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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've never seen her before in my life," Gold said. We had come to Gold's shop to ask him about Elsa and what happened to her. "So how'd she end up inside your urn inside your secret vault of terror?" Emma asked. "Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?" Gold asked. "She did. But I can't remember. Something happened to my memories," Elsa said. "Well, an all-too-common affliction 'round these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession... Urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them," Gold said. True... very true... Lie... big lie... "Only if there's something in it for you. Right, mate?" Hook asked and I nodded, arching an eyebrow at Gold. "Yeah, well, that may have been true once. But recently my life has been... Turned upside down. I've lost a son. I've gained a wife. So you might say... I've decided to turn over a new leaf," Gold said. "Don't forget about my super power. I'll be able to tell if you're lying," Emma warned. "How about I do you one better? Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me," Gold suggested. Something is up. I can tell. "No. No. Rumple, you don't... You don't have to do that," Belle said, shaking her head. "No, no, no. Miss Swan wants proof. And I'm happy to cooperate," Gold said. Yep. Something is definitely up. "Fine. I command you, Dark One... To tell them the truth," Belle said, holding up Gold's dagger. "The truth is... Just as I said. I had no idea there was someone inside there. I know nothing about Elsa. Or her sister. But I wish you best of luck finding her," Gold said. Yup. 100% sure something is up. I decided not to say anything as someone, Hook, could use this to his advantage because I can tell in his eyes that he knows something is up, too... and while blackmailing Gold is a bad idea... It may just be necessary...


I left Emma and Elsa and teleported to Granny's where I would be meeting up with Henry and Peter. I walked in to see Peter sitting next to Henry. Henry was working on his Algebra homework and Peter was looking confusedly at the homework. At least they're getting along and Henry's not holding a grudge on Peter... and Peter's not being an ass... This seems good. I sat next to Henry and said, "Hello, boys. I see you two are getting along, eh?" Henry nodded, "Pan... Peter... He's not that bad... you know... at least when he's not trying to manipulate me into giving me his heart." I smiled at Henry for calling Peter by his first name before nodding and looking pointedly at Peter who gave me a guilty smile before looking back at Henry's homework. "I thought you said Algebra was maths... How come there are letters?" Peter asked Henry. "That's how Algebra works, Peter," Henry said. "Welcome to our world," I added. "I prefer Neverland," Peter told me. "You and me both, mate," I said before 3 hot chocolates with cinnamon were placed in front of Henry, Peter, and I. "Thanks, Ruby," I smiled, taking a sip of my cocoa.

I was about to tell the boys something when Regina came in and dropped a stack of comic books in front of Henry and I. "I didn't know which ones you were reading these days," Regina told Henry as he began flipping through the comics. "Ooh, Spider-Man," I said in awe as I picked up a Spider-Man comic. "And for you, Scarlett," Regina said, putting 2 books in front of me. "Is this the original "King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table" book and "The Mysterious Island?" I asked, admiring the books. Regina nodded. "These are awesome. Much better than algebra. Thanks. But you didn't have to do this," Henry told Regina to which I nodded. "Well, I wanted to. But don't get used to it," Regina said and I smiled. I began flipping through the pages of "The Mysterious Island," admiring the old, slightly faded, worn-out pages. This is an old copy. Peter looked at the comics on the table with curiosity before slowly picking one up and flipping through it. Nice choice... He picked Thor. I think he'll like Loki a lot.

"Isn't it funny how these are just ink and paper but everything in your storybook is real? Makes you wonder who wrote it, doesn't it?" Regina asked Henry and I. I know where she's going with this. "The storybook?" Henry asked. "Mm-hmm," Regina nodded. "No one knows, mom," I said. "Oh, come on... You two are such experts on all this. You've both read it cover to cover. There's nothing in the book that gives... Even a clue?" Regina asked. "What are you up to?" Henry asked. Regina scoffed before giving up on her act and sighing. "These stories about me in the book, I was written as a villain. And things never work out for the villain, so I... Want to find who wrote this book and make them... Ask them... To write me a happy ending," Regina explained. Thats not true. Peter and I are together... He was a villain and now we're doing fine... Right? "Is that crazy?" Regina asked. "This is the best idea you've ever had. We have to change the book because it's wrong about you. We just have to find the clues," Henry said, excitedly, to which I nodded. "'We?' What? You'll both help me?" Regina asked. "Yup. And so will Peter. Right, Peter?" I asked, looking at Peter and arching an eyebrow at him. Peter rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile before saying, "Yes. Of course." "It'll be our own secret mission," Henry said. "Like that "operation viper" you two had with Emma," Regina said. "'Cobra,' but yeah," I corrected. "This one we'll call 'Operation...'" Henry trailed. "'Mongoose,'" Regina said. "Perfect. "Operation mongoose" it is," Henry and I nodded.

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