I groaned and facepalmed as Mary Margaret and David continued fighting. Not to mention Kristoff was being a complete ass to Anna. "If this is how the Charmings are under this spell, I'd hate to see the rest of the town... or Peter," I sighed. "My parents... That's not who they are," Emma said. "They're their worst selves. It's like when Anna put me in that urn. She didn't mean what she said either... I hope," Elsa said. "I didn't. That doesn't make any of this less horrible," Anna said, walking into the office with Emma, Elsa, baby Neal, and I. "It's okay. You're immune. We all are. And we're together," Elsa said, looking at literally the only bright side of this. "It's gonna be all right. Remember, I'm the Savior," Emma said. "Is that like, a real job here?" Anna asked. "Yes," I nodded, looking up at Anna. "I promised all these people I'd get them their happy endings. And I will. I'm just not sure how at this moment," Emma said.

"I think I might have an idea. Do you know how the Snow Queen got the idea for the curse? It's from a legend called the Trolden Glass," Anna said. "Never heard of it," Emma said. "I have," I said, looking at Anna. "You have?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah... Storybrooke wasn't very interesting before the curse broke... So, I would read just about every book in the town... The Trolden Glass was on this dusty shelf in the corner of the library and I decided to read it. Glad I did, now," I said. "Yes, and what matters right now is how they broke the curse," Anna said. "What was done?" Elsa asked. "Uh, to break the spell..." Anna trailed, trying to remember, "Oh... They had to kill the king." "So, we have to kill Ingrid," I said, bluntly. "I don't believe killing is ever the answer. Are you sure we can't reason with her?" Elsa asked. "She's beyond that. We all want another way, but if it comes down to her or the town, I'm gonna do what has to be done," Emma said. "But..." "We're out of options. Anna, how are you with kids?" Emma asked, cutting off Elsa's attempt of protest. "I love kids," Anna said. Emma then handed over Neal to Anna.

"Wait," Anna tried to protest, taking the baby. "Elsa, Scarlett, we should get going," Emma said. I nodded. "Wait. I'm the babysitter? The Snow Queen is my aunt, too. If this is what has to happen, I wanna be by your side," Anna told Elsa. "Anna, sorry, but someone has to stay here with everyone else," Emma said. "Why can't Scarlett stay? She's the youngest?" Anna asked. "Sorry, Anna, but this yellow ribbon here is like my 'get out of jail free' card... literally," I said, holding up my wrist with the ribbon on it. "Emma's right. Stay with Kristoff," Elsa told Anna. "But this was my plan," Anna said. Emma kissed Neal on the head before walking off and I followed right behind her, Elsa not far behind a few moments later. "Are we really gonna do this?" I asked Emma. She nodded, "We've got no choice..."



*July 25, 2008*

Scarlett's P.O.V.

"Happy birthday to me," I sighed, walking down the empty streets of Storybrooke. I left Henry, Regina, and Graham back at the house when no one was paying attention... Not that they were ever paying attention to me... even on my birthday. Because who cares about little old angsty teen Scarlett? *note sarcasm, please. I walked slowly down the street, nearing Granny's diner before stopping and looking to my left to see the ice cream shop, "Any Given Sundae." I checked my back pocket to see if I left any money in there and smiled upon pulling out a 10 dollar bill. I walked into the ice cream shop and smiled at the worker/ owner, Sarah. I had no idea who she was... fairytale wise... Ever since I got that book a few years ago, I've been trying to decipher who's who from the fairytale world... But Sarah doesn't seem to fit anywhere. Odd. "Hi, Sarah," I said, approaching the glass in which I was able to see the assortment of ice cream through. "Hello, Scarlett," she smiled brightly. "Um... could I get a Rocky Road cone?" I asked her. "Sure... One scoop or two?" she asked, already putting two, knowing my answer. "Two, of course," I smiled. She handed it to me and I mumbled a quick thank you before handing her the money for it. "Nah, it's on the house, Scarlett... Call it a birthday gift," she said. My brows furrowed, "How did you know my birthday's today?" "It's a small town and you're the mayor's daughter... Everyone knows," Sarah said. I laughed humorlessly, "Well... not everyone shows it." "What do you mean?" Sarah asked, confused. "Ah, it's nothing... Really," I said, shaking my head. "No, Scarlett... You can tell me... What's wrong? It's your birthday. You should be happy on your birthday," Sarah said, coming around the register and standing in front of me.

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