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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Ice Wall. We're back at the ice wall. Peter and I stared up at it along with Kristoff, Anna, Elsa, Hook, Henry, and Emma. "Wow, that is a lot of ice," Anna commented. "And it's time for it to come down," Elsa said, approaching the wall. She then used her magic to take the wall down and once she had finished, there were no traces of ice whatsoever. It was gone for good. "Okay. Now can we go back home?" Anna asked, walking towards the town line. "STOP!" Emma and I yelled in unison, hurrying over to her. "Don't take another step! That's the town line," Emma warned. "Right. But I want to leave the town. Didn't I just say that?" Anna said. "The wall may be down, but I sense that some of Ingrid's magic remains," Emma said and I nodded. We both put our hands out at the line and felt a sort of forcefield. "Everything can be fixed in this town except the fact that no one can leave," I sighed. "Yeah, leaving this town has never been simple. And Ingrid? She didn't change things. She wanted to be here alone with Elsa, Scarlett, and I. She wanted to make Storybrooke her ice castle, and clearly she wanted to protect it," Emma said.

"So how do we get back home?" Anna asked. "Well, walking wouldn't have been the way to go either... considering you're from a different realm," I explained. "We need to find a portal. Or magic beans or something," Emma said. I noticed Peter shift a bit at that sentence. I quirked an eyebrow at him and he looked at me innocently. I shook my head, waving it off as nothing. "Okay, now I'm lost," Kristoff. "Well, then let's get one of those things. We have to hurry," Anna said. "No, we don't need to rush. We need to be careful. Arendelle will still be there while we figure this out," Elsa said. "It might not. Did we forget to tell her?" Anna asked, looking to Kristoff. "A lot of stuff was going on," Kristoff said. "Tell me what?" Elsa asked, worried. "Arendelle's been conquered... by Hans and his 12 brothers," Anna said. Elsa gasped at this. "Emma, Scarlett, we need to find a way back... Now," Elsa told us, worried. "We'll do our best," Emma said and I nodded. The thing is... finding a portal out of Storybrooke has never been an easy task...


Elsa, Anna, Emma, Kristoff, Peter, and I were currently all squished into a booth at Granny's trying to find a way to send the 3 foreigners back to Arendelle. "What about magic beans?" Anna asked. "Magic beans don't just grow on trees, Anna... Well, they might... I'm not so sure. But what I do know is that you're not gonna find any here in Storybrooke. They're rare. We'll have an easier chance of finding Narnia than we do of finding magic beans," I explained. "Narnia?" Kristoff asked. "Look, the point is, magic beans are out of the question. Impossible to find. We need to think of something else," I said, finalizing that theory. I looked to Peter next to me who was looking down, playing with the hem of his shirt as if he were guilty... or nervous. "Peter? Something wrong?" I whispered to him. "Hmm? No. Nothing," he shook his head, looking up at me. "Okay, then..." I trailed before my attention was brought to Emma who began telling us of other ideas she had.

A few minutes later, Hook walked in the diner acting... not like himself. "Swan. Come celebrate, for I may not be the Savior, but I've just saved the day," Hook said, summoning Emma over. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as Emma said to us, "Hang on. Don't get your hopes up yet," before walking off to talk to Hook. "What's up with him?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Anna asked. "Hook... Something's wrong... He's not himself," I said. "How do you know?" Kristoff asked. "He's my dad and while I may not have known him for long, one thing I do know is when he's not acting himself. Call it a family thing," I said, narrowing my eyes at Hook as I tried to decipher what was wrong with him. "Can't you tell, Peter?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of Hook. "I don't know what you're talking about. He looks just as annoyingly drunk, stupid, and naive as ever," Peter said, taking a sip of my coffee. I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled cheekily. "Get your own coffee, pretty boy," I said, taking the coffee from him and taking a sip myself. "But I quite like yours," Peter smirked, taking it back. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him again, smiling.

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