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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I woke up, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly pried them off and looked at Peter who was now cuddling a pillow as I stood. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of orange juice. I took a sip then made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat on the counter and ate my cereal and waited for Elian to come downstairs and pour himself some chocolate milk like he always does every morning. He never came down, but I thought nothing of it. Maybe he just wanted to sleep in. Though... something did seem off... I placed my bowl and cup down and walked back upstairs and got ready for the day. As I was on my way back downstairs to finish my breakfast, I walked by Elian's room, but backtracked seeing the door slightly open and the lights on. I guess Elian's finally awake. I walked into his room to ask him what he wanted for breakfast, but Elian was fast asleep in his bed. Why is the light on? I turned the light off and went to walk out of the room when the door slammed closed in front of me. I jumped and turned around to see who else was in the room. Somebody set me up, that was now obvious.

"Knock knock," Zelena said, coming out from the shadows. "Zelena? What are you doing here?" I whispered, looking over at Elian. "Oh, don't worry about waking him. He's not real...He never was," Zelena said, waving her hand towards Elian. He disappeared. "What do you mean? Where's Elian?" I asked. "Like I said, he was never real... Well, he was... Up until I sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest back to Storybrooke. He didn't make it back... neither did any of the other Lost Boys... They're all back in Neverland, roaming free, not a care in the world," Zelena said. Tears pricked my eyes... He was never here? It was all a lie? Wait... Neverland? 'Th-that's not possible... Neverland can't exist without Peter... The island was dying with him," I said. "Neverland existed before Peter Pan... So it can certainly exist after him, yes? Especially after the bond between the two was broken by-" "Rumplestiltskin," I said, putting everything together. "But why? Why make me believe Elian was here the whole time?" I asked. "He was like... a security camera... watching you... all the time... both you and your boyfriend," Zelena smiled. "Why blow your cover? Why now?" I asked. "Because I don't need him anymore," Zelena said. "Why ever would that be?" I asked. Zelena just smiles as she raises her hand, Gold's dagger in it and motions someone forward. I turn to be faced with none other than Gold wrapping his arms around me, keeping me from running away.

I struggled to get out of his grasp, but nothing was working. "Pe-" A hand clasped over my mouth as I tried yelling for Peter. Then, I was surrounded by a green smoke and when it cleared I saw we were in Zelena's house. I kept struggling to be let go, but nothing worked. Gold let go of my mouth and I yelled, "Let me go!" "Okay," Zelena said and Gold let me go. I was about to teleport away, but Zelena used her magic towards me to tie me to a chair. "Ugh... Seriously?" I groaned, pulling at the ropes that kept my arms and legs tightly strapped to the chair. "Why are you doing this?" I asked Zelena once she sent Gold away. "Because I hear that boyfriend of yours, Peter Pan, is quite the villain," Zelena began, "I could use someone like that on my side. That's why you're here, Scarlett. To lure him over here, thinking he's going to save his precious love. But, by the time I'm through talking to him... telling him of the amazing things we could do together... he'll join me... and any goodness you once saw in him will disappear." I shook my head, "That plan has many flaws, Zelena. The main one being the fact that Peter doesn't remember me. Therefore he doesn't remember loving me. Why would he try to save me, then? Hm?" "Because deep inside of him is the Peter Pan that remembers you. And he'll come out... eventually... I'm certain of it... especially when he learns that you're in danger," Zelena said, beginning to walk away.

"I could help you!" I called out to her. Zelena turned back to me, intrigued, "And how could you do that?" "I-I know there is goodness in you. You're not necessarily evil, just... jealous... you feel unloved, yes? You feel like you deserve better and you do. But blaming Regina won't help your case. Whatever you plan to do to her, nothing will change the fact that your mother abandoned you, and it's not Regina's fault. You could start anew, though. I could help you. I could help you to be good again." I said. "Regina deserves nothing she has. None of it. And I intend to take away everything she holds dear," Zelena spat. "For what? For revenge? Revenge for her being born? She didn't know you even existed. Imagine what could have happened if you just told her who you were all those years ago, hmm? She could've accepted you into the family. You could've gotten everything you wanted but you let jealousy blind you. Just... let me go... and I could convince everyone to give you a chance. Please... before it's too late," I said, giving a last feeble attempt to reason with her. Zelena smiled wickedly, "It already is."

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