Chapter 25

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The silence anticipated and it felt like forever yet it had only been 2 minutes, all eyes were on Joyce as we awaited her answer. "Well I okay yes" she said and we all saw a big smile spread across Kody's face, before Joyce went to give him a hug. "Now make that we have 4 couples now okay hands up for whose single so I know I Ain't the only one" said Penelope, soon after Vanessa, Greg, Toney, Blake and Cyrus walked into the room. 

"Hey guys here" said Taylor getting up and passing on 5 cans of coke that Mrs. Gretz had gone to get only a few minutes ago. "Hey Mrs. Gretz can we watch some movie of iTunes?" I asked and she looked at me like I had gone mad. "No I don't have money" she said and I shook my head, "I just need to log into my account and I have $20 on it anyway so I can rent one for us to watch" I said and she shrugged her shoulders, "okay as long as you have the money go for it" she said and I quietly did a small celebration.

"Okay guys what movie?" I asked and considering Ben and such were on their phones and watching stuff on their laptops and talking. "Harry Potter and you know you can just rent all the movies as a bundle" said Blake. "Everyone good with Harry Potter?" I asked and they as nodded enthusiastically, I went on my account and searched up Harry Potter and rented the bundle before pressing play on the first movie.

"Hey Mrs. Gretz can we go down to the oval?" asked Jeff and Ms laughed, "yea right in your dreams" she said. "So can we?" asked Jeff again and Mrs. Gretz turned around in her chair to face him. "No you can't" she said and most couldn't help but laugh at the argument until we found something else to laugh at.

We soon settled and watched the movie with the chocolate we still had left, there was soon a knock at the door "I'll get it" said Heather. "Oh hey Lisa" we heard Heather say, they made their way over. "Oh cool did Mrs. Gretz snatch the coke from the staffroom?" asked Lisa and we all nodded. "And the chocolates ask no question it's normal" commented Owen and Lisa and laughed and nodded. All in all she was pretty chilled, we sat somewhere bunched up together on the ground and watched in silence.

Halfway through the movie I looked over to see Penelope becoming a bit fidgety, I leaned over and tapped her shoulder lightly. She looked towards me raising her eyebrows a bit, "why you all jumpy?" I asked her. "Because Draco duh" she said pointing at the screen and I just giggled, "keep flirting" I said and she turned around and playfully glared at me.

"Hey if you were me you'd do the same" she said and I giggled at her Pierce the Veil reference. "Yea he'll give you a serenade" I said and she smiled, "yep a backseat serenade" she said referencing All time low.

We kept our eyes focused on the tv and Penelope couldn't stop drooling over Draco which was kind of funny actually. She almost looked like he was in a day dream like state, maybe in an hour the movie finished and the room was still quiet. "Alright next up is year 2 of Harry Potter" said Owen standing up to start the next movie when a disturbed comment was made. "No more movie from you geeks honestly worst movie of all time" commented Ben and we all glared at him, and then Vanessa said something that made us laugh "Darry is life" she yelled out and it took Ben a minute to realize she was talking about Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

We soon began watching the second movie and we had already gone through one whole block of chocolate. We were soon halfway through the movie when the last bell of the day rang and that meant freedom. Tomorrow we had study block all day and no sport hooray and I had finished all my exams so that was a bonus.

We went to the buses with our bags and I sighed at a sight of someone I just hated also known as Ava and she was all over her boyfriend and it made me want to vomit. Even though I had my own guy but she was a slut so that's what made me sick really. I got on the bus and we all sat at the back, I was sitting next to Heather and behind us along the back 5 seats sat Matt, Penelope, Joyce and Nathan leaving one spare seat and I sat in the seat in front with Cyrus while Melody and Alex sat in the seat across from us.

I then looked a few seats in front and saw James and Ava sitting only 1 seat in front of Melody and Alex. It was silent on the bus that was until Joyce bursted out her music and it was the song 'Do it now remember it later' and trust me that song was strictly used to be throwing shade at Ava and annoying the hell out of her. As well as the song we use to just be stupid idiots. "Can you turn the music down?" asked Ava and I scoffed before Penelope cut in, "could you please give us the spotlight cause I have something to say, you may not like the subject but I'll say this any way" she sang before Joyce joined in. " we're so sick of all this so called shitty music that you paly could you please do us a favour stay the hell out of our way" she sang and then I finished it off, "congratulations" I sang and then we turned to Ava and shrugged and she scoffed.

"Yea no" I said and she turned around to face James hopping he'd do something but he didn't and I was silently laughing or most of us were. I soon heard Cyrus whisper something in my ear and I could feel Ava glaring at me, "hey do you mind?" I heard Cyrus say and Ava looked around pretending she did nothing but she was getting on everyone's nerves. I was relieved that it was almost week 9 meaning soon after it would be the holidays now that was going to be fun. Holidays only lasted 2 weeks and then it would be term 4 then it would be Christmas.

Exams were done meaning that the next 2 weeks were fun and games unless the teachers were mean which they weren't but you know. We soon got to my stop and I got of the bus with Melody saying goodbye to everyone and getting off the bus. I had no homework however Melody needed to study for year 12 exams and her learners. I went into my room and plugged my earphones into my Ipod and bursted out listening to 'with eyes to hear and ears to see' because that was like my favourite song okay I have a lot but hey you can never have too many.

On the bus we discussed what we were going to do for term 4 because we planned on doing secret Santa and maybe having a party and water fight at school. I was dancing around my room like the energetic person I was when I looked at my emails and saw something about a mental health day which seemed interesting. "The school finally decided to look into it" I mumbled before logging out. I opened up my skype and soon saw an ongoing skype group chat I joined and I probably joined at the wrong time because I came when they were having a ridiculous argument.

"No captain America is better than iron man" argued Matt, "not true Iron man is better at least he can fly" bragged Blake. Boys when do they uses their brains because this was a stupid argument so I decided to cut in, "harry potter is better than the both of them" I said and they both shut up. "Thank you Elizabeth" said Joyce laughing, "What on earth are you two idiots arguing about?" I asked. "The civil war movie of course it's iron man vs Captain America" said Matt and I face palmed my forehead. "Sorry Blake but Captain America's better" I said and he gasped. "Why?" he asked with fake sadness. "Because he's closer and he can beat Donald Trump so I wouldn't mind if Captain America was president because it would have a nice ring" I said and Matt clapped at my response. "I guess" he said with little defeat before I attempted to change the topic and that took a wrong turn because something casual like how was your day turned into me getting teased for flirting which was not the idea I was getting at. 

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