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Scarlett's P.O.V.

It was night now, and everyone was partying and celebrating. I sat next to Henry, trying to get him to join in on the fun. "You don't want to join in the celebration, Henry?" Peter asked. I had noticed him staring at us from a distance, his famous panpipe in his hands. "Nothing to celebrate," Henry said. I groaned. I had spent the last 10 minutes trying to convince him to come party with me. I wonder if I was this hard headed when I was 12. "Nothing to celebrate?" Peter asked. He chuckled, "Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you and Scarlett." "Me? Us? Why?" Henry asked. Okay, I sure as hell wasn't this slow when I was 12. "Because you've come to save magic, of course," Peter said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "And I for one can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that. Just look at them." "I'm not like them. Or you," Henry said. "Sure you are. Scarlett is. Isn't that right, Scarlett?" Peter said and I nodded happily. "You're still a boy, Henry. Maybe a song will get you on your feet," Peter said and began playing his panpipe.

Suddenly, the most melodious sound played and I felt... distant... away from myself... yet extremely happy... and I felt the urge to party stronger than before. I smiled as my mind drifted farther, the music wrapping itself around me. "Sorry. I-I don't hear anything," Henry said. "Are you deaf, Henry?" I asked, my mind still wandering as the music continued. Then, it was gone. The music had stopped and I was pulled back to myself. "Interesting," Peter said, looking at both of us with a wondering expression. "You see this pipe's enchanted, Henry and Scarlett," Peter said, staring at me, "It can only be heard by certain children." "Like who?" Henry asked. Like me... Peter looked away from me to see Felix angrily pushing through Lost Boys. Shut. What if he knows I saw Neal and him talking and is going to tell Peter. "You'll find out soon enough, I promise," Peter said and left.

"What? I know that look. What happened?" I strained my ears to try to overhear Peter and Felix's conversation. "Baelfire. I'm afraid he got away," Felix said, emotionless as always. "Well, then why didn't you get him back?" Peter asked, getting angrier by the second. "I tried," Felix defended, "I followed his trail and found two of our sentries knocked out... by a sleeping spell." Sleeping spell? Now, I wonder who could've done that. It was obviously Regina... or Gold. But why would Gold be here? "The Dark One," Peter said. Yep. Gold is here. Felix nodded slightly. "So father and son have been reunited," Peter said. Felix looked me and Henry's way and I quickly averted my gaze to the burning, crackling fire. "They'll be coming for the boy... maybe even Scarlett as well," Felix said. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Peter slightly tense at that. "We should move them somewhere safe," Felix suggested. "Now, now, Felix," Peter scoffed, "Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin."

An hour or two had passed and Henry was still sitting in the same spot as he has been since he got here. I walked over to Peter who sitting on a rock in the middle of camp. "Hey, Peter?" "Yes, Scarlett?" he said, standing. "This has been bugging me for a bit but um... how are Henry and I supposed to save magic, as you say we must do?" I asked. He tensed slightly at the question. "You will learn soon, Scarlett," was all he said before a howling wind blew through the camp and everyone except Peter and I passed out. I quickly pretended to pass out. I wasn't sure why I decided to d o that, but I did and Peter quickly caught me, laying me gently on the ground in front of him.

"We have a guest!" Peter said, walking away from me. I opened my eyes a bit to see what was going on. "No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games," Peter said, wandering around the camp. "Who could it be?" he asked, sarcastically, "I guess... the Dark One." Peter used his magic to light a fire again and Gold stood in front of him with some odd warrior paint on his face. "Come to save Henry, have you, laddie?" he asked Gold. "How exciting," he whispered. "The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family," Peter said, lighting another fire, "You can come out now, Baelfire." Neal came out of the shrubbery holding a crossbow aimed at Peter's chest. I held back the urge to get up and stop what I knew would happen. But I had already seen Peter stop an arrow an inch from his chest, surely he could do it again. "Name's Neal now," Neal said. "New name, but the same old tricks," Peter said, "It's heartwarming to see father and son working together. Especially after you abandoned him, Rumple. This is a really family reunion." Damn, that was cold, Peter. Not like Gold didn't deserve it, though. "What are you waiting for?" Gold asked. "I got this," Neal said, firing the arrow. I gasped a little, but thankfully nobody heard me. Peter caught the arrow an inch from hitting him again and chuckled, "Clever. But we've been through this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?" "I remember plenty," Neal said, "That's why I didn't coat the tip." Soon, a blue magic covered Peter and he was stuck where he stood.

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