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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"How's he doing?" I asked, walking into Peter's hospital room the next day. "He woke up last night... but only for a second and all he said was your name before passing out again," Felix said. "I told you to call me if he woke up," I told him. "Oops?" Felix tried. I glared at him before walking over to Peter. I saw his cheek had stitches. "So he did need stitches," I said. "He also got a concussion," Felix said. "I knew it... I should be a doctor. I'm good at this," I smiled proudly. "You almost flunked biology. I don't think being a doctor is safe for anyone," Felix said. "Shut up," I said. "He won't be waking up for a while... How about you and I get some ice cream? I'm sure there's an ice cream place around here," I said. "There is... You went there with Pan, remember?" Felix asked. "I did? I don't remember ever getting ice cream with Peter... or... getting ice cream at all... Is there even an ice cream place around here?" I said, confused. "Scarlett... did you hit your head a bit too hard, too? You've been to that ice cream place a hundred times. Don't you remember?" he asked. "No... I... I-I don't..." I trailed. This was weird... How could I not remember the ice cream parlor? What's going on?


I was sitting in the hospital room with Peter and Felix when suddenly, all the lights went out. "What the fuck?" I asked, sitting up. I called Emma. "It's a town-wide blackout. You wanna meet David and I at the town line?" Emma said, answering the call. "Uh, yeah... I'll be there in a sec," I said, before hanging up. "Watch Peter. I'll be back later," I said. "Where are you going?" Felix asked. "To fix our little electricity issue," I said before using my magic to teleport to the town line just as David and Emma parked in front of me. I looked at the giant ice wall on the town line. "This looks like we're gonna have fun with the new villain in town, huh?" I asked sarcastically as Emma and David got out of the car.

"In case you were wondering, it goes the whole way around," Hook said, coming out of the forest. "Hook, I didn't know you were joining us," David said. "I get a distress call from a fair maiden, and I'm on the spot," Hook smirked. I rolled my eyes as Emma said, "I was not distressed, and you're saying this wall goes around what... The whole town?" "And that it does," Hook nodded. "So, once again, we can't leave Storybrooke," David sighed. "Doing more than keeping us inside, by the looks of that. Guess that's what caused the loss of power," Hook said, looking over at the fallen power line. "Look at you becoming a 21st-century man. Yeah. It looks to me like whoever was putting up the wall wasn't trying to take out the lights. They were just putting up the wall," Emma said. I nodded in agreement. "To keep us in... Why?" David asked. "Kill us all one by one. It's what I'd do," Hook said. "At least he says it with an optimistic smile, eh?" I asked, smiling myself. David left to the car. "I'm gonna go check the wall out," I said to Emma and Hook. "Be careful, Scarlett," Emma and Hook warned. "Will do, lovely parents o' mine," I said, smiling sarcastically. I stepped onto the ice and began searching around for any holes when I heard something to my left and saw movement. I turned around to Emma who also seemed to have noticed it. I nodded to her and she walked over to me. "You saw it, too?" I asked. She nodded, "Yeah. C'mon, kid. Let's go check it out," Emma said, leading the way.

Emma and I walked behind some ice columns when we were stopped by... a woman. "Hey. Who are you?" Emma asked. "My name is Elsa," the woman, Elsa, said, putting her arm out in front of her threateningly. "Okay, Elsa. It's okay. I'm Emma. This is my daughter, Scarlett. You want to tell us what you're doing out here? You have something to do with this... Wall?" Emma asked. "I'm looking for someone... My sister. I can't find her. This was hers," Elsa said. I put my hand out to check out the necklace she was showing us, but she pulled back defensively. "I found it in the store filled with things. Where is she?" Elsa said. 'Store filled with things.' Very descriptive. "I have no idea, but if you want us to help you, you have to help us. What's her name?" Emma asked. "Anna," Elsa said. "Well, Elsa. We'd love to he-" "Emma! Scarlett!" Hook called out, coming towards us with David. The snow falling around Elsa became stronger. I quickly realized her magic was bound to her emotions. If she gets scared, she loses control. "Stay back!" I yelled. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" David yelled, running to us. The snow around us got harder as ice spikes flew up around us. I looked up to see snow gathering above us. Avalanche. "No, no, no. Stay back. It's okay. She's just trying to find-" Emma was cut off by the snow and ice above us falling over and around us, separating Elsa, Emma, and I from David and Emma. I looked up as I slipped on ice and fell. Then... black...

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