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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"Fine, I'll see you in a bit," I said, hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" Elsa asked. "Brother," I said, rolling my eyes. "Hey, guys. Belle found something in here... A spell. It may be able to work against the Snow Queen," Emma said, opening a book and placing it in front of us. "You don't mean kill her?" Elsa asked, worried. "No. No one's killing anyone. It's just... Neutralize her powers. Maybe," Emma said. "Can you read this?" Elsa asked. "Elvish? No, I didn't even see "Lord of The Rings,"" Emma said and I chuckled whereas Elsa looked at her confused. "Never mind. Belle translated it. It tells us how to enact the spell," Emma said. ""With both hands, hold the candle and then use your magic to light it. And then when you blow on it...""Elsa began. "Then bam, she's right back to selling ice cream. My guess is business will be down," Emma said. "That sounds a bit too easy, Emma," I said, not sure of this spell. "Maybe for once we get to take the easy route," Emma said. "Maybe without her powers we can talk to her. We can find Anna. We can get some real answers," Elsa said, hopefully. "Does your sister have magic?" I asked. "No, and I think that's why the Snow Queen is so interested in you two," Elsa said. "Yeah," Emma nodded.

"Does anyone in your family have magic? You know... Other than you two?" Elsa asked. "No... Well... not unless you count Regina," I said. "It's hard when they look at you differently, isn't it?" Elsa asked, solemnly. "They don't," Emma said and I nodded. "You're lucky. Okay. Should we try this?" Elsa asked. Emma grabbed the candle and held it out. She attempted to bind Elsa's hands but it didn't work. "I'm sorry. Should we try again?" Elsa asked. "Later. I have to meet Mary Margaret. I'm supposed to babysit tonight," Emma said." Elsa then looked to me hopefully and I shook my head, "Felix wants me to hang out with him for a change instead of Peter." "Life goes on." Elsa sighed. "We'll find her," Emma said. "It's okay. Go. I'll be here," Elsa said. "We can continue this later... Bye," I said, waving at Elsa before teleporting away to my brother whom I said I'd meet at the park.


"Hello, dear brother," I said, walking over to Felix who was sat on a bench holding two ice cream cones. "Ice cream. How ironic," I said, taking a cone from him. "This ice cream is from the Charmings' flat," Felix said. "Hmm. So, you broke into Mary Margaret and David's flat to steal ice cream. Good to know," I said, licking the ice cream. Felix shrugged and smirked. "I see you've lost your ball and chain for once," Felix said, referring to Peter. "Oh come now, Felix. He's not a ball and chain. He's just... way too overprotective," I said, shaking my head. "I don't think you need protecting anymore, Scar... Not after everything you've been through... Not with all the magic you possess," Felix said. I nodded, "Maybe so... Peter's just too careful to take any chances on that, though." "Oh trust me... I know.. I have spent hundreds of years with him," Felix said, raising his eyebrows. "True. I'll give you that," I said, laughing.

"Speaking of hundreds of years... When are we going back to Neverland?" Felix asked. I stopped and looked up at him, confused. "Neverland? Why would we go back there... for hundreds of years?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "You think Pan wants to stay here? Grow old? He left his son so he could stay young forever... You think he'll grow up now?" Felix asked, shaking his head, laughing sarcastically, "No... He won't. He'll go back... and you and I will go back with him." "Maybe we will..." I trailed. "And you don't have an issue with this?" Felix asked. "I... I don't know... Elian and the other Lost Boys are in Neverland... and eternal youth does sound pretty good... especially with Peter... but... I can't leave my family... And I know I can't just visit them whenever the hell I want... I know it's not that easy," I said, frowning. "Hey. Maybe you won't have to make that decision... Maybe I'm wrong and Peter will grow up... Maybe..." Felix said, though I know he was lying to make me feel better. "Maybe," I smiled, going on with the lie.

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