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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Depressing. That's the only word I could use to describe this moment. Completely and utterly depressing. Everyone was wearing black. Everyone. I dressed up for the occasion, knowing skinny jeans and a beanie wasn't going to cut it. Nobody spoke... for what could you say at a time like this? My arms were wrapped around Peter's waist as I tried to hold in the tears. Elian stood behind us, between our legs to see what was going on. Peter's arm was tightly wrapped around my shoulders to console me. Tink, whom I had finally found, stood next to us, a mournful look on her face. Everyone held the same expression. Even Felix who had no idea who Neal was. Hook slowly walked forward, grabbing a shovel and digging up some dirt. He tossed it into the pit where Neal's body was concealed in a casket, to lie there for all eternity. The notion being a small farewell to the man who sacrificed himself for the rest of us. Slowly, the other followed Hook's actions, digging up dirt and tossing it onto the casket below. Regina, David, Belle, everyone did it. I let go of Peter and slowly walked forward, grabbing the shovel. I dug some dirt and ever so slowly, I poured it onto the casket, afraid if I did it any faster it would seem as if I were rushing to get away. I slowly set the shovel down and walked back over to Peter, biting my lip to keep from crying. I wrapped my arms around Peter's waist again as a single tear crept down my cheek. I didn't know Neal very well, his time consumed with fixing his family that I was not a part of, but still. He was a good guy. He died heroically. His last words to me engraved in my brain. "Scarlett... Keep taking care of Henry. You're a great sister to him..." That's exactly what I would do. Take care of Henry. Do anything possible to ensure his safety... whether or not Neal had told me to do so I would have done it nonetheless because Henry is my brother. One of the most important people in my life and I will not let anyone harm him in any way. I'd kill them. Once I had come back to Peter, Emma encouraged Henry to shovel in some dirt as well. He slowly went up and did it. Lastly, Emma walked over and did as we all had done before her, but it was so much more heartbreaking when she did it than when any of us did, though she hardly shed a tear...


After the funeral, everyone was gathered in Granny's diner. Emma was angrily throwing darts at the dartboard, hitting the bullseye every time. Felix had gone back to the flat, not really knowing anybody here. Henry sat alone reading a book until Hook and Emma walked over to him and he left with Hook to I don't know where. Peter, Elian, Mary Margaret, David, and I stood at the back of the diner, my head resting against Peter's chest, his arms tightly wrapped around me in a hug as I gripped onto the back of his shirt. I saw Tink walk in and look at me before I noticed her eyes flickering towards something and I slightly turned to see she was staring at Regina. She walked by her and noticed something and stayed, talking to her. I looked at Elian who was confused yet sad at the same time. Elian has a big heart, always knew he did. It's a good thing and a bad thing, though. He loves and trusts easily, which will only set him up for heartbreak more. He deserves so much more than he has. He deserves a real family. Actual parents that will coddle him, love him, care for him. Not an 18 year old girl and her amnesiac boyfriend.

Emma walked over to the five of us and David asks, "How are you holding up?" "How do you think?" Emma sighed, looking from her parents to me and Peter. I smiled slightly at her and returned it before being pulled into a hug by Mary Margaret as she sighed, "Oh, Emma." David slowly joined their hug and I watched them, a small smile on my lips.

The smile was quickly erased with fear and hatred as Zelena burst through the doors of the diner, Gold's dagger in hand. Adding to her grandiose entrance she announced, "My condolences." I quickly released Peter, glaring at the Wicked Witch presented before me and everyone else in the diner. "So sorry I've missed the funeral, but I could never pass up a wake," Zelena continued, everyone on guard, "Oh, did I miss the speeches? Shall I make one? I mean, I am, after all, responsible." I go to attack, and Emma was already doing so. Peter pulled me back as Mary Margaret pulled Emma back warning, "Emma, no. Too many people will get hurt." "Listen to your mother," Zelena taunted, "Anyone who tries to interfere with my plan is gonna have to deal with the Dark One!" "Don't! come any closer," David warns, shielding Mary Margaret and her stomach. "Don't worry. I'm not here for your baby. Not today, anyway," Zelena said softly. "Who is she?" Elian whispered and I hushed him, but when I looked back up, Zelena was smirking wickedly at me. She looked down slightly and I followed her gaze to see Peter's arm firmly wrapped around my waist in a protective way. "Ah, you must be Scarlett. I've heard so much about you. You and your boyfriend. You can thank me later for reviving him," she smirked. "Why did you bring him back?" I asked. "For my own purposes," Zelena vaguely answered. "Are you just here to taunt us all?" Peter growled. "Not at all. Thought it is a bit fun," Zelena smiled.

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