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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Hold up! Wait for me!" my brother yelled behind me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up. "You know, just because you wake up before me... doesn't mean you can't wake me up too. Where are you going, anyways?" Henry asked me. "Nowhere... just... I dunno... To Granny's I guess? Maybe the ice cream parlor? Im not sure... I just need somewhere quiet to uh... study," I said, waving the story book in front of him. "Scar... are you sure this isn't about-" "Of course not... I just wanna... read...alone..." I said, cutting Henry off. "Scar..." Henry started. "Really, Henry... I- I'm fine... Everything is fine! I'll uh... see you later, yeah?" I said. "Yeah... sure... okay," Henry said, walking the other way.

I walked to Granny's and found Hook and Emma talking again. Something is up with those two... Ever since that whole debacle with my wicked grandmother, Cora, ended... Hook and Emma have been hanging together, but it never looked as though they were having a pleasant conversation... and I constantly see them looking over at me while they're talking... Another thing, Hook seemed to... already know me... when we first met a while back... It was strange... Anyways, I sat down on one of the stools and watched them discretely as I sipped my hot coco with cinnamon. They, of course, noticed my presence and began to glance at me every once in a while. After a while, I decided to leave and go to the castle playground. I lied down and let the warm summer breeze throw my hair around. I sat up and again and pulled out a picture hidden in my necklace. It was of Henry, Regina, and I. It was when we first adopted Henry. A few years after I was born and adopted by Regina, she got a call from the place she got me from that said they had my biological brother. They said they would offer him to her before letting anyone else try to adopt him, if she wanted him. Regina told me that she looked at me straight in the eyes and asked me if I wanted a brother. She told me I smiled as wide as I possibly could and nodded furiously. When we went to get Henry, Regina, according to her, said she couldn't tell which one Henry was, because she didn't see any that looked the slightest bit like me. But, we were indeed brother and sister.

I turned the picture over and traced the words Regina had written on the back of them all those years ago. "Happiest day of my life. Family is complete," I read. I smiled softly at the words before putting the picture back in my necklace. She was right... about Henry and I being nothing alike... She was completely right... That's why I've been so distant with Henry lately. I recently found out that Henry and I don't have the same father. His dad is Neal, Gold's son. And my dad... well... I don't know. Emma says that he was a good man that she loved... but he died at work in the police department. At least my dad was a good guy, a hero... At least he wasn't just some stranger that Emma knew nothing about. My dad was a hero... I constantly imagine what he looks like... He has to have had a lot of facial features that I do, because there are a lot of differences between Emma's and mine. Her nose and mouth are different from mine, so I obviously get mine from my dad... My height is obviously from my dad, considering I'm taller than Emma... I'm taller than quite a few people in Storybrooke... they're all shorties, especially Henry... God, I hope he has a growth spurt...

Anyways, I decided to call Regina again... She has been hiding for quite a while. I hope she's okay... She has been trying so hard to be good... and for some reason, most probably Henry, I believe that she can do it. My phone rang a few more times before I was sent to her voicemail again. I layer back down for a while more before I got bored and decided to go back into town. I found Henry and Mary Margaret following Emma and David to my mom's office. I caught up to Henry and asked him what was going on. " They're searching mom's office for her. They want the beans back that she took," Henry said. "I still don't believe that she took them..." I said.

We walked into the office as Emma said, "It's okay. She's not in here," and her and David put down their guns. "When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, right?" Henry asked. Emma looked at him and said, "No. We just want the beans she stole from us." "I don't get it," Mary Margaret said, curiously, "Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?" "Especially when she's keeping the beans here," David said, finishing Mary Margaret's thought. I looked over at the plant where Regina was keeping the beans. Gone. "Was keeping them here. They're gone," I said. "Something's not right. Regina would never leave evidence like this behind," Emma said, cautiously. "Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke," David mused. "Without Henry? And Scarlett? I don't think so," Emma said, dismissing the thought. "What if something bad happened to her?" Henry asked, worriedly. "Security system says the last time someone was in the office was around 6:00 this morning," Emma said, pressing a key to reveal the system was overridden. "They used an override code to get in," Emma added. "Why would Regina need an override code on her own alarm?" David asked. ...dumbass... "She wouldn't," I said. "You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Mary Margaret asked, surprised. No shit, Sherlock! "Well, we haven't found Regina anywhere and haven't heard from her," Emma said. "So something bad did happen to her," Henry worried. "We're gonna find her, Henry. I promise," Emma assured. "There's only one person who could overpower Regina," Mary Margaret said. "Gold," David said, catching on. "He's too busy with his new/old girlfriend. No, this wasn't Gold. This was Tamara," Emma said. "Haven't you already gone down that road?" I asked, worried that Emma might come across as the crazy ex. "Maybe not far enough," Emma said, not noticing the worry lacing my words. "Or, maybe it's time for you to let it go," Mary Margaret said, also noticing the crazy ex path Emma was going down. "August was attacked the day Tamara came to town. I don't think that was a coincidence," Emma said. "That isn't enough evidence to suggest it was Tamara, but it is kinda suspicious... And she does give off bad vibes... But you could still be wrong," I said. " Scarlett's right. What if you're wrong? If Regina's in trouble, we can't just drop everything else because of a hunch," David said. "Which is why we're not gonna drop everything else. Go to Gold. I'm sure he has some kind of magic that can help locate Regina," Emma said, leaving. "Where are you going?" Mary Margaret asked. "Back to Tamara's room," Emma called back... Oh god... she is the crazy ex...

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