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Scarlett's P.O.V.


"Peter? Peter where are you?" I asked, walking down the dark, unlit streets of Storybrooke. "Peter?" I called again, fear beginning to overwhelm me as I slowly walked, each step louder than the one before. "P-Peter, seriously! Where are you?" I yelled into the never-ending darkness ahead of me. "Scarlett..." I heard a voice whisper. "Who's there? Peter?" I asked, following the voice. "Not quite, dearie," an all too familiar voice sounded from behind me. I gasped and turned quickly to find the demonic red-head, but nobody was there. "Zelena! What have you done with Peter?!" I yelled, looking all around me for the wicked witch. "She hasn't done anything with your precious lover, Little Bird," another familiar voice said. "A-Andrew?" I asked, searching everywhere for the supposedly dead Lost Boy. "I'm over here, Scarlett," Andrew's chilling voice sang from far away. I followed the voice, but once again... nobody was there. "Zelena! Andrew! Where is Peter Pan?!" I yelled, fed up with all the taunting. "Now, now, Scarlett. I would be nice if I were you. You wouldn't want either of us to hurt your precious Feather Boy, would you?" Zelena asked, appearing in front of me. "Where is he?" I asked, gritting my teeth, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill. "He's here... somewhere," Andrew said, also appearing in front of me next to Zelena. "What do you two want with me? With him?" I asked. "Why, it's simple, really..." Zelena began. "Revenge," Zelena and Andrew said in unison.

Zelena then used her magic to teleport me somewhere. "Where am I? Zelena! Andrew!" I yelled. I tried to stand, but suddenly the ground wobbled underneath me. Earthquake? No... This wasn't an earthquake. I looked down to see I was sitting in a paddleboat. "Welcome to Storybrooke, Scarlett," a satanic-sounding voice said and I was suddenly underwater and gasping for air. I scratched at the arm holding me down, trying to get them to let go so I could swim up for air. "Help!" I screamed under the water, my voice bubbling as water seeped into my lungs. I looked around trying to free myself before something grabbed my leg and I was dragged even further under the way. I used my arms to try to swim up, but to no avail. Then, I was dragged onto land and I sucked in a deep breath of air. I looked around to see I was in the middle of... Neverland? "Peter? Peter, are you here?" I asked, standing up. My clothes were soaking wet as was my hair. "Possibly," a different voice said. I knew this one as well. "Gold?" I asked. "Not quite," the voice giggled. "Rumplestiltskin," I said. "There you go," Rumple said, appearing in front of like Zelena and Andrew had. "Where is Peter?" I asked. "Why... He's... Somewhere in Neverland," Rumple giggled before disappearing.

"Scarlett!" There it was. The voice I'd been dying to hear. "Peter, I'm coming!" I yelled. I followed Peter's voice as he continued to yell my name. "Peter, where are you?!" I yelled into the forest. I could hear his voice clearly... I just couldn't see him. "Scarlett," a pained voice whimpered. I gulped and slowly looked down to see Peter lying on the floor, blood seeping out of his chest. "Peter!" I gasped and dropped at his side. "Peter... Peter, you're gonna be okay," I said, putting pressure on there wound. "Sc-Scarlett... Scarlett, I..." Peter's eyes then glassed over as he stopped breathing. "Peter? Peter? Peter?" I asked, tears flowing down my cheeks as I shook him, trying to wake him up. "Peter!" I yelled, his death hitting me. Hard. "Peter, please," I whimpered, resting my hand on his cheek. "You should have known this would happen, Scarlett," Rumplestiltskin sadistic giggling voice said. "Wh-What?" I asked. "I thought you'd have learned by now," Rumple giggled, "Pan is a villain... and villains don't get happy endings."

*Dream End*


Peter's P.O.V.

Why am I shaking? No. I'm not shaking. The bed is. Why is the bed shaking. "Peter?" I heard Scarlett ask. "Yes," I whispered, still in a semi-sleep state. "Peter, I'm coming!" she yelled. What the...? I slowly opened my eyes to see Scarlett tossing and turning in her sleep. "Scarlett? Scarlett, are you okay?" "Peter? Peter......... Peter!" Scarlett yelled. I could see tears cascading down her cheeks. "Scarlett, wake up. Scarlett! Scarlett!" I yelled, trying to shake her awake. "Villains...get...endings..." Scarlett mumbled before shooting up in bed, screaming. "Scarlett! Scarlett! Scarlett, I'm here. I'm right here," I said, calming Scarlett down. She panted as she turned to look at me before whimpering, "Peter?" "Yes, it's me. I'm here. I'm right here for you, Little Bird," I said, pulling her into a hug. I let her sob into my chest for a few minutes.

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