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Scarlett's P.O.V.


My jaw dropped. "Henry... what? What are you doing here?!" I asked kneeling in front of him to get closer to his height. "Pan brought me here... How are you here? You went missing for 2 days... we were all searching for you," Henry said. They were searching for me? They actually cared enough to search for me? No... he's gotta be lying to me... "Um... Pa-Peter's shadow... it brought me here," I said. I decided to not tell him about having been here when I was little... "What? Why?" he asked. I looked to Peter for help, but he had disappeared. "Um... I have no idea..." I lied. "Well... we're gonna get out of here... Did they hurt you?" he said. "No... nobody hurt me... why would they? And how do you expect you'll get out of here?" I asked. "They are all evil, Scarlett! You can't trust any of them... especially not Pan... And we are gonna be saved by our family... I know we will," Henry said, matter of factly. "Maybe you will... But I sure as hell won't. If they do come... they'd be coming for you... not really for me... And even if they did... I wouldn't want to go," I said. "They are coming for you too! And why wouldn't you want to leave?" "This is Neverland! I've literally dreamed of coming here, Henry! Where someone actually cares about me... I like this place." "You've been here for 2 days! You don't know that yo can fully trust these guys... Pan is not one of the good guys," Henry said. "11..." was all I said. "What?" "I've been here 11 days... not consecutively... but still... 11." "What are you talking about, Scarlett?" Henry asked. I just ignored him and walked away.

I woke up the next morning in Peter's tent. I still don't understand how I just randomly end up in his tent... I turned over and noticed Peter wasn't there. Good. I was currently mad at him for bringing Henry. Now, I would be forced to leave with him when my family comes. We all know they're coming for him. I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I noticed a stack of clothes at the end of the bed so I went and put them on. I walked outside to see many of the boys still sleeping, including Henry, who was sleeping on the floor on the other side of camp next to the log he had been sitting on last night. "You look nice in that outfit. You should thank me. I picked it out," Andrew said from behind me. I jumped a good 10 feet in the air. "Jesus, Andy... don't scare me like that... And... you did...?" I said. "Yep. I also was the one to put it on your bed. You're cute when you sleep." I slowly backed away as I was completely creeped out by him now. "Okay... that's um... interesting... I'm gonna go wake up my brother now," I said and quickly walked away. I swear something was off about that dude.

I sat on the log next to my sleeping brother. "Henry.... Henry..." I whispered shaking him slightly. I would normally yell his name and jump on him... but I didn't want to wake the other boys up. "C'mon, Henry... wake up," I said, shaking him a bit harder. "Ugh... what do you want, Scarlett? We're in summer... go to Granny's or something I don't care. Let me sleep," he groaned. "I would... if we were in Storybrooke... now get up, dude," I said, getting frustrated. He slowly opened his eyes. "You're annoying, Scar..." he groaned, sitting up. "That's my job," I sighed. "What do you want then, Scarlett?" Henry asked, rubbing his eyes. "I'm bored," I shrugged. He gave me the bitch-face... "I-" "Good morning, Scarlett... Henry..." Peter said, cutting off whatever Henry was going to say. "Morning, Peter," I said, refusing to make eye contact with him. Henry stayed silent. "Listen... Henry... I want you to stay here with Andrew all day along with the younger boys. I need to borrow your sister for a bit... Scarlett?" Peter said, holding out his hand. I looked at it, before holding it and Peter pulled me up. "What is he doing with Andy?" I asked. He chuckled at the name. "If your ready... you won't have to find out," he said, handing me my bow and arrows. "What does that mean?" I asked. He just winked and grabbed my arm, dragging me away.

We showed up back at the place we were yesterday... the beautiful clearing... "Scarlett... how much do you trust me?" he asked, kicking a rock. "How much do I trust you?" I asked. he nodded. "Well... honestly... I trust you with everything that's in me," I said. "How much do you want to stay in Neverland?" he asked, getting close to me. "More than anything I've ever wanted..." I breathed. "Good," he whispered and then quickly backed away. "If you can shoot an arrow into each of these targets... I will allow you to accompany me and the Lost Boys on a mission," Peter said. He waved his hands and 3 targets appeared. One on the tree we had used yesterday, another hanging a bit farther back from a branch, and the last one I could faintly see a long ways away on a tree. "I don't think I can do this, Peter," I said, unsure of my abilities. "I guess you'll have to stay with your brother and Andrew," he sighed, mocking me. I glared at him, "No... I'll do this." Now I was determined. I took the stance Peter had shown me yesterday and went through all the motions he had... helped... me with... and shot the first arrow into the first target. "Bulls-eye," I smiled. "You still have two more, love," he said, showing me his signature smirk. I once again took the stance... and when I felt I was ready, I released the string and the arrow flew into the bulls-eye of the second target. "Only one more, Peter," I singsonged, gaining confidence. I took the stance and took a deep breath, focusing on the last, distant target. I released and the arrow flew through the air. I immediately regretted letting go. It was obvious I would miss. ​No... C'mon... just move to the left... please... The arrow suddenly took a sharp turn right before it was about to pass the tree and landed straight through the target... hitting the bulls-eye. What just happened?

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