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Scarlett's P.O.V.

We were getting close to Peter's camp... I could just tell... maybe it was because I had been there so often... I walked with Tinkerbell... her and I had gotten to know each other and become friends... I guess. "I'm gonna ask Tink how close we are to Pan's compound. I don't wanna be surprised by any lost boys on patrol," I heard David say from up ahead. "Good idea, Mary Margaret nodded.

"We're almost there, David," I said when he came up to us. "How do you know?" David asked. "I've been living in that camp for like 2 weeks including 11 years ago... I think I'd know where the camp is," I said. "She's right. We are close," Tink said. David nodded and we kept walking.

Suddenly, we all heard a noise. Regina and Gold came out and Regina said, "Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time. Scarlett? You're here too?" "No, you're hallucinating. Of course I'm here," I said, annoyed. "What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret asked. "Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid," Regina smirked. Eternity? That may be an easy fix for this problem, but maybe we could just talk to him... no? Didn't think so...

"You didn't tell me my father was with her," Neal scoffed. "I didn't know," Emma said. "Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tink asked. "Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry," Neal said. "Bae..." Gold sighed. "Why? What are you talking about?" Emma asked, curiously. "There's a prophecy that says that Henry and Scarlett will be his undoing. He didn't come here to protect them. He came here to kill them," Neal explained. "That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back? Because you knew he'd spill your secret," Regina accused. "Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan," Gold explained. Hey, I'm here too you know...

"It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore," Emma said, false realization hitting her. I can't believe they actually think Gold is gonna kill us... I thought they knew he was changing... Belle was changing him. "You wanted to get to Henry first..." Mary Margaret said. Her too? Does nobody realize how stupid this is? "To be on his own..." David continued for her. "So no one could stop you..." Hook continued for David. "So you can kill him and then Scarlett," Regina finished. Oh God... they're all delusional. "It's not gonna happen, not unless you go through all of us first," Emma said and I sighed. This is gonna be a long day.

Hook, Neal, Gold, and Emma were all talking about a way to get David to come beck to Storybrooke when Tink tapped my shoulder and said, "We're here." "Guys, we're here," I said, getting everyone's attention, "We're at Pan's perimeter." "It's time. Tink will sneak us in the back like we planned. We grab Henry. In and out, simple You good with Pan patrol?" Emma said and looked at Neal. "Locked and loaded," Neal nodded. "Guys... it's not gonna be that simple. Felix and Andrew are most probably in the camp on Henry duty," I said. "What do you suppose we do then, Scarlett?" Hook asked. "Let me go in first. I'll stumble in and act like I was lost in the forest this whole time and I finally found my way back to camp. I'll act like I was never with you guys and catch Felix and Andrew off guard so I csn get them out of the way for you guys to come in," I suggested. "Sounds like a plan," Hook said. The others nodded. "Be careful, Scarlett," Regina said and I smiled, "Always am."

They all went around back and I caked myself in dirt and made my hair look wild like I had been stumbling through the forest blindly. I stumbled into the camp as planned and purposefully fell face first on the ground. When I looked up, all eyes were on me. I spotted Andrew and Felix who began to make their way over to me. "Felix? Andrew? Guys, I've been lost in the forest for God knows how long. Thank God, I made it back," I sighed happily. "Really? Scarlett, where were you really?" Felix asked, pulling me to my feet. "I told you... I've been lost in the forest after I ran away from Peter..." I said. "No, you teleported away... Pan told us you used magic to push him away and then teleport away... why didn't you just use your magic to find your way back here? Or maybe you didn't because you found your family?" Andrew accused. "Ugh... if I saw them, I'd most probably kill them with this," I said, picking up my bow and arrows that were lying against a tree. They looked at me skeptically. "Pan's not here... He's busy," Felix explained. "And Henry?" "Not here either... He's with Pan," Felix said.

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