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Scarlett's P.O.V.

We were 'home'. We were finally what everyone on the boat called 'home'. But, it didn't feel like home... Not anymore. Not without Peter. But Felix says he has a plan. Trust Peter, Scarlett... Trust him... The ship docked at the port and the whole town was stood by the docks, waiting for us. The walkway was lowered and as I approached it, I could clearly hear everyone cheering. Henry walked out first, followed by Emma, Mary Margaret, and David. Regina and Gold got off next and then the whole ship just stampeded off the ship, practically. I stood back with Wendy and Tink. "You're home," Tink said, nudging me. "Yeah... 'home'..." I sighed. "You miss him, don't you?" Tink asked, sadly. I nodded and Tink wrapped a reassuring arm around me.

Tink, Wendy, and I walked off the boat and the cheering had mostly stopped. There was no welcoming committee for me like there was for Henry and Emma and them... and oddly... I didn't mind. I watched as Wendy rejoined her brothers and smiled. After a lot of "Oh, Scarlett! Welcome back!" and "We missed you so much, Scarlett" and my favorite one, "When did you leave, Scarlett?", I got to sit on the edge of the dock alone and just think. Tink went to go check in to Granny's and Wendy left Storybrooke with her brothers. So, right now, it was just me. I looked out at the bright, still water and smiled when I dipped my foot in, slightly, watching as the ripples surround it and spread across the water, disrupting the peaceful, stillness of it.

"Hey, Mom, Dad. What about Felix and Andrew? They're still free," I heard Henry call to Emma and Neal. I stood quickly. They couldn't put Felix in jail. He didn't really do anything. I understand Andrew, but not Felix. "Henry's right. We can't just let Felix and Andrew walk away free," Regina nodded. "Don't worry, we got plenty of cell space for these guys," David said, leading Andrew and Felix away. "You're safe now, Henry," Emma said. "Hey! Wait!" I called, running to them. "Scarlett? What's wrong?" Emma asked. "You can't put Felix in jail," I panted. "Why not?" Regina asked, raising an eyebrow. "He hasn't done anything wrong," I reasoned, "Andrew, I understand. He's an ass, but Felix... Felix isn't." "We can't trust either of them, Scarlett. They could try to hurt Henry or you again," Neal said. "No! Trust me! Felix isn't a bad guy!" I said. "You said the same of Pan and look what happened there. You almost died," Regina said. "That was my own fault. I chose to give my heart instead of Henry's! The only thing that is Peter's fault is the fact that he is so stubborn. He won't listen to any reason," I sighed. I looked at Henry who stared at me with a mix of emotions. Guilt, sorrow, secrecy, jealousy? This isn't Henry.


I followed Henry, Neal, Emma, Belle, Regina, and Gold to Gold's shop and watched as Gold hid Pandora's Box in a hiding spot on the floor. I gotta remember where this is, so I can bust Peter out later. "Once I seal the box in here, no one can break the spell but me. So don't even try, Scarlett," Gold said, casting a spell on the hiding spot. Damn it... Well... maybe my magic will work. I'm more powerful than both my moms... Who's to say I'm not more powerful than Gold? "You're not going to do that?" Henry asked. Of course he isn't... what the fuck is wrong with Henry?! "What do you mean? I want Pan trapped as much as you," Gold said. "Don't worry, Henry," Emma said. "He's not getting out of there," Neal continued. "We won't let anything happen to either of you again, I promise," Regina said, pointing at Henry and I. Gold chimed in with, "She's right. You needn't worry. As long as I'm alive, that boy will never see the light of day." Ironic how that's what worries me most.


I ran to the police station as fast as possible, only to realize the doors were locked. But... with magic... "Let's give it a shot, Scarlett," I said to myself and waved my hand at the lock. I heard it click and smiled. I opened the door and ran to the cells, each boy in a different one. "Why do you keep appearing in places nobody wants you to be?" Andrew groaned, sitting up. "Scarlett? How did you get in here?" Felix asked, both him and I ignoring Andrew's stupid comments. "Magic. How else?" I said, nonchalantly. "Magic? You got it back?" Felix asked. "Yeah, I- Wait... How come everyone in Neverland except ME knew about my magic?!" I asked. "Memory wipe? I don't know," Felix said. "Okay...well... no matter how much I wanna bail you out... I can't right now. Nobody really trusts me. They believe I'll try to help Peter escape, but I do know where Pandora's Box is," I said. "Where?" Andrew asked, intrigued. "It's hidden in the floor is Gold's shop, but he put a spell on it, making it impossible for any of us to get to it. Only he can break it," I explained to Felix, still ignoring Andrew. "Pan will find a way. Always does," he said. "How is Peter supposed to get out of the box?" I asked. Felix and Andrew looked at each other before turning back to me. "That's for us to know and you to find out," Andrew smirked. I glared at him. "Look, I don't care how he gets out... As long as I have my Peter back... but, try not to kill anyone... or injure anyone badly... The three of you have a bad rep for that kind of stuff..." I said, staring at Andrew. "Why you looking at me?!" Andrew asked, innocently. Though... in his eyes... I could see the evil and mischief. "Okay, Scarlett... Now, go before you get caught," Felix said, waving me away. I nodded at him, before running out and locking the door again with my magic.

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