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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"We have to get them back." "We have to get help. We can't do this alone." "And why the bloody hell not?" "A one-handed asshole and a 17-year-old magician isn't gonna take down the Evil Queen. We need Snow and Charming." "I think we'll do fine on our own." "We're getting the Charmings." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "No." "No." "Yes." "Good. So we're on the same track. Let's go," I said and walked off to find Snow White and Hook. The two of us had been fighting over what to do since Peter and Emma were taken. "You tricked me!" Hook whined. "You're the idiot who fell for such a common trick," I laughed. He pouted. "Come on... dad," I said. He smiled slightly and followed me as we went searching for Snow White and Prince Charming...

"And why don't I believe you?" Charming asked Snow White who was hanging in a trap Charming had set for her. "You should. She's telling the truth, mate," Hook said as the two of us came out from behind a tree. I had changed out of my amazing dress using my magic and into the outfit I had been wearing before. "Princess Serena," I said, deciding Buttercup would be a bit too obvious that I was lying. "Prince Charles," Hook said, mock bowing, "Lovely ball the other night. The mutton was a tad overcooked, but that happens. Snow White doesn't have your ring. But I can tell you who does. My princess. And we need your help to get her back." "She has my ring? That's two women who robbed me. Where is she?" Charming asked. "They," I corrected, "My prince was taken along with her after trying to save her and... that's kind of the issue." "They're at the Queen's castle," Hook said. "Actually, that's not a problem at all. I know it well. It used to be mine. I can get us in there, but not from up here. So you let me down, you get your princess," Snow said to Hook, "you get your prince," to me, "you get your ring," to Charming, "And I never have to see your charming face again. Charming smirked before cutting Snow down. "Let's go," I said, walking one way. "Wrong way," Snow said as she stood up. I turned quickly and began walking the other way, "Of course. I knew that... Come on."


Peter's P.O.V.

"C'mon, Feather Boy! You promised you'd show me the mermaids!" "I don't want you to get hurt, Scarlett," I said, crouching down in front of the little blonde girl I had come to love... It was quite unexpected... Me... Peter Pan... Loving a little girl... She was like a daughter or a little sister to me now... whereas the reason I had come to Neverland was to get away from my son... Now... I have Scarlett... It's as if I could never be free of little children... Not that I minded with Scarlett... She was full of spirit and adventure... and somehow... her tiny hands made their way to my heart... "But... how will I get hurt? I can swim!" Scarlett frowned. "The mermaids will hurt you," I explained. "But... they're mermaids... Mermaids are nice... right?" she asked. "Not the ones in Neverland, Little Bird. Trust me... the mermaids here are dangerous and will kill you," I said, picking her up and resting her on my hip as I walked us through the forest and back to camp. "Really?" she asked. I nodded. She frowned and looked sadly toward the beach. "Hey... how about we go play hide and seek with Phil and Andy? Will that cheer you up?" I asked, smiling at her. She thought it over for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Good. Then, let's go," I said. "Are you gonna win?" she asked. "I always do, Little Bird... I always do..."

I gasped as I sat up. Where was I? Where's Scarlett? I looked around to see I was in a prison cell with Emma. She was talking to another woman... the girl from the village! "Leia?" I asked, remembering I had to use her fake name. "Wesley? You're awake," Emma said, turning to me. "Wesley... this is Marian... She-" "I'm getting us out of here," I said, standing up. "You can't," Emma said. "And why not?" I asked. I waved my hand in front of the cell door, but nothing happened. That's when I noticed the cuff around my wrist. I went to take it off like I had done to Rumple's... but it wouldn't budge. "It won't come off," I said. "That's the point of the cuff, I'm guessing. You don't have magic and we don't have a way out of here," Emma said. I groaned as I slid down the nearest wall, sitting next to Emma. "We have to get back to Scarlett," I whispered to Emma. "We will... We just need to come up with a plan..." Emma said. "That's harder than you think here, love. Trust me, I'd know. I lived in this hell hole for quite a long time," I said to Emma. "We'll find a way. We have to... If not... we'll be executed tomorrow," Emma said. "Then we need to hurry... because I don't intend to die tomorrow..."

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