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Scarlett's P.O.V.

We were all listening to Neal as he explained how he got off the island. I was still monumentally passed at him and he definitely didn't trust me anymore... everyone else in the camp was passed at me about the whole loving Peter pan thing... except for Mary Margaret, so I stayed near her the whole time. "Pan's shadow? That's your way off the island?" Emma asked. "Unfortunately, it's the only way," Neal shrugged. "Oh. We thought you learned how to navigate the stars," David said. "I know how to navigate the stars, but I can't fly," Neal said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world... which it was. "I'm guessing that's where the shadow comes in," Mary Margaret said. Well, don't you deserve a gold star! Of course that's where the shadow comes in to this whole mess of a situation. "That's why we have to capture it," Neal said. "Capture it ? We've never been within 10 feet of Pan unless he wanted us to be. Sneaking up on him to steal his shadow? That sounds insane," Emma said.

Everyone looked at me for some reason. "What?" I asked. Wait... they don't think... "Scarlett... you were with Pan... wouldn't you know how to get the shadow?" Neal asked. "I only met the shadow once and it was the creepiness thing I'd ever seen... His shadow is hardly ever with him." "It's an entity unto itself," Hook explained, "It can carry out his will from miles away." "What does that mean for us?" David asked. "It means we can get his shadow without having to be anywhere near Pet... Pan..." I said. I need to get used to saying Pan... but it just... it makes him sound evil... he's not evil... not completely... "As long as we know where to look. I know where to look," Neal said, finishing my sentence.

"Okay. You and I are on shadow duty," Emma said. "As am I. This trek won't be easy. You could use another veteran of the island," Hook said. "Well, if that's the case then I should come too..." I said. I had been here before. "It's too dangerous, Scarlett... You're going with David and Mary Margaret... wherever they're going," Hook said. "We'll give Tinker Bell a heads up, see if she can make good on her promise to get us into Pan's camp," David said. I would do that if I hadn't have teleported away... damn it... "Okay, we meet back at Tink's. Then we get Henry and get the hell back to Storybrooke," Emma said and everyone agreed with the plan. I had no choice... I love Peter... I've already admitted it... I don't want to go back to Storybrooke where no one cares about me... I want to stay in Neverland... the one place I ever felt like I belonged... I sighed as I stood up and we all split up into two parts. Time to go meet Tinkerbell... I just hope she is the same as in the stories...


We were on our way to Tink's hut and ever since we split from Emma, Hook, and Neal, the happy go lucky Charmings have been fighting the whole time... I had decided to ignore them after 10 minutes... They were giving me a headache. Why couldn't I have just gone with the others? Oh, right! Because I could 'get hurt' or 'die'! Ugh... such trivial things as those are the reason they never were able to find Henry. They'd still be lost if it weren't for me. "I think Tinkerbell's is that way," I heard Mary Margaret say and I looked to see which way she was going and followed her.

They were fighting again and I was this fucking close to exploding. I turned around and opened my mouth to yell at them, but then they both calmed down. They began to work it all out and finally... they fixed everything... Like it was that easy... talking... it couldn't be that easy... could it? Maybe I should've listened to Hook and Emma... Let them explain... but I'd still feel this way... worthless... I'd still be the product of two complete strangers getting it on... but maybe I could fix things with them... forgive them... maybe... no.... Emma has Neal again... So I can scratch any ideas of Hook, Emma, and I being one big ol' happy family... Literally... all of Storybrooke is related in some kind of way... I shook off those thoughts and kept walking towards Tink's hut.

David, Mary Margaret, and I finally arrived at Tinkerbell's place. "I was wondering if I'd see you again. But if you've come to talk me into helping you before you've found a way off this island, I still..." "We found one... or we're about to," David said, cutting Tink off. "I'm not sure I like the sound of 'about to'... and who's this?" Tink asked, looking at me. "I'm Scarlett... I" "Scarlett? You mean the little girl that Hook killed all those years ago?" Tink asked, astonished. "Yeah well... Smee isn't very good at drowning people... especially when The Dark One is nearby," I shrugged. Isn't it just lovely to find out that your father tried to kill you once? Yeah, no... "Pan's shadow. Emma went with Hook and Neal to capture it. That's our way off the island," Mary Margaret said. "Capture Pan's shadow? Yeah, I'm not lifting a finger until I see some proof that you've actually succeeded," Tink said and I smirked. I liked her. She's the sassy Tinkerbell I grew up reading about and I loved it. Finally, some normalcy around here...

Neal, Hook and Emma finally arrived after Tink spoke "Hey. Here's all the proof you need. It's been a long time, Tink," Neal said. "Bae? Is it really you?" Tink asked. Okay, so everyone knows each other. Can we get moving now? "Yeah. Most people call me Neal now," Neal shrugged. "We did it. Are you finally ready to do your part, Tink?" Hook asked, getting down to business. Finally... Jesus... I'm more like Hook than I want to admit... "Yes. Yes, I am," Tink said and we set off to get Henry.

Peter's P.O.V.

I was sitting down, waiting for Henry to come back from speaking with Wendy. "Peter?" a voice called. I turned around to see no one. It sound just like Scarlett. "Haha... Feather Boy! Come catch me!" the voice called again... but Scarlett sounded like herself when she was younger. I'm hallucinating now... great... Damnit... I fucked up... I lied to Andrew and Felix and Scarlett thought it was the truth... I fucked up really bad. As soon as all this heart of the truest believer nonsense is over, I'm going to win Scarlett back... I need her... She makes me happy... She makes me better... I'm a different person when I'm with her and there's no point in lying to myself about it because I know it's true... Scarlett Mills has stolen my heart... and I intend on getting hers and mine back...

Scarlett's P.O.V.

As we were on our way, Tink stopped me and waited for everyone to pass by before speaking, "Scarlett... You may not remember me... But I remember you." "That's not possible... I got all my memories back from 11 years ago and you weren't in any of them," I said. "Well, you never really met me... I watched you, though... from the shadows... If you can't tell... Pan and I aren't exactly best friends," Tink said. Opposite of stories. I'm telling you. I was not prepared for this shit. "I've learned... Also learned that everyone hates Pan for some reason... Why is that? Why is he evil?" I asked. "I've got no idea," Tink shrugged, "But what I do know... and what I pulled you back for... is that Pan was even more of a monster when you 'died'... As soon as he found out, he killed a lot of his Lost Boys and most of Hook's crew... not with his shadow... but with his own two hands... He was burning with anger and grief and it couldn't be controlled. He came after me once, but I wasn't at my hut when he did... If I was, I'd be dead right now." My eyes widened. How could a catastrophe such as that one come about from me 'dying'?

"Are you serious? How... W-why?" I asked, dumbstruck. "It's obvious he cares about you... He still does... I was watching you the other day as well... when you were practicing magic..." she said and my eyes widened as I went to cover her mouth from proceeding. "Shh... They don't know about that," I said, nodding my head ahead of us where everyone else was. I let go of her and she whispered, "I saw it... I saw you... you held that same look in your eyes from when you were little... My whole point is, from the beginning, you were Pan's only redemption... his only source of light... Everybody's noticed how the island gets brighter when you're here... You may be the only way to stop Pan... no matter what your family thinks... this is all going to come down to you and him... you are the only person that has any real influence on him and you need to use it to save your brother-" "Or die trying," I finished for her. "I know what I need to do... But not how I need to do it," I sighed. "It doesn't matter what you do... Just do it and make sure Pan is there to see it... and try not getting yourself killed actually... I don't think anyone wants a relapse of what happened 11 years ago," Tink said. I thought for a moment... What could I do to make Peter stop this insanity... whatever it was... I'd have to wait to know his plan before I can think of mine... but... like Tink said... In the end, it all comes down to Peter Pan and me, Scarlett Mills...

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