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Scarlett's P.O.V.

As I was letting the information sink in, I suddenly got a phone call. In my daze, I found a way to grab my phone from my pocket and answer the call. "H-hello?" I asked. "Oh, Scarlett. Thank God... Where are you?" Emma asked. "I-I'm on my way to the hospital with Dr. Whale... Why?" I asked. "People have been going missing, Scarlett. Whoever cursed everyone again is picking them off one by one. Stay with someone at all times. And you have magic. Use it if necessary," Emma said. "Okay," I said. "Why are you going to the hospital, Scarlett?" she asked. "Uh... I don't know. Dr. Whale said to come with him. I guess he just wanted a partner with magic in case he gets taken. I don't know," I lied. "Okay well... be careful, Scarlett," she said. "Okay. Love you, mom.... Bye," I said and hung up. "You didn't tell her Pan's alive?" Whale asked. "Yeah... So?" "Why not?" he asked as we walked into the hospital. "They hate Peter... Why would I tell them that he's supposedly alive?" I rhetorically asked. He just shrugged and I kept following him until we stopped in front of a curtain.

"He's behind that...isn't he?" I gulped. I was nervous to see him again. For so many reasons. "Yes, but Scarlett... You should know something," he warned. "What?" I asked. "He-" "Dr. Whale? Is that you?" a voice asked from behind the curtain. "Peter?" I breathed, having heard his voice after so long. I ripped back the curtain and saw Peter sitting in a hospital bed, a confused expression plastered across his face. "Peter... You... Oh my god, you're alive," I smiled widely and ran over to him. I hugged him as tight as I possibly could. "Y-yeah..." he stuttered, "I... I guess I am... Um... Who are you?" My heart stopped. I pulled back quickly. "Peter... don't... don't you remember me?" I asked. "No... Should I?" he asked. "Peter, it's me. Scarlett," I said, tears pricking my eyes. I felt a sudden wave of déjà vu. "Who?" he asked, completely lost. "Peter, it's Scarlett. It's Little Bird. Please, you have to remember me. You have to. You... You... You have to, Peter," I begged, tears flowing down my face. "I'm sorry... but I don't," he said.

I turned to Dr. Whale, sadness gone and anger filling it's place. I pushed him up against the wall. "Why doesn't he remember?" I asked. "I-I don't know. He wasn't even here until yesterday. I was doing my daily check-ins and he was just there, passed out on the bed. When he woke up, he couldn't remember anything," Dr. Whale said. I let go of him and sighed. I played with the bracelet again, a tear dropping onto it. "You're gonna have to take him with you. Keep an eye on him. You can try to get his memory back. But he can't stay here forever," Dr. Whale said. I looked back at Peter, that stupid confused expression glued to his face. I'm gonna have to get used to that. "Fine. I'll take him. Is he good to go?" I asked. "Yeah. He's good to go," he said and I turned to face Peter. "Well... What are you waiting for? Get out of bed. Let's go," I said, "And wipe that confused expression off your face. It's really annoying." He got out of bed and followed me out of the hospital. He was still wearing the same clothes I saw him in last. The only clothes he's ever worn.

"So... I guess I knew you once," Peter said, trying to make conversation. "Yeah. We knew each other... pretty well..." I said, leading him to the diner. "Were-" "Are you hungry?" I asked. "I'm hungry. Starving, actually. You must be, too. Let's go eat," I said immediately after. "Okay," Peter said., simply. We walked into the diner and immediately Granny asked, "What is he doing here? I thought he was dead." "So did I... He doesn't remember anything," I said, sitting Peter down in a booth. "Anything... Nothing at all?" Ruby asked. "Not one little thing. Not even me," I said, gulping back the tears. "Maybe this is better," Granny said. "How is this better?" I asked, angrily. "He doesn't remember trying to kill us all... He doesn't remember he has magic... Maybe now that he's just a clean slate, you can make him good," Granny answered. I thought it over for a moment. "Maybe you're right... A blank Peter is better than a terrorizing Peter," I sighed. "You want your usual?" Ruby asked. I smiled, "Yeah. Hey, Peter. What do you want?" I turned to Peter who had his face hidden in the menu. "Um... I guess a burger and fries... and a strawberry shake?" Peter said as more of a question. "I'll get right to it," Ruby said, and went to make our food.

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