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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I ran and ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me through the forest. I had to get away. They were scared. The Snow Queen was right. How could she have been right? How could I have been wrong? They were all scared... So scared. I tripped over a root and landed on my face on the grass. I was panting and shaking and my head was throbbing. I couldn't breathe. I can't breathe. Everything looked to be spinning and spinning... round and round and round. My thoughts were swimming but one main, clear thought came to mind before I blacked out, "They are scared of me..."


I woke up to my hands crackling and sparking. I gasped and sat up, wondering where the hell in the forest I was. "Henry!" I heard Emma yell. Where was that coming from? Where are they. "Emma?! Henry?!" I yelled into the forest. I ran towards the sound and the voices got clearer and clearer. "Emma? Henry?" I asked when I came across Emma's bug and Emma next to it with Henry standing away from her. "What happened?" I asked. "Scarlett? Scarlett, you too?" Emma asked, seeing my sparking hands. "Yeah," I nodded. "What happened?" I asked, seeing Henry's bloody hand. "Nothing. I'm fine," Henry said. "Doesn't look like fine to me," I said, shaking my head. "I hurt him. And he needs to go. Henry, you need to leave," Emma said. "Mom. Scarlett," Henry said, coming towards us. My hands sparked as Emma said, "Stop! Please, don't come any closer. I love you, kid, but you got to go." He still wouldn't move. "Just go!" I yelled, my hands letting off a burst of magic like earlier. Henry ran away after that.

Emma and I looked at each other with pained expressions. "I know exactly how you two feel... Seeing the fear in his eyes," The Snow Queen said from behind us, appearing out of nowhere. Emma and I turned around, both our hands letting off bursts of magic that, sadly, missed the Snow Queen. "You are out of control. Both of you. But, Emma...Scarlett... you're not going to hurt me. Nor should you. I'm on your side," The Snow Queen said. "Just leave us the hell alone," Emma said as she walked passed her and to her car. "You can run, but it won't help. The only way this ends is you embracing who you are," The Snow Queen said, looking between Emma and I. "If it means hurting people I love, no, thanks. C'mon, Scarlett," Emma said, motioning me over to the car. I walked passed the Snow Queen and got in the passenger seat of the car as Emma started it up and drove away.


"How are we going to fix this, mom?" I asked, looking at my sparking hands. "I don't know," she said, shaking her head, her eyes never leaving the road as she drove. "Maybe Gold can help us... I mean... it won't be easy to convince him... but we could try?" I suggested, looking at Emma. "Sure... Let's give it a shot," Emma nodded, changing course and driving to Gold's shop.

When we arrived, Gold wasn't here yet. We decided it'd be best to hide in case someone other than Gold came in. We weren't able to hide very well considering every electronic thing turned on when we walked by them. A few minutes later, we heard someone walk in. It took a few seconds before we heard them speak, "If you're trying to hide from me, Ms. Swan and/or Scarlett, you're doing a poor job." Gold. "We're not hiding from you," Emma said. "We're hiding from everyone else," I finished. "Ah. So Belle tells me. She was watching Neal all night," Gold said. "While our family was searching for us, we know. Our magic is hurting people, Gold... People we love. We need you to help us control it," Emma pleaded. "What makes you think I'm your best option?" Gold asked. "Because I... hurt Henry," Emma said. "I hurt Felix," I muttered sadly, remembering the scene like it was only moments ago. "What?" Gold asked. "I... He's okay, but it was just luck. You're probably the only person who's safe around us right now. We need you to help before we hurt anybody else," Emma said. "There's only one way to help with this affliction," Gold said. "Do it," I said immediately, looking up at him. "You haven't heard what I have to say," Gold said. "We don't care. My son is in pain because of me. Just fix it," Emma demanded and I nodded.

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