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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I was currently in the middle of Times Square. Felix was by my side as we walked down the busy sidewalks, on our way to our favorite pizza parlor as we do every Sunday afternoon. Henry rarely ever came with us. He preferred to sit at home and play video games and such. We walked into the parlor... well... Felix walked... I was on his back as usual. "Ah. Felix. Scarlett. Nice to see you two again," Ronnie, the owner of the pizza parlor, said as we sat down in our usual booth. "Hey, Ronnie," Felix said as he walked over to get our order. "The usual?" he asked. We nodded and he left.

Once our order got here, Felix and I quickly began eating and talking about random things as usual. "So, I hear Stacey has a crush on you, Felix," I said. "Oh, God. Not her," Felix groaned. I laughed. This girl at our high school, Stacey Jacks, is practically obsessed with Felix. But, not to be mean or anything, she's kinda weird. Always mumbling things to thin air. She doesn't really have any friends. She's more of an outcast... Which is the total opposite of Felix and I. We're practically the two most popular people in school. "The Swan Twins," is what we'd be called.

"Hey, Scarlett?" "Yeah?" "That guy that was at the door this morning. Do you remember what he looked like?" Felix asked me. "Yeah. Why?" I asked, curiously. "Does he have black hair, blue eyes, and dress like someone who got lost in a leather factory?" he asked me. I turned around quickly and saw the man from this morning sitting a few booths away, staring at us. "Felix... I think... I think we should go," I said, turning back to face my brother. "That sounds like a good idea to me. C'mon," Felix said, tossing some money on the table and dragging me out of the parlor.

I looked behind us to see the man trailing us. "Felix, he's following us," I said. "Well then, this creep knows where we live. We can't really hide from him," Felix said, stopping and turning around. "Hey! Leather Man! Why are you following us?" Felix asked the man. "Uh... I... Scarlett... I need to talk to you," he said, trying to get past Felix. "Hey! Stay away from my sister," Felix said, pushing the man back. "Sister? So, the Evil Queen made you her brother... How creative," the man said, sarcastically. Wait...Evil Queen? This dude is definitely on crack or something. "What do you want?" I asked. "Scarlett, I know this sounds insane, but you and your mother have to believe me because you two are possibly their only chance," the man said. "Whose?" I asked. "St-" "Enough. Look, Scarlett, this guy's crazy. Let's go... And leave our family alone," Felix said to me, then the man, and walked away dragging me along. The entire way home, I felt as if I should have listened... I should've given the crazy man a chance.


"Okay, guys! It is currently 11 p.m. and mom should be walking in the door in... 3...2...1," I said, pointing to the door as our mom opened it, walking into our apartment. Felix and Henry were playing video games on the couch and I was sitting on the windowsill, looking out into the city, listening to my music. "The Strays" by Sleeping With Sirens had just finished playing and I checked the time just as "Second Star to the Right" by The Never Ever began. "Ms. Cuse said you 3 were quiet tonight," mom said. "Not quiet. Concentrating. I've finally reached level 23," Henry said. "I'm at level 19," Felix said. "I'm at level 0 because I don't like video games," I smirked, pausing my music. "Do you mind if a fifth-level wizard joins you?" mom asked, grabbing a controller. "At level 23? Good luck with that," Henry scoffed as mom joined.

"So what did you say?" I asked. "To Walsh," Felix said. "You knew? How?" mom asked, surprised. "Come on, mom. First date restaurant," Henry said. "A special night out," I continued. "Writing was on the wall," Felix finished. "Technically, the writing was on the dessert," Emma sighed. "So, what did you say?" Henry asked. Mom didn't say anything. "Poor guy," Henry, Felix, and I said in unison. "I didn't say no," mom defended. "If you didn't say yes, we stand by our poor guy assessment," Henry said. Felix and Henry's eyes rarely left the TV screen. "I just need some time to think about it. I mean, it's like a big step, kids. We've got a good thing going here, just the 4 of us," mom said, looking for an excuse. "Yeah, and we'd still have a good thing if it was just the 5 of us," Felix said. "You think Walsh is worthy of joining our little family?" mom wondered. "He's okay," Henry said. I don't really like him... Something off about him... but I wasn't about to say that... especially if he makes my mom happy.

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