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Scarlett's P.O.V


I walked out of the tent, not sure what or who I was searching for. I roamed around the camp for a few minutes before deciding to sneak off into the forest. I knew I wasn't supposed to... but I was so curious as to what was out there. I walked for about 20 minutes before I found myself in this open area that I always played in with the boy from my past dreams. Now, I somewhat had an idea of where I was. I kept walking until I heard the ocean nearby. The beach! I love the beach! I was about to pull back a giant branch and run out onto the sand when I heard voices. "Are you sure there is another one?" someone asked. He sounded like the boy I always met in my dreams. "Yes. It washed up on the shore this morning. We needed to get you away from Scarlett to show you... but you were more concerned with her than with us," a a different voice said. "Well, let me see it," the boy from my past dreams said. I pulled back the branch a bit to see 3 boys out on the beach: The one from my past dreams and two other boys whose faces were blurred just like the past dreams boy. The past dreams boy opened a scroll and a few seconds later closed it quickly. "This is the other one?" he asked. "Yes," the boy who had yet to speak finally spoke, "Is it the same person?" "Yes," past dreams boy said. I slowly crept closer to hear better. "Look, we will carry out everything out as originally planned, okay? This does not change anything. It just makes it easier on us... now having two chances of getting a hea-" I fell forward, landing on the sand a few feet away from past dreams boy whom I had cut off. "Scarlett! What are you doing here?" he asked, picking me up. "I- I was..." "I thought I told you not to leave the tent, Scarlett! You could've gotten lost! Or killed!" he said. "I'm sorry... I was bored... I wanted to explore..." I said, looking down. "You're just like your father... and hey... it's okay... Just next time... ask me or these two to come with you, yeah?" he said, mumbling the first part. "Okay," I smiled. "And Scarlett... how much did you hear?" he asked. "Huh? Oh...only a little bit... something about another one? another one of what?" I asked, looking up at him with big eyes. Now that I noticed, he face had slowly gotten clearer... I could slowly start to make out his nose and lips."It's nothing Scarlett... C'mon... let's go back to camp," he said and then the dream began to fade...

**Next Morning**

I woke up in a tent. I wasn't sure how I got here... I heard a groan next to me and I looked to see Peter Pan asleep next to me... okay... so yesterday was not a dream... Shit... Wait... why I am sharing a bed with Peter? I got out of bed slowly, so I wouldn't wake him and began to tiptoe towards the exit. "Good morning, Scarlett." I turned around to see Peter standing in front of me. "Peter... um... Hi!" I said, backing up a bit. "Where were you going?" he asked. "Um... I didn't wanna wake you up... so I just thought I'd go outside and let you sleep." He stared at me for a minute... but it felt like an hour... "Wait here," he said and walked out of the tent. I sat down on the bed and waited. I wondered what was going on back in Storybrooke... I'm sure they don't care to look for me. I'm sure they forgot it was even my birthday... They're all too busy with that whole Greg and Tamara problem... I don't matter to them... I'm the older sibling of Henry and I... They care about him more... They always have... My thoughts were cut when Peter walked back in the tent with a stack of clothes in his hands. "Here... put these on...Then meet me outside," he said and left again. I looked at the clothes. "Why is everything green around here?" I sighed and put the clothes on. I walked outside to be met with tons of boys playing around or eating. I walked over to Peter who was talking to Felix. "Hey," I said. "Scarlett! Good, you're out. Come with me. I want to show you something," Peter said and he dragged me off into the forest.

"Peter... where are we going?" I asked him after 10 minutes of trudging through the dark forest. I always imagined this place brighter... and happier... or just happy. "It doesn't matter just walk faster," he said. A few minutes later, Peter and I stopped in a clearing that I'm pretty sure I'd seen before. Maybe this is the clearing from my dream last night... No... it couldn't be... could it? "Scarlett? Hello? Are you listening to me?" Peter asked. 'What? Huh? Oh yeah.. What did you say?" I asked, sheepishly. "I was trying to tell ask you if you wanted to learn some archery today?" He asked, pulling a beautiful bow and some arrows(see outfit for bow and arrows) out of thin air like a magician. He obviously has magic... He's Peter Pan for God's sake. I nodded furiously and said, "I've always wanted to learn archery!" "You wanted Felix to teach you archery last time you were in Neverland... I told you you were too young... and instead you picked up a dagger and started fighting a tree as if you were in the middle of a sword fight... You were a natural... It was obvious why," Peter said, looking off at nothing in particular picturing the memory. "Why was it obvious?" I asked, curiously. He quickly looked at me as if he'd said too much and said, "Not important right now... That's a discussion for another time." "Okay..." I trailed off.

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