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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I never really feared death... I feared what happened after death... Is it just a black pit of nothingness for all eternity? All alone... or is it an eternity of rebirth... Honestly... I'm not sure which I would prefer... The first one is scary enough... being alone forever...but the second one... losing memory of everyone in my past life... they both sound terrible... A fear of death is like fear of the dark... your never scared of death or the dark... your afraid of what is lurking in that dark abyss...

3rd P.O.V.

After Henry had given Peter Pan Scarlett's heart unknowingly and Scarlett had died, Peter flew into the air, relishing his newfound magic. Emma, Neal, and Regina ran to Henry thinking he would die, but he didn't. He just looked up at Peter happily. "See! I told you I would be fine... But now I have to stay in Neverland... It's okay, though... Anything to save magic," Henry smiled at his family. Emma, Neal, and Regina looked at each other confused. They thought Henry would die. No one had noticed Scarlett's limp body on the ground yet... not even Peter.

He landed and was about to say a snarky comment about how he "didn't do anything" and that "Henry offered him his heart of his own free will" and other excuses that would keep him from feeling like even more of a monster than he already did, but his eyes widened in fear and confusion at the fact that Henry was, in fact, NOT dead. His mind blanked on the fact that Scarlett hadn't rushed to Henry... that Scarlett, too, could have given him her heart... He had completely forgotten about his only weakness. "Well... looks like I was right. I told you that Henry would be fine. I was right. I'm always right," Pan smirked, hiding his confusion and fear in his eyes. "Give us back Henry's heart," Emma demanded. "Why should I? Henry is fine. He's alive," Pan said, gesturing to the oddly living and breathing Henry. "We don't care. A heartless Henry is an emotionless Henry and that isn't a real Henry," Regina said.

"If you won't give us his heart, then I'm gonna take it back from you," Emma said and attacked Peter. he disappeared and then reappeared behind her and took Pandora's box. "I don't think you have it in you. Rumplestiltskin didn't. Why should you?" Peter asked. "Where is he?" Emma asked of Gold. "What did you do?' Neal asked. "Why, he's right in this box, safe and sound and out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. And neither can you," Peter said, his smirk only growing until it was a full smile. "Really?" Emma asked and jabbed Peter with her sword. "How did that feel?" she asked. "Like a tickle," Peter laughed and flew out of Skull Rock.


Emma, Regina, and Neal kept thinking of how Henry was alive and tossing around ideas and also tossing ideas on how to get 'Henry's' heart back. Henry was fighting with them on how he was fine and he would be fine and that he just had to stay in Neverland. That nothing was wrong. "Guys! I swear I'm fine! We don't need to get my heart back. I needed to save Neverland and magic by giving up my heart and I did it and everything is fine. Scarlett believes me! Don't you, Scarlett?" Henry said, gesturing towards where Scarlett once stood. "Scarlett?" Henry asked when he didn't receive an answer. Neither Neal, Emma, or Regina were listening to Henry. Henry turned to look at Scarlett and saw nothing. His eyes wandered down and he gasped when he saw Scarlett lying dead on the ground. "Scarlett!" he yelled and ran over to his unconscious older sister. At this, Neal, Emma, and Regina turned their heads to finally notice that Scarlett was dead.

"Scarlett?!" Emma and Regina exclaimed in sync. Neal was close behind them. They kneeled down in front of the unconscious girl and attempted to wake her up. "What happened to her?" Emma asked. Regina noticed something hidden in Scarlett's hand inside her jacket. She pulled out Scarlett's hand, revealing Henry's heart. "Who's heart is that?" Emma asked. Then it clicked and everyone looked up at Henry who stood there sad and shocked. "Wh-why are you guys staring at me?" Henry asked, tears welling in his eyes at the fact that his sister is possibly gone forever. Regina put her ear to Scarlett's chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat. She sat back up and shook her head, "Her heart's gone... and this wouldn't have happened to her for just ripping her own heart out..." "Which means what?" Emma asked, noticing Regina's hesitation to continue. "Which means that this is Henry's heart... and Scarlett's heart is inside Pan," Regina finished.

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