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Scarlett's P.O.V.

It's been quite a while since Emma and Mary Margaret disappeared. But, it appears that they were actually sent to the Enchanted Forest where they found Mulan, Prince Philip, and Aurora... But, then they also found Regina's mom, Cora... which happens to be my middle name... I've always wondered where she got that name from. And, as it turns out, she is teamed up with Captain Hook to get to Storybrooke instead of Emma and Mary Margaret and we all know that Cora and Hook coming here is not a good thing because they are, of course, villains... Plus, Emma seems to know Hook. She wouldn't tell us how she knows him considering him and the rest of the surviving Enchanted Forest inhabitants were frozen for 31 years...Oh! And to make matters worse, DAVID IS IN A FUCKING COMA! YET, THAT SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH EMMA AND MARY MARGARET BECAUSE AURORA HAS NIGHT TERRORS! AND, THE ONLY WAY TO WAKE UP DAVID IS TRUE LOVE'S KISS! SO, IF EMMA AND MARY MARGARET DONT COME BACK, THIS TOWN WONT HAVE A LEADER AND EVERYTHING WILL GO TO HELL! But, in other news, I got a driver's license and an extra ear piercing...or 3...

Henry and I were reading the 'Snow White' story to David from the storybook when Regina walked in. Henry was reading the part where Charming kissed Snow and she woke up. "I think this time, it'll happen the other way around," Regina said. "You think so?" Henry asked. "I do. Which is why I need you two to stay here and watch David for a little while," Regina said. "Where are you going?" I asked, skeptically. "Mr. Gold and I need to prepare for Emma and Mary Margaret's return. Coming through the portal won't be easy. We need to make sure everything's in place," Regina said. For some reason, I didn't trust her. Oh, maybe it's because her andy Gold don't really have a good track record with being...well... good. "Really? You're really going to help them?" I asked. "I promised you two I was going to do better – to be better. So, yes, I'm going to do everything in my power to see to it they come home safely," she said. "Wow. You really have changed," Henry said, totally convinced. Regina nodded and said, "Be back as soon as I can," before walking out. "Do you really trust her, Henry?" I asked him. "Yeah. Of course... Why wouldn't I?" He asked me. "Henry, I'm 16... I know that the world isn't what it seems... You think of it as this happy place where everyone is capable of second chances... but... I know now that not everyone can change," I said. "This isn't really the real world. This is a town filled with fairytales. Things that ordinarily would never happen. And, in those fairytales, anything is possible. Just like mom becoming good is possible. Scarlett, just because you're growing up, doesn't mean you have to stop believing," Henry said. "I do believe, Henry. All I want is to believe that happy endings are real, but how is any of that possible if I'm stuck in this damn town for all my life. There is no getting out of here and that is exactly what I wanna do! Get out. See the world. See a world! I don't care... I'm just not the type of girl that can keep her feet on the ground and I'm also not the kind of girl that thinks that Regina and Gold can change. Maybe... and this is like a huge maybe... but maybe... Regina might be able to change, but I just have this odd feeling that Gold will never, ever, ever change. But, if you believe, I'll believe. I just wanna hold on to any adolescence I can find right now and if that means I have to accept the fact that we are literally living in a fairytale then... so be it..." I said. Henry smiled at me and kept on reading the book.

About an hour later, Ruby came running in to where Henry and I were. Henry was halfway through the Snow White story... for the third time... "Scarlett! Come! Now!" Ruby said and I quickly jumped up. Henry stood to follow but I stopped him and said, "Henry... stay and uh... keep reading... okay?" "Yeah.. yeah. Okay," Henry said and sat back down, continuing to read. I ran out and followed Ruby. "Ruby... What's wrong?" I asked as we ran. "Leroy... he... the mines... something's wrong," was all she said and we quickly made our way to the mines. "Leroy! What is it? What's the emergency? Leroy," Ruby asked. I looked up at the ceiling where the diamonds should've been. Leroy looked at us, frazzled, and said, "They're gone. They're all gone."

Ruby, Leroy, and the rest of the dwarves all walked back to where Henry was. They were all asking me hundreds of questions. "Where are they? Regina and Gold," Ruby asked me as I walked up to Henry. "What's going on?" Henry asked. "All the magic has been drained from the mines," I told him. Henry needed to know. I knew they couldn't change... I knew they were up to something. "They stole it?" Henry asked, surprise and hurt written all over his face. "They snuck in after our shift and took everything. Nobody steals from a dwarf!" Leroy said, angrily. "Except the Queen," Doc said. "...And Rumpelstiltskin," Happy chimed in, not so happily. "If they're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret that... That means our mom lied to us, Scarlett. You were right," he said, sadly. "I'm sorry, Henry," Ruby said. "We need to find her. We need to stop them. We need to help Emma and Mary Margaret," I said, pulling Henry close in an attempt to reassure him.

Henry, Ruby, and I ran to the wishing well, in hopes of stopping Gold and Regina. When we got there, we saw Gold and Regina watching as the curse or whatever they did began grow and brew inside the well. "Mom? You're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret, are you?" Henry asked. "I'm helping you, Henry... and Scarlett," Regina said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You're going to kill them," Ruby realized. Mr. Gold magically shot Ruby back with the wand and knocked her out. "Ruby!" I yelled. I ran over to her and checked to make sure she was alright. Thankfully, she was. "Sorry, dearie," Gold said, sarcastically. "Asshole," I muttered. "Mom, what are you doing?" Henry asked. "We can't let Cora come through the portal. You have no idea what she would do to us," Regina pleaded. "Emma and Mary Margaret are going to defeat her. They're the ones that are going to come through," I said, balling my fists as I walked next to my brother.

"Henry, Scarlett, your mother's right. It's going to be Cora," Gold said. "No. It won't," Henry said, getting angry. "Good always defeats evil. You should know that more than anyone," I said. "What I know, is my mother will destroy everything I love – and that means you two. And I can't let that happen," Regina said. Henry and I ran over to the well to try to stop the spell, but Regina held us back. "You can't! Stop it! You can't! You're going to kill them! Please! No! They're going to make it through! We have to turn it off! You're going to kill them!" I yelled. Henry broke free from Regina but was quickly pulled back. She had a strong grip on my jacket. "Henry! Scarlett! What are you doing?" Regina yelled. "Emma and Mary Margaret are going to come through. I know it. You said you wanted to change – to be better. This is how. You want us to have faith in you? Have faith in us," Henry pleaded. Regina looked to be contemplating this. "Regina," Gold said, pulling her out of her thoughts. Regina walked up to the well and extended her arms over the electrical barrier. She used her magic to absorb the storm into her body, removing the barrier to the portal. The power of the magic threw her back. Even though she removed the barrier, no one seemed to be coming through the portal.

"No!" Henry yelled. "I'm sorry, Henry... Scarlett... I'm sorry," Regina said, solemnly. Suddenly, a hand popped out of the well and grabbed the edge. I ran over to the well and saw it was Emma pulling herself out. Mary Margaret followed close behind. "Mom?" I asked, excitedly. "Scarlett! Henry!" Emma yelled, happily. "Mom!" Henry and I yelled in unison, running up to Emma. We hugged her and Mary Margaret joined in. "I missed you!" Emma said. "We missed you, too," I said, smiling. "I missed you both so much," Emma sighed. When we pulled away, I noticed Gold slowly sneaking away, but I didn't care right now. Regina was laying on the ground and Ruby was starting to wake up. "What's going on? What happened?" Mary Margaret asked. "She saved you. She saved both of you," Henry said, happily. "Thank you," Emma told Regina. "You're welcome," Regina said. "Are you okay?" Ruby asked, running towards Mary Margaret, pulling her into a hug. "Where's my husband? I need to find him," Mary Margaret said and her and Ruby ran to find David. "Um, your mom... She's, uh... She's... A piece of work, you know?" Emma told Regina. "Indeed, I do. Welcome back," she replied. Emma took a deep breath and said, "Thanks."

Later on, we all met up back at Gold's shop. Henry and I approached Regina, who was standing off to the side. "I was right. You really have changed," Henry told Regina, then looked over to me and said, "Told ya so." "Shut up, shorty," I said, and ruffled his hair. Henry and I then wrapped our arms around Regina, who cautiously returns the hug. "Thank you," I said. Emma walked back in and talked to Ruby, Mary Margaret and David. She then turned to me sand Henry and said, "Hey, kids. You hungry?" "Yeah," Henry and I said in unison, which we are for some reason really good at doing. "We'll see you later," I told Regina as we walked out, off to eat some well deserved victory dinner.

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