Chapter 1

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I always hate the feeling of waking up to what everyone always looks forward to 'school' and to be more specific it's the first day of term 3. I dragged myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom so I could use it before my older sister Melody. I entered the bathroom closing the door behind me, as I looked at myself in the mirror I saw nothing but my miserable self-reflected in the mirror.

There was soon a knock at the door that startled me "Elizabeth?", I recognised the voice to be Melody's. "Come in" I called out before peeking through the door, "hey, you ready for school?" she asked smiling brightly at me. To be honest I was terrified especially after what happened last term with the bullying I suffered, I shook my head slightly and Melody placed her hand on my shoulder. "Come on let me get you ready, for a change" she said with a smile grabbing hold of my hand and I didn't refuse.

Melody dragged me into her room and sat me down in front of her vanity that was filled with pictures and shelves of make-up and hair accessories that weren't too fancy. "First I'll do your hair so how does a messy bun sound" she said with a little squeal at the end. The idea didn't sound to fancy which I liked because I was never the person to put too much effort in the way I dressed. Melody soon finished my hair and applied a tiny bit of lip balm and gloss to me before I was all set. "Done" she said before dragging me off to my room to pick my outfit.

I walked into my room following behind Melody who raced into my closet and started pulling out potential outfits. I waited 3 minutes until she came to her final choice, "let's go with your skinny jeans and loose long sleeve shirt with Bambi and thumper printed on the front and over the top wear your checked blue and white jacket with your blue sneakers" she said handing them to me. Melody soon left the room just so I could get changed and in the distance I could hear her singing 'Faded, by Alan Walker'. Melody had a beautiful voice and it suited her because she was beautiful as well. In a few minutes I was dressed and ready to go so I grabbed my bag from my bed and swung it over my shoulder and made my way downstairs to the front door where I saw Melody already dressed wearing skinny, a one strap top with the words 'Not all is perfect' printed on the front, she had her perfectly brown russet hair curled and casted down over her left shoulder. Along with her bag slumped over her shoulders hanging down loosely.

"ready?" she asked opening the front door, I looked behind me and sighed before looking back at Melody. "okay, I'm ready" I said walking out the door and closing it behind me, "don't worry, it's a new term means things could change" said Melody squeezing my hand gently as we walked down the footpath of our dirt dusted driveway. We lived on a farm property meaning that yes we did own a few animals and it was Melody's and my responsibility to look after the two horses we owned, the black one was mine and the white one was Melody's. We also owned some chicken that was 10 to be exact, we had our dog and she was a German Shepard along with our cat Lacy which was a Russian Blue.

As I walked off the drive way I saw the bus pulled up in front of our driveway, first Melody stepped on the bus and I walked in to take a seat. I sat on my own while my sister sat towards the back of the bus with a few other kids that she had made friends with, I sat in my seat with my earphones in my ears and my music playing from my iPod. I was listening to a few songs from Metro Station because they were one of my favourite bands, we made 5 other stops along the way before we reached school. Most of the kids that hopped on were in younger grades so it didn't interest me too much.

We soon arrived at school and I packed away my music before slipping it in my bag and exiting the bus, of course I was the last person off but I honestly didn't care if I was or not. I walked through the pathway behind the dance studio and made my way over to the bag racks, where I met up with my friends Brooklyn, Penelope, Vanessa, Joyce and Taylor who were also hanging out with Toney, Joel, Kody, Matt, Newt, Greg, Owen and Blake.

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