Chapter 8

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We listened to a whole playlist of Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Fall out Boy, All time Low and Paramore because they were pretty cool well to us. Brooklynn, Penelope and Joyce were dancing around while I looked to see Kody and Newt doing air guitar solos which made us laugh. When all hell broke loose and I saw Chloe come walking over, I was sitting next to James when she walked over with a sour look on her face. I soon heard the music stop and we were now all looking at her, "hey loser do me a favour and help me deal with Ava" she said. "Hell no you deal with her and I hate you so I don't want to help you" I said to her with a hint of anger in my voice.

I watched as she became extremely mad "come on bitch why don't you give up on being tough and like help me" she ordered but I refused. I was about to tell her off when Joyce stepped in "you don't deserve any help after what you pulled" she stated off angrily. "Your gonna hold a grudge against me for beating you up how real child's play" Chloe joked and it made me furious. I winked over at Penelope and she went to get the teacher with Toney following behind her. I knew what I was doing, I was tired of being pulled down and stepped on.

And in a matter of seconds Mr. Burns came over and I felt a sigh of relief come over me, "Chloe Beans my office now!" Mr. Burns shouted and she followed him like a lost puppy with a lot of ignorance upon her. "Yes!, she's gone" I heard Joyce celebrate as she turned the music back on. After lunch we had ICT with Matt, James and Vanessa which was an absolute bludge class like we didn't do anything but play games or talk.

Penelope, Greg, Newt and Taylor had Hpe while Brooklynn, Newt, Kody and Owen all had Media arts. We all agreed that we'd meet by the buses after school, we all ran off to our classes and Matt said he had to just quickly see Ms. Hen our career's adviser because he was looking into work experience. And Vanessa said she needed to drop a note off at the office which left me and James alone to walk to class.

We were walking and having mini conversations with each other, we soon got to class and went inside and took our seats next to one another. I got out my books and organised them when I notice James looked at me and watching what I was doing, I looked over at him and smiled "what is something wrong with my books" I said with a cheeky grin. He shoke his head quickly before rubbing his eyes "no I've just never seen anyone this organised" he said to me and I felt a bigger smile grow on my face, I must've looked like the Cheshire cat with a smile this big.

"Really, I'm surprised" I said and I actually was because everyone made fun of me being super neat and organised. Pretty soon the rest of the class came in and I saw Cyrus and Ben walk in and this is where I though hell would be coming down.

I watched them was past us to the other side of the classroom but they sat in the same row as us, I tried to just ignore it and pretend they were invisible. A few minutes into the class Mr. Ronaldson came walking around with our assignment and at first glance it didn't look that hard but then after reading through it I panicked, it looked so complicated than it was to be honest. Like this is what someone in year 12 would do and I would fail this, I guess James noticed "hey what's up?" he asked looking over at my task sheet. "This assignment" was all I managed to say. "Don't worry I'll help you with it" he said and I looked over at him surprised "thank you" I said with a small smile before turning my attention back to Mr. Ronaldson's explanation.

A small time later Mr. Ronaldson was nearly done explaining the assignment and James was going through it with me. "James and Elizabeth please stop talking unless it is about work?" he stated, I nodded hesitantly "yea sir I'm just helping Elizabeth understand a bit of the assignment" he said sounding calm. "Yea sir he was just explaining a little section that confused me" I said straight after. Sir just nodded and carried on with his teaching, soon after that we went on the computers and began working on the assignment.

5 minutes of working with James on the assignment and little by little I began to understand the assignment which was now sounding so easy. The only thing that stood in my way now was how to use Photoshop on a Mac and get everything perfect. "There now you just need to draw you characters and I would say do it on paper first before the computer" suggested James setting a pencil down on a notepad.

I sketched out my character with some ideas of my own and James which the end result was that the character turned out to be super nerdy. "Oh my the character Dil so looks like you just drew Owen and it is so cool" said James in surprise. To be honest I was also happy with the final outcome of my characters so I began drawing them on the computer.

45 minutes later the bell rang and it was finally the end of the day and I was tired, but I still had to go to the phycologist after school today too. I walked to the bus with James and got on the bus waiting for everyone else to come. A few minutes later I saw Melody come on the bus and she looked so happy "hey what has you smiling?" I asked poking her arm, she smiled and giggled before answering me. "Well Elizabeth you know how I told you about how I had a crush on Thomas Stars" she started off and I nodded, "well he asked me out today and now we're dating" she said trying to stop herself from screaming.

"Congrats Melody" I said feeling happy for her and I truly was, I was about to speak again when I heard someone speak and I so recognised the voice. I turned around to see Thomas walking towards Melody, she looked over my shoulder and smiled as he sat down beside her. They looked like such acute couple it was almost like they were meant for each other.

15 minutes in and we were now on the motorway and like there was the worst traffic but lucky for us we were almost done and off the exit. I was counting down until we got to the exit and by the time I got to 5 we exited the motorway.

Now for the best one yet seeing houses at last no more endless roads that look like they lead to nowhere. 6 drop offs later we got to my house and I said goodbye to James and waited for Melody to stop cuddling up to her new boyfriend. "Okay come on" I said flicking Melody on the cheek. She stood up out of her seat and blew him a kiss before walking off the bus. I watched her walk off before looking at James "I'll see you this afternoon" he said smiling and I nodded before walking off the bus following behind Melody.

I walked inside and went up to my room to put my bag away and get changed into some skinny jeans and my Alice in wonderland Cheshire cat shirt before getting out my homework to do. I started with my Media assignment so I could get some of it done and then I moved on to English because that's all the tasks I had. After finishing them I went into the kitchen to eat a banana and wait on the kitchen bench for when mum got home.

1 hour later Mum got home and beeped her car horn to signal she was ready to go, I ran outside and hopped in the car so mum could talk me to my phycologist appointment. We soon got the phycologist and mum dropped me off and I went inside to have my appointment which was basically and check-up. 1 hour later I finished my appointment and Mum picked me up and drove me home because she had to pick Dad up from work because the car was at the mechanic.

We soon got back home and Mum dropped me off before driving off to go and I ended up going inside and having a shower so I could change into my Pyjamas.

After finishing my shower and getting changed I lay down on my bed and looked at my phone to see a message form James, 'Hey I'm coming over and don't worry your parents already know'. I laughed at that last past of the message, 'okay sure' I texted back turning off my phone and grabbed my Paper Towns book of my bedside table and started reading it. The room was so quiet that was until Melody shouted out from downstairs "Elizabeth!, do you know where the glass kitchen wipes are?!" she yelled. "Sorry no I don't" I said sounding apologetic.

"Never mind found them" she yelled back, I looked at my phone for the time and saw that it was now 3:30pm and James said he'd be over soon. I continued to read until I heard a knock at the door, I rushed down stairs and tripped on a step falling on my butt before getting to my feet again and running to the door to answer it.


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