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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Peter and I teleported to the hospital immediately where I saw Emma and Hook leaving. "Where are you two going?" I asked. "To finish off Zelena," Emma said. "I'm co-" "You're not coming. Pan, you make sure she doesn't leave your sight or this hospital. No matter what, okay? I'm trusting you, Pan. Don't make me regret it," Emma said, cutting me off before speaking to Peter. Peter nodded, "You won't. I'll keep her safe." "You better. Or not only will you face Emma's wrath... but mine and Regina's as well," Hook said, pointing at Peter before the two of them left. "Damn," I said after they left, "That's new." "I'm guessing he's trying to be your father?" Peter asked. I nodded. "Is it working?" Peter asked, jealousy filling his voice at the fact that there was another I cared about other than him. "Eh," was all I said, not giving him a definite answer since I didn't really have one. Of course, I'm still pissed at Hook for everything he's done... but he's trying to be my dad... my dad... I actually have a dad...

I walked over to Regina and Henry, Peter trailing behind me. "Is Mary Margaret all set for this baby? No surprises I hope?" I asked. Regina nodded, "Yes... Everything should be fine... Emma and I put up a protection spell around the room... no one with dark magic can get in there," Regina said. I looked at Peter, "Looks like you're staying out here, Feather Boy." "What?" Peter asked. "I just found my escape route," I said, quickly stepping inside the protection spell boundaries. Peter walked over to me, but was stopped, hitting a sort of invisible wall. "Scarlett," Peter warned. "Yes?" I asked, innocently. "Don't do anything you know you shouldn't. Emma put me in charge of protecting you... which I would've done anyways... but that's besides the point. Don't go and get yourself killed... again," Peter said, putting his hands to the invisible wall. If I go... and something happens... I could ruin any chances of Peter being trusted by anyone... but if I stay... there is a chance that something bad will happen that I could've helped out with... What's more important? Peter... or, potentially, everyone else...? I looked down at my feet before looking back up and pressing my hands to Peter's. He quickly clasped his hands around mine and pulled me out of the protection field, hugging me. "Do I have to tie you down to keep you from doing something dangerous?" he asked. "I thought you liked dangerous things," I said. "Not when you're involved... not when it can end with you being hurt... or worse," Peter said, whispering the last part. I nuzzled my face into his neck as we just hugged. I loved hugging Peter. He's always so warm and cuddly... he gives the best hugs... and he smells like the forest... and recently he's begun to also smell like this store I love, American Eagle.(When I met Robbie, he smelled like that store... probably cuz that's the shirt brand he was wearing... and his hugs are amazing too tbh)


A little while later, Henry, Peter, and I were sitting down. Felix was at the Charmings' flat. Henry was looking through the newspaper for apartments for him, Emma, possibly Felix, and I... and obviously Peter... but I think I'm gonna stay at Regina's... I feel like I just belong there now... the Charming's flat is way too crowded and with this new baby, it's only gonna get worse... But I wasn't gonna tell Henry... not yet anyways... Archie sat on Henry's other side and the two of them talked for a bit. I turned to face Peter who was scrolling through my phone. "What magic is this?" he asked, confused with how the phone worked. "It's not magic... it's technology..." I laughed, taking the phone from him. "You know how the phone works now... but look... it has a camera... to take pictures like this one," I said, showing him a picture of Felix and I in Times Square last year. I was sat on his shoulders, my arms resting on his head, and my head resting on my arms, smiling wide. Felix was mid laugh when the picture was taken. We found some stranger and had him take it for us. It was our first real time together in Times Square that wasn't a fake memory implanted by Regina. That day was amazing. We found the little pizza shop that we love oh so much and spent most of the day there before walking to Central Park and playing hide and seek for a good 2 hours as if we were little kids. I smiled at the memory whereas Peter looked at the picture with jealousy.

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