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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I woke up early in the morning. I wasn't sure why. Maybe I just wasn't tired. I walked into the bathroom to see yet another pile of clothes. Where does he get this stuff from? I put them on, and walked outside to see Henry sleeping. I walked over to his sleeping figure and sat beside him. Nobody else was awake, so I had nothing better to do, but to fall asleep again.

I awoke to a voice...cuckooing? I opened my eyes and saw Henry slowly open his. "Wake up. I got you," Peter said, tossing an apple towards Henry and another towards me. He must've been the one cuckooing... We both sat up. "Sorry, we don't like apples," I said. "Who doesn't like apples?" Peter asked, confused. Henry and I looked at each other and slightly smiled, "It's a family thing," we said in unison. Peter smiled and said, crouching down, "Don't worry. They're not for eating. Well... Scarlett's was. But Henry's is for a kind of game. A really fun game," Peter grabbed a crossbow, "I call it target practice."

A boy handed Peter bottle of the black liquid we had used last night. He dipped it into the arrow. What was Peter gonna make Henry do? "What's that?" Henry asked, walking up to Peter. "Dreamshade," Peter explained... so that's what it's called, "A nasty poison. I've heard a story about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow," he said, preparing the crossbow for shooting, "Let's find out if this is possible." "If you're shooting the apple what's the poison for?" Henry asked, confused. "A motivation not to miss, I'm guessing," I jumped in. Peter winked at me and nodded. He randomly aims it. "Felix. Get over here," Peter called and Felix rose from the log he was sitting on by the fire. I took a bite of the apple Peter had given me. I could get used to the taste... maybe. "Is Felix good? Is his aim good?" Henry asked, worried the apple would be shot off his head. Peter wouldn't do that... "Doesn't matter. You're the one doing the shooting," Peter smirked and handed Henry the crossbow. I spit out the apple piece I was eating. What?! What if Henry misses?! He could kill Felix. No... Peter doesn't think Henry will actually do it... He must be working some kind of angle. I stood next to Peter and gave him a "WTF?!" look. He rolled his eyes playfully and motioned for me to watch.

"I don't wanna shoot," Henry said. All the Lost began chanting, "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot." "You won't hit him. Trust yourself. Go on," Peter said. Felix placed the apple on his head. "It's exhilarating," Peter smiled. I suddenly felt like chanting as well. I trust Peter. If he wants Henry to do this, it must be for some sort of reason. "Shoot, Henry!" I called. Peter looked back at me and smiled. We were all chanting shoot and Henry held up the crossbow at the apple on Felix's head. Suddenly, he moved the crossbow, changing his target, and letting the arrow fly at Peter. Peter Pan caught the arrow midair with one hand, just before it pierced his heart. I gasped and dropped the apple. What was Henry thinking?! "Told you it was exhilarating," Peter laughed. The fuck?! He just shot at you, Peter! "Come on, I have something to show you and your sister," Peter said and motioned for Henry and I to follow him.

All the boys were back to running around and playing. I saw Elian and waved at him. He waved back and continued on playing. "Look at the fun they are having," Peter said, pulling my attention towards him, "The thing of this place is that no one tells you no. You can do as you want. Scarlett knows by now some of the fun you can have on the island. Don't you, Scarlett?" I nodded and all 3 of us sat on a log. Henry between Peter and I. "Do they never hurt themselves?" Henry asked. "All of the time. At one point, I had four boys with missing fingers. Cost of the game. They don't mind," Peter said casually. "I don't belong here... We, Scarlett and I, don't belong here," Henry said. I rolled my eyes, "Don't speak for me, Henry. I do belong here. Peter showed me that long ago." "You both belong here, Henry. We've been waiting for you two a very long time," Peter said. Waiting? For us? Now I was intrigued. "Long before you were even born," Peter said. "I don't believe that," Henry said. "I do," I countered. Henry and I just couldn't agree when it came to Neverland and Peter. "Like Scarlett, you should, Henry. This place runs on imagination. On belief. But your world stopped believing. Magic is dying and you two need to save it," Peter said.

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