Chapter 37

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Today I somehow convinced mum to allow me to stay home today and I would give Melody my assignment and she could drop it in for me. But I would still show up at Melody's graduation and anyway Mum said I could ride the horse down to the lake and go for a swim if I wished and I didn't need to think twice it was boiling hot in the house. I got dressed into my skinny jeans and my Harry Potter Gryffindor loose shirt and put on my black sneakers.

"Elizabeth?, you ready?" I heard mum call out, I quickly put my hair into a ponytail before answering back to her. "Yes Mum" I answered as I ran down the stairs which was the wrong decision because I tripped and sprained my left ankle and it hurt like hell, I tried to hold in a scream and instead I squirmed catching Melody's attention. "What happened?" She asked once she saw me on the floor, then I looked down at my ankle and I noticed that it was starting to swell. "I kind of ran down the stairs and landed wrong on my ankle" I said looking up at Melody, then Mum came running when she wondered what was taking so long. "What hap-" mum began before she saw me on the floor with my hand over my ankle and she nearly freaked out, before rushing to the medical cabinet to get some tape for my ankle.

"You are one clumsy person, I tell ya" she said getting my black flower leather combat boots from the door, mum came back with the bandage and handed it to Melody so she could wrap up my ankle. I looked at mum and she shook her head, "now you can't go to the lake" she said and I felt my jaw drop. "But I really want to go to the lake" I whined and Melody placed her hand over my head, "honey but your ankle" mum pointed out and by this time I was really upset because I was looking forward to the lake.
I looked at both mum and Melody with Puppy dog eyes, "sweetheart look if you feel better when we get back from the graduation you can go down by the lake" said Mum sort of giving in.

A few minutes later we were driving to the school and the ceremony started at 8am and the year 12's were going to the beach after. Hopefully my ankle would get better but for now I just had to wait to see if the swelling went down then it would be more convincing that it had to be okay. We soon got to school and I got out of the car carefully making sure I didn't wobble on my ankle, we got to our seats and met up with Dad while Melody made her way to the front and sat with her friends and cohort.20 minutes into the ceremony we had already sang the national anthem and our principle made their speech before Melody came up and did her speech.

"Good morning guests, our school principle, teachers and students. Today we are here to celebrate the end of our schooling and now we would be heading out into the real world, for us this is just another stepping stone to bigger and better things. For our parents it's just a joy to see us succeed. To these people I've grown to like and we've been together for a while, we help each other through the tough times and laugh at the funniest. The good memories we've shared like when mr. Johnson made the elephant's toothpaste explode in science, that was funny. And the times when Ryan and Jesse would prank mr. Richardson in maths class. And Josh with his idiotic jokes that would sometimes embarrass each one of us. However those fun and precious memories will never seperate us" said Melody before she stepped back from the mic and in stepped Justin. "This journey we've been on has bought us here and even though I myself hadn't been here long I feel like I've known these guys since the beginning, like Melody and he quirkiness, Jane with her ability to make a positive fool of herself and let's not forget the person who thinks he's the king Jarred well so he thinks" Justin said and everyone laughed. Justin's then continued on, "the teachers and staff here are those who help us on our journeys and for us we leave our own legacy that is unique. And to those who are yet to be in our position good luck next year you're gonna need it and to those yet to come that are down the line. Enjoy while your here instead of wishing you were out" Justin finished and everyone clapped before both Justin and Melody exited the stage.

Everyone clapped and then Mrs. Willows walked on the stage and adjusted the mic before speaking, "well we will now move on to the certificates" she said sorting out her papers and Mr. Richardson was there chosen teacher to speak on their behalf. He stood there handing out the certificates while Mrs.Willows called out the names and the students came up one by one. 1 hour later the ceremony finished and the class of 2016 was announced, I know my parents took lots of photos and I was proud to see my sister graduate.

A few hours later I was back home and both mum and dad had gone to work. While I got a small backpack all done with my towel and other stuff, I also had something to eat before grabbing the house keys before riding down to the lake.

I rode down the path that led to the lake and walked the horse  across the fallen thick log. I tied the horse leash to a branch and walked to the lake and set my stuff down before getting down to my swimmers and hopping in the water.
I jumped in making a splash before running my hands through my hair. I swam around and relaxed against the log.  It was so calm that was until I heard two voices and I quickly hiding before seeing the two people appear.

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