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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"Scarlett? Scarlett, wake up... Scarlett, I can't reach the brown drink at the top of the white rectangle," someone whispered. "Ungh hm huh uh," I responded, groggily. I slowly peeled my eyes open to see Elian right in front of my face. I would have jumped 100 feet in the air in surprise if it weren't for the fact that I was still dead tired. "Good morning to you, too, Elian," I mumbled. "Good morning, Scarlett," he whispered, grinning. He had the cutest smile, especially since he had lost one of his front teeth sometime over the course of the missing year. I attempted to sit up, but felt it harder than usual... as if someone was keeping me down. "Scarlett... you're being held captive," Elian whispered, speaking as if we were in a game... Only one person lives their life as a game and they are right behind me... I turned my head slightly to see Peter right behind me. Only now did I realize his arms wrapped around my waist, and his chest up against my back. We were practically spooning... I smiled... My Peter... the Peter that remembers me would do this... He's still in there... and he's on his way out, hopefully.

I carefully unwrapped myself from Peter's embrace, instantly feeling colder without him, and got out of bed slowly, so as not to wake him. I took Elian downstairs to the kitchen and opened the 'white rectangle' to get the 'brown drink' on the top shelf. "Here, Eli," I said, pouring him and myself a glass, "This is chocolate milk... no, there aren't chocolate cows." I laughed, seeing his face light up and then frown in disappointment. I handed him his cup and said, "And that 'white rectangle'... that's a fridge... You put food and drinks and other stuff in there to store them." He looked at the fridge in awe. I giggled, "It's not that big of a deal, Eli... You wanna see something cool?" I asked. He nodded. "Good. Let's go get ready... grab some food at Granny's, then I'll show you a bunch of cool things in this town," I smiled, and he ran upstairs to his room to get ready.

I walked back up the stairs to my room and picked out an outfit for the day. I then went to the bathroom to get ready, in case Peter wakes up while I'm changing. After getting ready, I walked out of the bathroom to see Peter sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked worried... scared... lost... "Hey, Peter... What's up? You look like you had a nightmare or something," I said. "Huh? Oh... yeah... Nightmare... well... not really... just a... weird dream... I don't understand it," he said, shaking his head. 'What was it?" I asked. He shook his head, "No. it... it's nothing..." "Are you sure? Because-" "Yes, Scarlett... I'm sure," Peter said. "Okay... Well, Elian and I are gonna go get something to eat... Then, I'm gonna show him around the town. You can join, too... If you want," I said. He looked to be thinking about it before nodding, "I'd love to." I smiled, "Good... Okay... Um... here," I said, walking into my closet and then back out, "You can wear this until I'm able to get you some real guy clothes." I handed him an old adidas sweatshirt of mine and a pair of baggy jeans that should fit him. "As for shoes... well you screwed for now... You might as well wear your super pointy shoes," I laughed. He nodded and I left to let him change.


We were now in Granny's diner. It was early in the morning. I called Emma before we had left to see if she needed me for anything. She said to keep a look out for any suspicious women and that she was going to investigate Regina's office for any physical evidence of the Wicked Witch. I told her if she needed me to just call me. Elian, Peter, and I were eating eggs and bacon when Felix and Henry walked in. "Hey, Scarlett," Felix smiled. "Mind if we join you three?" Henry asked. I patted the spot next to me and the 5 of us squeezed in the tiny booth. Felix and Elian on one side, Peter, Henry and I on the other. Felix glared at Peter as we all ate and talked. Henry and Elian became quick friends even thought they had about a 6 year age difference. Felix, Peter, and I talked about random things, but Felix's eyes never left Peter.

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