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Part 2 of SIN has ended... Part 3 begins... I HAVE FINISHED THE TRAILER VIDEO(WHICH IS MORE OF A SUMMARY OF THE BOOK SO FAR AND SNEAKS OF THE FUTURE OF IT LOL) Anyways, here it is- www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyncZpSB... Now... drumroll please......................................... I HAVE AN IDEA FOR AFTER SEASON 4 PART 1 ENDS! Okay... PART 3 OF SIN! LET'S DO THIS SHIT! ___________________________________________________________________________

Scarlett's P.O.V.

Regina walked out of Granny's diner, sadness and anger written across her face. Suddenly, Emma ran out of Granny's. "Regina..." Emma began. "Not now, Swan," Regina said. "Moms, what's wrong?" I asked them. "I'm sorry. When I brought Marian back, I didn't know who she was. I didn't intend to cause you pain," Emma said, ignoring me. "Well, your intentions really don't matter. Because once again, I've felt the brunt of heroism. Always the villain... Even when I'm not," Regina said. "What was I supposed to do?" Emma asked. "Well, you were dumb enough to travel through time. Maybe you should have left things well enough alone," Regina said. Was this about the woman Emma and Peter saved? What has she done to ruin Regina's life in the mere 20 minutes she's been here? "I am not gonna apologize for saving someone's life," Emma said. "She was to die anyway. What did it matter?" Regina asked. "What mattered was she was a person. And... Whatever she did, she didn't deserve to die," Emma said. "Well, maybe she did," Regina countered. "Well, you would know. I saved her from you," Emma said. "The woman who did that, that was the person I was, not the person I am. I worked very hard to build a future... A future that's now gone," Regina said, sadly. "You don't know that," Emma said. "Well, I know it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back," Regina said. "Wait... the woman you saved... she's Robin's wife? She's Lady Marian?" I asked. Emma nodded. "I told you two not to save her!" I said, exasperatedly to Emma and Peter. "Regina, for that, I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to help..." Emma began. "Swan... The more you try to help... The worse my life becomes," Regina said.

Then, Robin, Roland, and the undead woman herself, Marian, come out to join us. "Marian, please, meet her. She's not at all what you think," Robin told Marian as they approached us before turning to Regina and saying, "Regina... I-I want you to meet Marian. I... I want us to talk about this." "Wait, were you two... Are you two together?" Marian asked, disgusted. "Marian, please," Robin begged. "You and the Evil Queen? Did you let her near my son? Do you know what she's done? The terror that she's inflicted?" Marian asked, angrily. "She's not like that anymore," Peter said, sticking up for Regina. Then, Mary Margaret, David, and the baby, whose name I still haven't been told, come out. Why don't we make this a party and have Hook and Henry come out, hmm? "Is everything okay?" Mary Margaret asked. "Well, no one's been incinerated yet, so that's a good sign," David side-noted. "Regina, you all right?" Mary Margaret asked. "What... What is wrong with you people? W-why are you talking to her? Don't you know who she is?" Marian asked. "Mom, what's going on?" Henry asked, coming out with Hook. Like I said, it's a party. "She's a monster," Marian spat. "Hey, that's my mom you're talking about, you little-" I was cut off by Peter putting his hand over my mouth. I pulled myself out of peter's grasp and glared at him momentarily before turning toward the street as Emma called out Regina's name. Regina had left all because of that stupid little twat. Emma went to go talk to her, but Hook stopped her saying, "Uh, no good has ever come of pushing that woman. Give her space." "Yeah, but it's what she does in that space I'm worried about," David said. "You don't think she'll become evil again. She can't. She's come too far," Henry said, worriedly. "I hope you're right, kid," Emma said, hugging him. She can't... She won't. I won't let her...


The next morning, I woke up wrapped in Peter's arms as usual. Regina hadn't come home so it was just Peter and I in this big house. It was nice... not having a major crisis on our hands. Just... peace. I looked up at Peter to see him sleeping peacefully. How is it that in Neverland he was always the first one up, but now it's me? I wiggled out of his grasp and tiptoed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. "Eggs. Ham. Bacon. Toast. Coffee. Good. Let's do this," I said, pulling out everything I intended to make for breakfast for Peter and I before he woke up. I set the bread with butter to toast and the coffee to... do it's thing... as I began to cook the eggs, bacon, and ham.

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