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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I woke up and got ready as I have for the past few days... or week... I'm not even sure how long I've been here... not that I really care... I walked out of the tent and over to Peter, I wanted to try something. "Hey, Peter?" "Yes, Scarlett?" he said. "Um... well... I was wondering if I could take a walk in the forest?" I asked. "Sure, let's go," he said, standing up. "Actually, Peter... I was wondering if I could go alone?" I said as more of a question than a suggestion. "Uh... Scarlett... Nederland is very dark and dangerous..." Peter explained. "I can take my bow and arrow... and I know the real reason is that you think I'll go off and search for the charming, Emma, Regina, and hook... or that I'll bump into them or something... honestly, Peter, if I wanted to go to them why would I have hidden in the trees yesterday when Emma and Hook walked by?" I said, whispering the last few parts, just in case Henry was around and listening. "Why are you so smart?" he asked, smiling slightly. "I have to be... it helps to be a smart-ass rather than a dumbass," I smirked. "Fine... but come back in an hour," he said and I was off.

He trusts me... He truly trusts me... Awesome... I happily walked through the forest until I made it to a secluded clearing, very far away from camp. "Okay, Scarlett... You're not crazy... you're curious... You just wanna know... You can do it... Okay... Just like Regina does it... Come on... Fire," I said, coaching myself before waving my hands like I had always seen my mom do and attempted to set a pile of sticks on fire. It didn't work... "Ugh... okay... calm down, Scar... Try again... And stop talking to yourself," I said and tried again... and again... and again... and again... until finally I just gave up. "Ugh... I must be doing SOMETHING wrong," I sighed, flopping onto the ground. I thought it over... "Well... in the wise words of book Peter Pan... "All you need is faith, trust, and pixie dust... and I don't think pixie dust is necessary in this case... so faith and trust it is..." I said and decided to try it one last time. I wave my hand like Regina and to my surprise... I was holding a tiny ball of fire. I smiled wide and threw the mini fire ball onto the pile of sticks and watched as they all caught fire. "I have magic... I have magic... I have freaking magic! What is this!? What?!" I said, cheering. Why me though? Why do I have magic, but Henry doesn't? Why did it decide to show now and not before? Like Emma?

I shrugged off the thought and kept practicing as much magic as I could think of before realizing I had been gone for an hour already and I still needed to make my way back. I began my walk and in about 20 minutes I had made it back. Peter wasn't anywhere at the camp. "Scarlett! Where were you?!" Henry asked, running up to me. "I took a walk, Henry... I guess I lost track of time... have you seen Peter?" I said. "He let you leave the camp?" he asked. "Yeah... he trusts that I won't run away and get lost in the forest attempting to look for my family that isn't even here," I said. "They are here," Henry once again insisted. "No, they aren't, Henry... So stop thinking that they are... Neverland is our new home, Henry and you need to get through your head... besides... we need to save magic... so we can't leave anytime soon," I said and walked away. Save magic... an idea popped into my head... Since I need to save magic... Since I'm apparently so special... maybe that's why I have magic, right? Well, then why doesn't Henry have magic? My brain battled between reasons as to why I may have magic, but I ended up with less ideas about it than before...

"Scarlett," Elian said walking over to me, "Can you play with me?" "Of course, Eli," I said. "What do you wanna play, Scarlett?" Elian asked me. I thought for a second. "Sword fight?" I asked and Elian smiled, running around and recruiting people. Elian handed me a stick to use as a sword and he held up his. "Are you sure you wanna fight me? And not someone your size? Or age?" I asked. "I'm fine. You're the one that needs to be careful. I'm a pretty good fighter if I do say so myself," Elian said cockily. "Oh really? Well then, let's fight," I said and swung my stick towards Elian. He blocked it and pulled back before thrusting his stick forward, aiming for my stomach. I jumped back and swung my stick down and hit his legs, knocking him over. I pointed my stick at his neck and smirked. "Where'd you learn to fight like that, Scarlett?" Elian asked as I helped him back up. "Let's juts say... sword fighting runs in my blood," I smirked. It somewhat does, considering Hook is... well... you know... I noticed James staring Henry down. "What's up with him?" James asked me about Henry. "He still doesn't like it here," I sighed. "Well, let's see if he can even handle it here," James said and walked off to Henry. "James! Leave him alone!" I called after him, but to no avail. I sighed as James began poking Henry with a stick.

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