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Scarlett's P.O.V.

What's going on? Is he okay? He shouldn't have gone. He's gonna die. She's going to kill him. "Stop, Scarlett," I muttered to myself, trying to swat away any bad thoughts about Peter's whereabouts. But... what if... No! Stop it, Scarlett! It's been 2 days. I haven't seen Peter. Zelena wouldn't allow it. Peter kept insisting to see me to make sure I was alive and Zelena decided to squeeze my heart again, making me scream loudly in pain. "You hear that? That's Scarlett. Alive. That's all you get. Would you like to hear some more?" Zelena asked, tauntingly in which Peter screamed in protest as fast as he could. I stared at the floor, having nothing better to do, being tied up and all. I haven't eaten since I had been kidnapped, and the only light from the window was shut by the blinds, surrounding me in complete darkness, all by myself. I hated darkness. I always feared it, never knowing what was lurking in the shadows. And now, being kidnapped by a witch bitch, something dangerous may actually be hiding, waiting to pounce on me if I tried to escape. It made me paranoid and I stopped sleeping. I was so tired and hungry, but to keep my mind occupied, I began going through my memories of Peter, trying to remember every little detail as much as I could. It was all I had now. Memories.


Peter's P.O.V.

2 days. 2 days with fake Scarlett. She hardly ever talked. And I could tell Emma was getting suspicious. Regina had called a bunch of us to over for something apparently important. I forced my way into the conversation as she spoke with fake Scarlett about it and was unwillingly invited to join whatever was going on. Now, Hook, Mary Margaret, Regina, Emma, David, fake Scarlett, and I were sitting at a table as Regina explained that they were going to open a portal to let Cora through to get information on Zelena. I knew I had to stop this like Zelena wanted, even though I didn't want to. I would have just let it happen and lied to Zelena, but fake Scarlett was here and she would tell Zelena and that wouldn't be good for Scarlett. As the portal was opened, I 'accidentally' knocked my knee up into the table, breaking everyone's concentration which closed the portal. I smiled discretely at my success.

Later on at night, as fake Scarlett and I rushed to where everyone was, hearing Regina and Mary Margaret screaming, I was stopped by Emma. "What are you doing, Pan?" she asked. "I don't know what you're talking about," I purposefully lied unconvincingly. "You're lying. That's not Scarlett. I can tell. Superpower. Where's Scarlett?" Emma asked. I checked to make sure fake Scarlett wasn't around before whispering, "Zelena still has her. She's making me stop all of you from stopping her in exchange for Scarlett's life." Emma looked at me, shocked, before whispering, "We have to get her out of there." "You don't think I know that?! I've been trying to look for an excuse the past 2 days to see Scarlett and use my magic to save her, but every time I try, Zelena squeezes her heart, threatening to kill her," I whisper-yelled. "Not to mention she has this fake Scarlett tailing me to throw you lot off and to keep an eye on me," I added. "Then we distract fake Scarlett and save the real one. Tonight. Just us two and maybe Regina. For now, pretend nothing is wrong and continue on as usual. I'll come up with something to distract fake Scarlett," Emma said, before walking away. This is it. We're saving Scarlett. Tonight. From an evil witch. And we have practically no plan. What could go wrong?


Scarlett's P.O.V.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. T- What was that? "Zelena? Are you there?" I asked into the darkness. "Scarlett?" I heard Peter's voice. "Peter?!" I asked, wiggling in my chair. Suddenly, Peter appeared in front of me. "Peter!" I said, smiling, "Get me outta here." "I know," Peter said, beginning to untie me. "What about my heart?" I asked. "Emma's got it," Peter said. "She's here?" I asked. He nodded as the ropes around my wrists came undone. I bent down and began to untie my legs. As soon as I finished, Peter and I made a break for the door. Once we got into the open, I grabbed Peter and pulled him close. "I missed you," I whispered. "I missed you, too," Peter said, "Now, let's go." I pulled back and stared into his eyes. Something was off about him. What was it? I ignored it and kissed him, missing his lips for so long. Once again, something felt different... And no, the fact that I haven't kissed him in over a year isn't the reason. He just... felt... different. I pulled away, confusion written on my face as I stared into Peter's eyes, before I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I fell to the floor in pain, grabbing at my chest. I screamed in pain before it all suddenly stopped and I was left panting on the floor. "Nice try, Scarlett," Zelena said, hovering over me. I looked at Peter but noticed he was gone and in his place was one of Zelena's flying monkeys. "You tricked me," I groaned. "But, of course," Zelena smirked, wickedly. Selena nodded to the monkey who grabbed me and brought me back into the house, tying me to the chair tighter than before. "Ow, you asshole. Loosen up a bit," I spat at the monkey. It screeched in my face before flying out of the room. I groaned. I should've known it wasn't Peter from the beginning. What's wrong with me?! Actually... what's right with me? That list seems to be shorter...

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