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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Felix and I walked up to Belle, David, Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret, Neal, Regina, Tinker Bell, and Gold. I saw Peter... No... I saw Henry is Peter's body. It's Henry in there... Not Peter... Just keep telling yourself that, Scarlett... If not... you just might go crazy... "Another curse?" Mary Margaret asked, "It's happening again?" "What's happening again?" I asked. Everyone turned to face me and Felix. "Scarlett? Where have you been? Why is Felix here?" Regina asked. "After Peter knocked you out... he teleported me to the police station and broke Andrew and Felix out. He tried to take Felix and I with him to God knows where, but I teleported us out of there. Felix is on our side," I lied. They all looked at me and Felix with skeptical looks. The only person I was worried about, though, was Emma. She's good at telling when someone is lying. But... I'm an amazing liar. "I don't know if we believe you. You are "in love" with Pan, are you not?" Gold question. "No matter what I feel for Peter, what he's done is wrong... and Felix has realized that as well and wants to help take him down," I lied again. They stared at us again for a while before Mary Margaret said to Emma, "You've got your superpower... Is she lying?" Emma stared at us, squinting as if trying to look into our brains, searching for the truth. After a few more seconds she said, "I think she's telling the truth."

Felix and I sighed in relief as Emma turned to Gold and continued to question him on this 'curse', "Gold, this curse, is it going to work like the last one?" Last one? Curse? Wait... They couldn't be talking about the Dark Curse? Could they? "The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desire. I would count on something hellish," Gold explained. Peter's gonna use the curse on the town... Oh God. "The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done," Regina said. "Well, it is possible to stop it," Gold said, sparking hope in all of us. "What?" Regina asked in disbelief. "By using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina," Gold said, "You must destroy the scroll. Both yours and his curses shall be ended, but know this—there will be a price; a steep one." "W-what do you suggest?" Regina asked. "Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell," Gold said and we all looked at him confused, "One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."

"If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I can bring it to you guys," Henry said and I wanted to squeal just from hearing Peter's voice. That's Henry, not Peter. That's Henry, not Peter. That's Henry, not Peter. Remember that, Scarlett! "Exactly right, Henry," Gold said. "Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell," Regina said. "Well, given the proper tool, I could be," Gold said. "The Black Fairy's wand," Tink said, "One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand." "I assume our dearly departed Mother Superior has it hidden in her residence," Gold said. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the convent," David said. "Can I come?" Tink asked, "I should pay my respects to Blue, after all." David nodded. "Then it's settled. The rest of us should get back to my shop and prepare Henry for the spell," Gold said and everyone left to wherever they were supposed to go. Felix tapped my shoulder and I looked at him as he pointed upward. I looked up and saw Peter's shadow as it flew off. It most probably heard everything and went to report to Peter.

We all made it Gold's shop and we all sat and waited for the others to come back with the wand. "Felix?" I asked, gaining Felix's attention. "This curse... You know it requires the heart of the thing the caster loves most... Whose heart is Peter gonna use?" I asked worriedly. Felix's eyes seemed to widen slightly, "It does?" I nodded. "He'd use yours then, wouldn't he?" Felix asked. "I don't think so... Remember Peter warned you to make sure I was safe and all that? I highly doubt he wants to kill me... But... love isn't only through romance, you know that, Felix... It's also through family... or friendship," I explained, hinting towards my idea of whose heart Peter is gonna use. "You don't think...?" "I do," I said, solemnly. "Pan is going to kill Andrew," Felix breathed. "He most probably already has, Felix... That's why he had us split up... So nobody could stop him from killing one of you two... You would've died if you wouldn't have switched with Andrew and came with me," I said. "I'm gonna kill him," Felix said, getting angry. I don't blame him. I'd kill Peter, too, if he had successfully killed Henry. "You just might be beat to it, Felix. They're planning to switch back Henry and Peter. We have to try to warn him," I said. "The shadow will do that. Our job is to pretend to be on your family's side... And I have to protect you... So try not to get yourself killed, please," Felix said. "Will do," I sighed and watched the door, hoping Peter has a plan.

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