Chapter 20

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"Elizabeth are you okay?" Broklynn asked as I stared into space, "Elizabeth" she called out again and I pulled myself back into reality. "Yea just fine" I said and she gave me an unsure look, "you're scared" she said grabbing my shoulders. "I was going to ask him about it because apparently he fooled around with Leah" I said and Broklynn boiled in anger. "That idiot" she said and I looked at her surprised, "he doesn't deserve you and Elizabeth you deserve someone better" she exclaimed and I stood there in disbelief.

"Let's go sit with the others" she said and I nodded before we went back, we made our ways back to the table and I sat next to Joyce who pulled me into a hug. I guess she already knew from a certain someone that I had told but who cares she was going to find out anyway. I was talking to Matt when I saw Cyrus make his way over to me and I didn't want to talk, "Excuse me Matt I just got to get something" I said and he nodded.

I walked away and made my way over to the direction of the tuck-shop, I glanced behind me to see Cyrus following me. I walked a little faster to escape but he caught up, "Elizabeth wait up!" he said raising his voice a little. I didn't stop so I basically kept walking "Elizabeth" he called out once more before I felt his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked and that blew me into anger, I turned around to look at him and he had a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm gonna ask you a simple question and I want the truth" I demanded and he rolled his eyes and I got annoyed at him. "Are you sneaking around with Leah?" I asked and he looked at me surprised, "Of course not" he stuttered but I wasn't going to fall for that. "Tell me the truth because everyone seems to know but me" I choked out, "I'm not lying and yet whoever told you is" he said and I could feel my face growing red.

"Really then why were you drunk then and you called me saying you fooled around with another girl!" I yelled and he looked away. "You weren't meant to know" he said and I felt my jaw drop, "You lair what the hell happened!" I yelled as I pushed him away. "How long?" I asked and he tried to avoid my question by staying silent, "how long?" I asked again and he looked up at me.

"3 weeks" he replied and I felt a knot form in my throat which prevented me from speaking, "so did you lie to me the whole time?" I asked and he looked at me with sadness. "No but what I can say was that if I didn't cheat they would've bullied you again" he said and I glared at him. "So you took the stupid option and cheated yet I bet that there was more to the rubbish you just told me and that you were afraid to defend for someone else in the right way" I said with pure anger and he just stared at me.

"I'm sorry" he whispered but I was to hurt to believe him, "I don't know anymore and now I'm unsure if you ever told me the truth" I said biting my lip and he sighed. "So I guess you want nothing to do with me now" he said sounding depressed. "Cyrus listen I'm sorry but you hurt me by lying and like I don't know how I could trust you again" I said and he took a step closer to me.

"Just give me another chance" he begged but I turned away, "I promise to do better and not do what I did again and I know you deserve better but I want to be better for you" he said and I looked back up at him. Me being me I thought about it and the idea of a second chance seemed fair but at the same time I was unsure, "okay one more chance but if this happens again that's it so you're on the last straw" I said and he nodded. "Okay" he said before I turned around to walk away, "wait Elizabeth" he said and I turned to look over my shoulder. "Yes?" I answered waiting for him to speak, "I'm sorry" he said and I turned back around to face him before walking towards him. He looked at me with wild eyes before I gave him a hug, "as I said just don't do it again" I said pulling away and he nodded in agreement before we walked back to join the others.

The bell for class soon rang and I skipped PC and went to the library but I had already emailed my teacher to let him know beforehand that I would be doing an assignment. I walked off to the library and Penelope came with me, we walked off and the others went to class.

We got to the library and sat on the couches, "so you and Cyrus back together?" she asked and I looked at her surprised. 'How did she know' I thought as I looked at her surprised, "how did you" I began and she looked at me funny. "Oh come on I was totally not listening to that argument just now" she said quite sheepishly, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yea but he's on the end of the thread" I said and she nodded, I opened up a document on my laptop and opened up a document and sent it to the printer.

I collected my printing and went back to the couches and sat across from Penelope, "hey did you do the school captain voting survey that Mr. Frown sent out?" she asked. "Yea the captain of the collage right?" I asked and she nodded, "yea I voted for Brody Thompson and Lilly Hanro" I said and she gave me a smirk. "I voted for Lilly Hanro and Corey Stokes" she said with a chuckle, "so you voted for Vanessa's half-brother" I stated and she nodded eagerly. After we printed off our stuff we went over to Math's the one class where I was alone. I got to class and I ran into Mr. Richardson who was standing outside the classroom, "morning sir" I said and he gave me a friendly smile. "Morning Elizabeth" he greeted, he pointed for me to go inside the classroom and I went in.

I sat at my desk and sorted out my books on my desk before getting out my laptop, "oh Elizabeth could you just stay here I need to get something from my office and if anyone else comes just let them in" he stated and I nodded before he left. I opened my laptop and messaged Joyce over skype about the bus this afternoon. Soon after a few minutes later everyone else arrived and hell came knocking at the door, in walked Ben, Quinn, Rosita, Maggie and Lenny. And I sighed before James walked in and behind him came Mr. Richardson, "take your seats and Maggie and Lenny please separate as well as Lenny stop trying to make out with Maggie" said Mr. Richardson in a joking tone.

I tried to keep my laughs in as I looked to see Maggie's cheeks flush red and he face reflecting anger and Lenny did the same. "Sir that's inappropriate" said Maggie sounding annoyed as she walked off to her seat, Mr. Richardson didn't seem to care because he just walked off to his desk.

I looked behind me to see James sitting at the desk behind me with his computer open and his earphones in his ears. I think he noticed me looking because he took one earphone out and looked up at me, "what's up?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing I was just zoning out is all and I somehow managed to be looking behind me, "Um Elizabeth I was wondering are you and Cyrus back together?" he asked and I showed a lazy smile.

"Yea but I don't think it'll last that long really" I said and he gave me a confused look, "oh okay" he said looking and sounding defeated. "Why what's the problem?" I asked and he looked back up at me, "I was just wondering" was all he said and I turned back to face the front. I did my work and then I listened in to hear Quinn and Maggie whispering something to each other and what they said shocked me and I bet James didn't hear because he had his earphones in.

"They so have a thing for each other" I heard Quinn say and I peeked over my shoulder to see Maggie nodding. Great now I hope it wasn't to be taken the wrong way, only 30 minutes to go and I'll be happy when the count down's over because it was Friday. Time soon flew by quick and the bell went, I packed up my stuff and exited the classroom to make my way to my locker. I got my stuff together for the weekend and like to think it was almost the end of week 5 and we had a 10 week term. I walked up to the bus and met up with Penelope, Matt and Joyce.

We got onto the bus and I sat near the window with Joyce next to me on the double seat and Matt sat on the single seat. "What are you guys doing this weekend?" Matt asked us, "I'm going to be doing my assignments" said Joyce and I nodded "same" I replied. "Okay cool" said Matt before his expression changed and I looked to see him looking somewhere else.

I looked over my shoulder to see something I never wanted to and my stomach dropped, James and Ava were making out and I was disgusted honestly. I didn't even sense them enter the bus, they were sitting at the back of the bus and I honestly felt like running away. So gross can't they get a room and why on the bus of all places. They soon broke apart and finally it was over horary.


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