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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"They'll fear you..." "No one cares about me..." "They don't understand you..." "You know that villains cannot have a happy ending!" "ENOUGH!" "I don't wanna hurt anyone else..." "Are you so sure he loves you for you?" "Peter is not and cannot be allowed a happy ending..." "They'll look at you and call you a monster!"

I screamed as I woke up in Emma's yellow bug. I panted as I looked around me. We crashed... The Snow Queen was in the road. The Snow Queen... "Emma, wake up," I said, shaking her. She groaned before opening her eyes. "Scarlett? Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah, fine. You?" I asked. "Think so," she said, opening the door and stumbling out of the car. I got out on my side, but not before taking a look in the side-view mirror and seeing I had a long gash on my cheek that was still oozing with blood. I hissed when I put my hand to it, the gash stinging. "Emma!" I called, walking over to her as she stood in the middle of the road. "Where'd she go?" I asked, looking around.

"Emma. Scarlett." Emma and I both spun around, our hands fizzing, to see the Snow Queen. "Stay back," Emma told her. "Wherever you two are headed, turn around and go home. You are both in great danger," the Snow Queen warned. "Gonna listen to you about danger? Get out of our way," Emma said. "My sweet girls, I am not the one that you should fear. Rumplestiltskin is. Whatever he's promised you, it's a lie," the Snow Queen said. "How do you know about that?" I asked. "So I was right. You mustn't trust him. He doesn't do anything unless it benefits him. He doesn't care about either of you. He would kill you to get what he desires," the Snow Queen said. I knew something was up with this... Maybe the Snow Queen is right. "You know what I think? The fact that you don't want us to go means something. It means we're going," Emma said. "Emma-" "I won't let you," the Snow Queen said, cutting me off. "You're not gonna hurt us. You need us," Emma said.

We both turned around and the Snow Queen was right in front of us. "Don't do this," she said. "What the...? You're not here," Emma realized, passing a hand through the Snow Queen making her turn to snowflakes before materializing again. "If I could be, I would. I'm trying to protect you, and that is the truth," Snow Queen said. "I don't care what you say. That's the truth," Emma said, walking through the Snow Queen who disappeared into snowflakes. "Emma... maybe we should believe her," I said. "What? She's the villain, Scarlett and she needs us with our powers. Of course she'd want to stop us from getting rid of them," Emma reasoned. "I don't know..." I trailed. "Do you want to stop hurting the people you love?" Emma asked. I nodded. "Then, let's go. This is the only way, Scarlett," Emma said. I hesitated before nodding and getting back in the car. Off we go...


Emma and I arrived at the house. "You ready?" Emma asked. I nodded, "Let's go." We got out of the car and walked up the steps and into the house. I wasn't sure before if I wanted to lose my magic.. but if it means no longer hurting anyone... I'l do it..

Emma and I walked through the house, looking for Gold. "Hello? Gold? You here? Gold? Gold? Gold, you in there?!" Emma kept calling throughout the house as we approached a room with a door at the end of it that was emitting a strong light... must be in there. "There's no need to shout," Gold said from behind us. I jumped and turned around, not expecting him to be right behind us. "I'm right here. You'll forgive me if I keep my distance. It would appear both your powers are growing increasingly out of control," Gold said. I nodded, looking at my sparking hands which had only gotten worse. "Yeah, it was a rough night. So, what do we need to do?" Emma asked. "I've already cast the spell inside that room. All you have to do is... Step through the door. Is something wrong?" Gold asked, noticing our discomfort.

"We ran into the Snow Queen... or rather we drove into her," I said, looking suspiciously at Gold. "Did you?" Gold asked. "Well, sort of. It was a projection or a hologram, or I don't know what it was. She said we shouldn't do this, that you were trying to hurt us," Emma said. "All right, so now we know who doesn't want you to do this... The villain. Sounds like an argument for it, but maybe that's just me," Gold said. "That's what I said," Emma said. "But given your track record... she may be right," I said, narrowing my eyes at Gold. "So you still have doubts?" "Do you blame us?" Emma asked. "No," Gold said, honestly. "Is it safe? Will we be okay?" Emma asked. "No magic is without risk, even magic used to take away magic. Look, this is very much your choice. And, of course, it was also your idea," Gold said. "But it's gonna stop us from hurting people," Emma said. "That much I can promise, yes," Gold nodded.

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