Chapter 24

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The next morning I got to school and packed my books away in my locker before going over to Ms. Lin's office because I hadn't seen her in a while. And I needed to see her anyway about something to do with my classes. I walked over to her office and knocked "come in" she called and I let myself in, "oh Elizabeth nice to see you" she greeted and I smiled.

"What did you need?" she asked politely as I took a seat, "I was wanting to see you about having to do with Ava Creed and my classes" I said and she nodded before going into her filing cabinet. "let's see, you both have media and Maths together" she said and I nodded, "okay well on that line which is line 3 we have: Media, Dance, Hospitality, music" she said and I nodded. "Well is it possible to just move Ava and I can stay in my class which is Media?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay then we'll put Ava in Dance and you can stay in media studies" she stated and I seemed genially happy with the result.

"Anything else?" she asked and I thought for a moment before a question came to my mind, "Um Ms. Lin I was wondering if I could also talk to you about just a few things that have been bothering me?" I asked and she smiled. "Hon go ahead I'm here to help you" she said and I nodded. "Well you know how now Ava's moved well I don't know how to deal with her yet I see her around my neighbourhood" I said and she looked at me curiously, "darling what do you mean?" she asked sounding calm. "I had guests over for dinner" I said forming quotation marks with my fingers and then I think she got the message.

"She came over with James because his parents and my parents are friends I guess and she came over and I had a flipping anxiety attack" I said and she looked at me with concern. "Darling are you okay?" she asked and I nodded, "my parents and his parents know about it so it's all good really" I said and she nodded.

The bell soon rang for class and today was exam block and I hated it because I had a History exam in the middle session and in the first two lessons I had study. I walked over to the exam blocks which were E1 and E2 because that's where the study sessions were taking place.

We had Mrs. Gretz and she was the funniest and loudest teacher you could know, "hey guys" she said yet don't mind her she treated us with no formality and she was pretty relaxed. "Hey Ms do you have any chocolate?" asked Matt and she laughed, "yea I have three blocks there on my desk" she said. "Can I have them?" asked Matt, "yea whatever go ahead" she said and Matt sprinted out of the room to go and get the chocolate that Ms. Gretz said he could have.

Matt soon came back with 4 blocks of Cadbury chocolate and two were Rocky Road and the other two were fruit nut. "Hey mate you gotta share" said Joel who was sitting on the ground with his arm around Brooklynn. We soon heard someone do a whistle and we all looked at Owen, "really mate?" asked Joel and we all laughed.

"Guys come on your supposed to be studying" said Mrs. Gretz in a joking tone, "aww come on Ms exams are over rated" said Owen trying to hold in a laugh. "Shut up" said Mrs. Gretz laughing, "yes mum" said Owen laughing like a mad man. Let's just say the room was already loud enough with Matt, Owen, Brooklynn, Newt, Taylor, Cody and Joyce.

"Wait so how thinks by the end of the period that Toney and Greg will be exam brain dead" said Owen acting like he was on a high. "Me" I said, "you people are so lucky I love you because if I didn't I'd be calling Mrs. Willows" she said and okay we didn't stop because we knew she wasn't though.

Soon after Ben, Robert, Jeff and Dennis came into the classroom along with Maggie, Quinn, Carey and Hannah. "Hey Mrs got any chocolate?" asked Robert and she snickered, "in your dreams" she said and Robert looked over at Matt. "But Matt's got some though" he whined, "yea because he's a good kid and you haven't given me your assignment" said Mrs. Gretz with sarcasm and he all silently laughed.

"Share a block" called out Jeff but Matt hid the chocolate and shook his head, "no idiot get you own" said Matt pretending to be annoyed. "Look go to my staffroom and you can each get a soft drink" she said getting up out of her chair, "Cody can you supervise?" she asked before going out the door. She didn't even give him time to answer "thanks" she said before leaving.

"Okay guys dessert is served and music limits are gone" announced Cody and we all opened two blocks of chocolate, one Rocky road and one fruit nut. "Wait Joyce can you go after   Ms. Gretz and ask her if we can have some coke or Pepsi?" asked Taylor and Joyce nodded before getting up and going out the door.

Sometime later Mrs. Gretz came back and so did the others, we looked over their heads to see Joyce walking back with 9 cans of Coke. "She succeeded" I called out as I looked out the window and we all cheered.

We all sat on the floor in the back corner of the room eating chocolate and having coke when there was a knock. "Come in" called out Mrs. Gretz, we all looked over to see Heather walk in along with Nathan trailing behind her. "Hey Mrs. Gretz mind if we hang out here?" asked Heather as she made her way in. "Go for it" said Mrs. Gretz, "oh Nathan I still need your business assignment" she said and Nathan nodded.

"Hey can I have some chocolate and a can of coke if there's spare?" asked heather and I reached over and handed her a can of coke. "I can I have one too please?" asked Nathan as he sat a computer, I handed a can to Joyce and she passed it on to him. "You guys are legends" said Heather as she took a sip form her drink.

"Say where's the lovebirds Ava and James?" asked Heather and I heard Owen laugh almost choking and spitting out his drink but he managed to swallow first. "Probably walking around and making out" said Newt laughing.

A few minutes later we were just talking and being idiots when a topic popped up out of nowhere, "How many people do we have dating in this group?" asked Penelope. Who had come in 5 minutes ago because she had finished her Drama exam, "2 so far I guess" replied Newt. I looked over and saw Kody looking at Joyce almost like he had zoned out for a bit.

"Hello earth to Kody" I heard Penelope say and he shook his head, "yea" he responded and we all smirked. "Guys I'm just gonna go and get something from my bag" said Joyce as she stood up and walked away, Joyce soon left the room and we all looked over to Kody with mischievous grins on our faces.

"Kody we saw you checking out Joyce come on we know you like her" said Matt raising his eyebrows. We watched Kody's cheeks turn a light shade of pink and we all laughed, "dude ask her out" said Nathan and Kody looked down at the floor in uncertainty.

"What if she says no" he said sounding distant, "mate she won't because honestly she won't seriously she really likes you" said Penelope and she looked over at me and I just nodded. "Yea quit kidding around" he said okay here's one thing you need to know about Kody is that he is always unsure in himself when it comes to having a crush on someone.

"Dude just ask her and be honest and relax" said Nathan patting his shoulder, Kody looked up showing a small smile. And I bet Mrs. Gretz could hear all this too and sure enough yes she did, "Yea Kody ask her out and hey if she says no we'll be your shoulder to cry on and I will give you the biggest hug" she said with humour in her tone. Kody took a deep breath before nodding okay then I guess I'll try" he said and we shook our heads. "Not try you will" we all said at once.

Joyce soon walked back in and we all went silent, "what's going on?" she asked as she closed the door slowly behind her. I looked over at Owen and he nudged Kody's shoulder and Kody looked at him nervously. The room was still silent too, Kody stood up and walked over to Joyce and she looked at him confused but didn't speak. "Um Joyce I've liked you since the start of the year and well I just wanted to know if maybe you'd just go out with me?" he asked acting shy it was kind of cute.

We all nervously awaited for the answer as we sat waiting for what Joyce was going to say, "I um well" she stuttered and we all froze up wanting to know her answer.

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