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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Pain. That's what I felt. Pain. It wasn't bad pain... just... you know... tolerable pain... side effect of last night... wink, wink. Peter and I were cuddled up on the bed, his arm wrapped firmly around me as I used my hands to cover the sunlight from my eyes. My phone vibrated and I reached my arm out and grabbed it, unplugging it from the charger. I unlocked it and saw I had a text from my mom asking why I wasn't at the arty at Granny's today for the unnamed baby. "Shit," I muttered, quickly texting her that I'd be there soon. I looked over at Peter. "Wakey, wakey, Peter," I said, nudging him. "Mmmmhhmmmnnn," Peter groaned, not wanting to wake up. "I thought I was the one that sleeps in. Wake up, Peter," I said, removing his arm from around me. I got out of bed and picked out an outfit, tossing it on. I had just finished tying my laces when Peter finally woke up. "Good, you're awake. Now, get your ass up. We're late," I said. "For what?" Peter asked. "Party. Granny's. Now," I said, pushing him off the bed. He groaned in pain as he hit the floor and I giggled, walking over to him. "C'mon. Up. Now," I said, helping him stand. "How about... instead of going to this dreadful party... you... and me... go for round two?" Peter suggested, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. "How... about... no," I said, pulling away from him and looking through the drawers I emptied to put his clothes in and tossed him an outfit before throwing a pair of shoes at him. "Careful, love... This face is my best feature," Peter smirked. "You're cocky the morning after... I find it quite annoying. Just hurry up and get dressed. We're already late as it is. Don't make it worse," I said, walking out of the room.

I waited for Peter downstairs and a few minutes later, Peter appeared beside me. "Now then, off we go," I said, hooking my arm in his as the two of us walked out of the house and down the street toward Granny's. We were almost there when I got a call from David. "Hello?" I asked. "Scarlett! Have you seen your mother?" he asked. "Which one?" I asked. "Emma," David said. "No. Why? What happened?" I asked, stopping. "Zelena's dead and the portal is open. Don't go near it. If you can get a hold of Emma warn her as well," David said. "Okay. Will do. Avoid the portal," I said and hung up before turning around. "Scarlett? Where are you going?" Peter asked. "To the portal," I said, looking to my left and see an orange light in the sky. "The barn," I muttered, beginning to run. "Scarlett!" Peter yelled, chasing after me.


Peter and I arrived at the portal a few minutes later, out of breath. The barn doors were open, swinging wildly. I heard something vibrating, but it wasn't my phone. I looked down to see Emma's phone and David was calling it. I left it there and looked back up at the portal. "C'mon, Peter," I said, beginning to walk towards the portal. Peter grabbed my arm and held me back. "Are you mad, Scarlett?" he asked. "My mom is in there and knowing Hook, so is he. Neither of them have magic, so both of them are going to need our help. You can stay if you want. But I'm going," I said, pulling my arm away from him. I then walked toward the portal before it sucked me in. Peter yelling my name was the last thing I heard before... "Scarlett?"

I looked up and saw my parents looking down at me. "I'm guessing Enchanted Forest," I said, looking around me and seeing nothing but trees for miles. Hook nodded. I stood up and brushed my jeans off just as Peter fell from the sky. "Let's make it a party now, shall we?" Hook asked, watching as Peter slowly sat up. "Have a hard landing there, huh?" I asked, helping Peter up. "The things I do for you, Scarlett," Peter muttered. "Tell me about it," Hook said, gesturing to Emma. "Like mother, like daughter," Peter groaned. "Okay. If we can get past you two complaining about us, I'd like to know when we are," Emma said. I looked around before seeing a wanted poster with Snow White on it. "Mom. I think I know when we are," I said. She followed my gaze and her eyes widened. I sighed, "This should be fun."

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