Chapter 11

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'Why is he calling me' I thought as I looked down at my phone and I didn't want to answer but I guess I had to because my parents were there too. "Hello" I answered and immediately he began talking my ear off, "look I'm sorry okay but I still feel like you don't trust me" he said trying to make me feel bad but it didn't work. "Look I do trust you but there are somethings that I just don't want to tell you yet okay" I said trying to remain calm. I crawled back towards the headboard of my bed and waited for James to talk "look just don't do anything stu-" he said before I hung up on him and tossed my phone to the end of my bed, I hugged my knees up to my chest and rested my head in my arms. I felt a sting from my fresh cuts that I had made but I didn't care.

2 weeks had now passed and I was talking to Joyce and Penelope about the homework we had for our subjects. The guys were down at the oval and being stupid while we stayed at the tables being nerds and studying not that there was anything wrong with that. Penelope said she was going to buy lunch from the tuckshop and Joyce said she was going to the oval to see what the boys were up to and I decided to go with her because I had nothing else to do.

We walked down to the oval and sat near a tree that was in line with the football posts and watched the boys be stupid. I could hear them laughing and cracking jokes in some like rap battle that I guess some kids in year 7 put together. We were busy laughing when I saw James look over at me, he showed me a quick smile and I did the same before he looked away. "So do you still have a crush on James?" Joyce asked leaning in closer to rest her head on my shoulder. I tried to hide my smile as best I could but she saw it anyway "yea" I said looking down at her.

"Aww that's cute" she said with a giggle and I giggled with her, "yea but it won't happen" I said with a surge of doubt. "Are you kidding but he really likes you and he cares" she said and I looked at her raising one of my eyebrows. "yea but we're just on doggy terms right now" I said and before I could speak again I saw Ava and she looked super happy.

"Hey Ava" I said trying to be friendly, "Oh hey Elizabeth" she said smiling and then that's when I noticed something she was staring at James. "Isn't he a cutie" she said and it kind of irritated me. "Um yea sure Ava" said Joyce looking down at the ground, "I'm gonna go talk to him" she said and I just ignored her and watched.

I watched as she tapped James on the shoulder and flirted her butt off, and the worst part was that he was falling for it too. It made me break slowly and it really ticked me off to see her getting her way. "That's disgusting" I heard Joyce say and when I looked back I saw Ava twirling her hair around her finger and having a goofy smile imprinted on her face. It made me feel sick and to think I thought I had him but just turned out to good to be true. We were just going to remain friends is what it seemed like in my view. "I've got to go to the bathroom" I said to Joyce as I stood up and ran off covering my face from the tears that wanted to fall. I walked in and sat on the bench hugging my knees to my chest as I cried quietly. A few minutes passed of me being alone in the bathroom when I heard the door open and in walked Heather and Kayla and here I was crying and looking like a mess.

"Elizabeth babe what's wrong?" asked Kayla walking over to me and sitting down, "everything" I said and she frowned her eyebrow and took me into a hug. "Honey tell me" she cooed and I just sniffled as I spoke "Ava decided to flirt with James and that's not the worst everyone in my grades figured out I like him and it's just too much now" I cried and she held me tight. "Shh babe it's going to be okay" said Heather leaning down in front of me, I looked up at her and showed her a weak smile.

Joyce soon came walking into the bathroom and he face turned from expressionless to pure shock, she rushed towards me and moved my fringe from my eyes. "Elizabeth babe it's going to be okay just calm down" she cooed. My cries soon turned to sniffles as I wiped away my tears, I went to the sink and washed my face before walking out the door with Joyce, Kayla and Heather at my side.

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