Chapter 23

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They soon left and walked away and I looked over at Cyrus in shook and he had the same expression, "did you just hear what I heard?" I asked sycastically and he nodded. There was soon a knock at the door "come in" I said and in walked Dad, "hey you two" he said and we laughed. "Dessert" he called and we both looked at him like we were about to go insane before nodding, "hurry before it's gone" he said as he walked away. I looked over to Cyrus and then quickly made a run for it but then Cyrus stopped me before tackling me to the bed so I was lying on my back and he was on top of me. 

"Get off" I said giving him a glare but he refused with a cheeky grin, "unlike you I really want dessert" I said punching his chest. "Oh yea" he said and I hadn't noticed that he had let go of me, "race ya to the kitchen" he said jumping of the bed and I did the same. "Oh yea you wouldn't dare" I said and he smirked taking off and I went after him.

We got down the stairs and I had taken the lead and was running in front "I'll win" I said and he laughed, I was almost at the kitchen when he caught me by wrapping his arms around my waist. "Gotcha" he said and I laughed, I didn't even notice that we were in the kitchen and everyone was looking at us. "You two are cute" I heard Melody say while everyone else gave a smile that was showing a bit of affectionate I say, I looked over to see Ava having a face of disgust and I giggled before getting out of Cyrus's arms.

We went to serve ourselves dessert and I was delighted when I saw a Black forest cake and vanilla ice-cream with options of chocolate sauce, hundreds of thousands, chocolate sprinkles and some whipped cream. We served ourselves and went to sit on the kitchen bench together, sometime into eating dessert we must've had too much sugar because we're off to a flying sugar high.

"Say Elizabeth did you hear about the school talent show that's taking place?" I heard Thomas ask and I nodded. "You should do it" he suggested but the really fact was I hated some people in my grade and they were bullies. We all know who I was talking about and like seriously they always had to ruin everything. "I'll think about it" I finally said, after desert we went back into my room and Cyrus and I went back to playing songs on my guitar.

Later that night Cyrus had gone home and Ava's parents came around my house to pick up Ava, I was so relieved too because she was a pain. Once Ava and Cyrus left I was in my room playing 'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls. Overall it was a pretty simple song and I enjoyed playing it.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you, Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now. And all I can taste is this moment, and all I can breathe is your life. Cause sooner or later it's over, I just don't want to miss you tonight." I sang. I took a break when I heard a knock at the door but I ignored it and continued playing, there was then a second knock and it ticked me off because I knew who it was. "Come in" I said trying to not sound angry, the door opened and in walked James. "Hi" he said awkwardly but I waved it off, "why are you mad?" he asked sounding stupid like he didn't know what was up.

"What do you need?" I asked wanting to change the subject, "your changing the subject really" he stated in a frustrated tone. "big deal" I said with my back still facing him, "I put my music on and I was listening to 'Congratulations' by sleeping with Sirens featuring Matty Mullins. I began singing to myself trying to ignore the fact that he was still here, "Could you please give us the spotlight, Cause I have something to say. You may not like the subject, But I'll say this anyway. We're so sick of all this so-called Shitty music that you play. So could you please do us a favour, Stay the fuck out of our way. Congratulations."

I basically confused James and it was hilarious so I kept singing until I was done. And when I did finish I went to play on my phone. "I know your upset with me so tell me what the hell I did wrong" he said with more frustration then last time. Silence fell again until I spoke up being so stupid but I didn't regret it either.

"So you come over for dinner, then comfort Ava when your step mum admits that I'm prettier. Well grow up your mum hates Ava and you have no idea about what happen when I left with James from the games room!" I yelled and he looked at me raising one eyebrow. "what did happen you looked uneasy" he said and I bit my lip before saying anything, "I panicked and felt uncomfortable" I said and he looked at me surprised.

And before he could talk I cut in "and guess what do you know how frightened and self-conscious I was around Ava" I said and he shrugged "very and that was why I was away from you guys so set the record straight I say never again" I said in anger before getting off of my bed. I walked towards my door hearing footsteps running after me, "Elizabeth wait" I heard James say but I ignored him.

"Elizabeth!" he yelled and I stopped and clenched my hands into fists, "What?" I said now full blown annoyed. "Look I'm sorry and yet honestly I'm not stupid" he said and I quietly snickered. "Yea you are stupid you just don't realize it" I said and he stayed silent, "James we're going" I soon heard Ellie say and James sighed. "See around I guess" he said before leaving my room, after saying goodbye to everyone I went to have a shower and get changed into my pyjamas.

After finishing up I lay on my bed just listening to music and doing my math homework, I hated equations that had to do with algebra. There was soon a knock and then the door opening straight after, I looked behind me to see Melody.

"Hey what are you doing?" she asked and I looked down at my books, "homework" I replied and she looked at me sceptically. "What happened I heard fighting between you and James" she said and I looked up at her and sighed. "He's just being a pain" I said as I fiddled with my thumbs, Melody laughed quietly before pulling me into a hug. Oh I loved her hugs "look hon that's how annoying boys are and especially one that doesn't know his taste in girls" she said and that last part just made me laugh.

"Well tomorrow's Thursday so you have sport" said Melody and I nodded. "yep that should be good because we get to go to Volleyball" I said and she smiled. "Yep and you get to deal with me because my class is running your fitness class" she said and I felt my jaw drop, "well that's gonna be funny" I said giggling. "Wait isn't your class combined with year 11?" I asked and Melody nodded. "so Heather's in your class then, alright!" I cheered jumping on my bed.

It was now 9pm and I was a little tired and I had school tomorrow so I went to bed earlier than normal, I opened up my cover and slipped into bed before putting my earphones in my ears and listening to my music so I could get to sleep. I slowly began to doze off and I felt relaxed or once instead of freaked out, seemed like the world had stopped and was frozen in time. I blinked once more with a final yawn before finally resting and going to sleep so I wouldn't be falling asleep in classes at school tomorrow.

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