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 HERE IT IS! BONUS CHAPTER NUMBER 1!! HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! IF, YOU DO, THEN I'LL MAKE ONE AFTER EVERY SEASON!!(makes it easier for me that way instead of half season as not much can be done in that short span of time) Also, since it is YOU who plays Scarlett, YOU can give input on what you'd like to see in these types of chapters! So, just comment what you guys would like! <3 <3 <3 (by the way, for the interview, most of the questions are things I thought I'd like to tell you guys... to explain as some of my friends who read this story often ask me these questions and stuff... So enjoy! ALSO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR THE NEXT BONUS CHAPTER, FEEL FREE TO COMMENT THEM SO I CAN ANSWER THEM IN INTERVIEW FORM!)


Y/N's P.O.V.

"AND CUT!" the director yelled, "That's it, everyone!" "Yes!" I sighed happily, high-fiving Jennifer who stood next to me as we finished shooting the final scene of season 3. "Can I stay in these pajamas, guys?" I asked, walking off the set, Jared and Parker by my side. "I'm staying in mine," Parker chuckled. "Jared, would you like to join the Pajama Squad?" I asked Jared, wiggling my eyebrows at him. He laughed, "Oh, yeah. Definitely." "Good," I said before slinging an arm around each boy's shoulders. "My boys," I said, smiling. "Ooh, don't let Robbie hear you," Parker said, a smirk on his face. I shook my head, "Shut up, loser." "Y/N! C'mere!" I heard someone call for me. "See ya, boys," I said, walking towards the person who called me.

"Hey, Colin. Jen," I said, walking over to Colin as he was who called me over, Jen by his side. "Why is your nose red?" I asked. "I stood a bit too close to the door when Jen slammed it in my face," Colin chuckled. "Ouch. Gotta hurt," I said, pulling a pained face. "It did," Colin said. "I said I was sorry," Jen said, shaking her head. "I think he deserved it... Or rather Hook deserved it," I said, smirking. "Thanks... both of you, really. I appreciate it," Colin said, his Irish accent coming out strongly. "You just went really Irish right there," Jen said. "Top of the morning to ya, Colin! How ya doin', boy-o?" I asked, faking an Irish accent to which Jen laughed hysterically and Colin bitchfaced me. "Ha Ha. Very funny," Colin said, sarcasm dripping off his every word. "Aren't I just hilarious?" I asked, dramatically flipping my hair. "Yes." "No." Jen and Colin said, respectively. "So, the reason I have been summoned by the great O'Donoghue is because...?" I asked, my question trailing. "Your ex has been calling you and you haven't been answering. He took to calling me in hopes of getting to speak to you," Colin said, waving his phone in front of me. "What did you tell him?" I asked. "That you were busy and in no way wanted to have any form of interaction with him at any moment in time for a very long time," Colin said. "Good. That little shit needs to leave me alone..." I said, rolling my eyes at the thought of my ex, Jaxon. "Oh, and your current boyfriend is also looking for you," Colin said, a smirk on his face. I shook my head, "I can't leave my phone anywhere, can I?" "Nope," Jen and Colin said in unison. "You guys suck. Alright... See you tomorrow," I said waving at them as I walked off towards my trailer.

I walked into my trailer and grabbed my phone, calling back my boyfriend, Robbie. "Y/N! You finally answered! I didn't want to call too many times in fear of interrupting you on set," Robbie said, answering the phone. "No, it's fine, Robbie. I left my phone in my trailer. Been trying to ignore you-know-who," I said, mentally gagging at the thought of Jaxon. "He's still calling you?" Robbie asked in disbelief. "Yup. You'd think he'd give up after almost a year of ignoring him, but I guess not," I said. "Didn't you block his number?" Robbie asked. "Yeah, but he somehow got Colin's and is calling him in hopes of getting to speak to me," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Are you coming soon?" he asked, changing the subject. "Tomorrow? Oh, uh, yeah. We're all hopping on a plane tomorrow morning to go to Anaheim," I said, remembering WonderCon was in 2 weeks. "So, I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Robbie asked. "Yup," I said. Robbie had already left for Anaheim along with some others in the cast as today was the last day of shooting for season 3 completely. I was just happy to get out of Vancouver, even though it was the middle of April, it was still really cold up here. "Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow, love," Robbie said. "See you tomorrow... Love you, Robbie," I said. "I love you, Y/N... Bye," Robbie said before hanging up. I sat down on my couch and turned on my TV, going into Netflix and continuing on to the next episode of Supernatural, one of my favorite TV shows. I had gotten into the show a few years ago and really got hooked and it felt really amazing to meet the actors of the show since Supernatural, OUAT, and plenty other shows were shot here in Vancouver. I became friends with Colin Ford who plays young Sam in the show. He's one of the few friends I have that are my age nowadays.

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