Chapter 32

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It had been 3 weeks of holidays and now I was heading back to school for term 4 and that was great because I was only in that place of hell for 9 weeks. Brooklyn said she was returning in week 2 because she was in New Zealand and I had to deal with a bunch of idiots who were my friends which led to keeping me from going insane.
I was now sitting on the bus and waiting until we got to school, I had my earphones plugged in to my phone and I was listening to Panic! At the disco and silently mouthing the words. I had Matt sitting beside me and Joyce in front of me. "Can you believe it Christmas is almost here!" She said excitedly.

Honestly I was excited too and also because my Grandpa and grandma on my Dad's side were coming over for Christmas. After the long bus ride we got to school and we were greeted to Vanessa, Owen, Blake and Newt waving at us like crazy.

"Calm down you saw us two weeks ago not like it's been a year" said Joyce raising her eyebrows. "Well we need you guys here because today's the 26th of October meaning it's Penelope's birthday" exclaimed Vanessa.

We all looked at her wide eyed and Vanessa frowned, "how could you guys forget!" She said waving her hands around in the air. "I didn't forget, I have her present in my bag" said Vanessa feeling proud of herself. "Because your organised!" Exclaimed Owen and Vanessa giggled at his reaction.

We were in the middle of our crisis argument when I turned around to see Penelope walking towards us. "Guys Penelope at 8 o'clock!" I quietly whisper yelled and the all got the memo, "hey guys" said Penelope all happy, "Happy birthday!" We all yelled making her jump back in surprise.

A small celebration nothing big which mainly consisted in squealing and jumping around, then we went to Home room. Which today was assembly and apparently. And oh boy were we in for a treat, apparently we had guest speakers and they were all into fund raising.

"So in week 6 we'll be having free dress and you need a gold coin donation" said Emma and she was only in year 11 haha goodie. I then got tapped on the shoulder by Joyce and I was cautious to look at her, "don't you think she looks like Jennifer from back to the future" she pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait until graduation!" I said excitedly and Joyce nodded. "Same I can't believe Mason will be out of school" she said and it sounded as if she was jealous. "I heard the graduation song was going to be Because we can by Bon Jovi" said Joyce and I nodded because it was true.

After assembly we had Electives and I had Home Economics with Ms. Crete and we were doing a cooking assessment and it was on desert my favourite course of a meal. The down side was buying our own ingredients and she kept saying these meals were cheap when they would cost me $23.50 almost to buy the ingredients all she was supplying was staples.

"You will give them to me and I'll taste them" she said with her creepy smile, someone save me please. And at morning tea I had a meeting with our schools careers adviser Mrs. Donaldson and my parents were coming too.
Morning tea came and sprinted to the library so I wouldn't be late, I knocked on the door and saw that mum and dad were already there.

"Morning" I greeted her and she told me to take a seat, 30 minutes later "okay your all set for TAFE and your subjects for next year are finalised, "excellent" said dad. I chose the subjects I needed and then as a spare I chose music. I was dismissed and sent to my next class which was History for a double lesson and then I had a single of math and mr. Jetson wasn't here today so we were told our relief teacher would be Mr. bridges but he was nice.

In history our teacher Ms. Falcon introduced us to our new topic which was going to be World War II and seeing on how it changed history. She also said we had an exam and that it was half multiple choice and the other half was long answer questions.
"Alright your homework is to research some facts about the events that led up to the war and that occurred in the war.

There was soon a message coming in over the speakers, "we shall be doing a practice test on the lockdown bells this is a false alarm" the announcer said. Following the ringing of the bell, it lasted for maybe 2 minutes. "Thank you for participating in our drill" the announcer finally finished.

Well at least this time they didn't make us get under the desk and practice procedure. The speaker soon came on again, "students and teachers we will be doing a practice run please do the procedure as per normal" the announcer said and everyone groaned in annoyance. Then the bell went and we were instructed to get under our desks and stay down until the office gave the all clear. Honestly when were we ever gonna have a real lock down because we practiced every year and it was rare that we ever had one.

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