Chapter 26

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"Your so dirty minded!" I semi yelled and they both just laughed at me, "you guys are mean" I said pretending to be upset. "Yea but you enjoy our company" said Blake and I rolled my eyes in amusement. Look 3 more weeks and I won't be seeing you idiots until the next school year" I said looking up and smiling. "Yea not so fast we kind of are all going to the beach for the holidays" said Blake and I looked at him surprised, "haha very funny pay up" I said to him. 

"Yea I'll pay you chocolate if you come and James might be there" he teased which had me almost going red. "I hate you" I mumbled and the two of them just laughed their butts of at my reaction. Another person soon joined the call and thank goodness it was Broklynn a normal person okay not quite but ya know not as perverted as these two. "Hey guys" she said but it was shortly interrupted by a quite disturbing comment if I may say, that didn't come from Blake or Matt but their music.

"Turn it off please?" I begged and they laughed in response, "please come to the beach?" begged Matt and I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Fine okay, I'll come" I said. "Yes!" said Matt doing a little happy dance.

We soon got to my stop and I got off the bus and Thomas was coming over today what a joy. He said that he was helping Melody with a project for Graduation because like graduation preparations happened around about this time of the year. They were upstairs in Melody's room so I just didn't disturb them.

I crept away slowly and went downstairs, I went into the kitchen and got myself some peanut butter and spread it on some white bread before putting it together on a plate and grabbing myself a glass of orange Juice. When I heard a knock on the door, "can't have my date with food in peace" I mumbled before opening the door to see James and straight away I wanted to close the door in his face which I did.

"Wait Elizabeth I just wanted to talk to you" he said through the door and I didn't even dare to open it for him. "What is it" I asked containing my anger as best as I could, "can you open the door?" he asked and I shook my head. "No, you can talk through it" I said and I heard him sigh, "okay fine but honestly why are you mad at me?" he asked sounding slightly irritated. 'Why the hell is he irritated this is all his fault in the first place' I thought, "how about you take a moment to think for a bit" I said and I heard him sigh.

"Oh right, does this have to do with Ava?" he asked and I laughed, "Wait why'd you run off when we were all in the games room?" he asked. I froze because I didn't want to say that I feel so uncomfortable around your girlfriend after she pushed me around last time and I feel awkward' so I lied and just made up a simple excuse. "Anxiety attack" I said and it went quiet. "No it was more than that do you fear someone?" he asked and I bit my lip trying to think of a way out.

Soon I guess I attracted attention because Melody and Thomas came walking towards me from upstairs, "what's going on?" asked Melody with a questionable look on her face. I stepped aside and she opened the door and there stood James, I tried to remain calm because now my personal bubble was gone. He looked at me as if he was distraught, I looked over to Melody and she shook her head, "come in James" she said and that was the last thing I wanted her to say. Oh my someone call the personal space police please and come save me, we went up to my room and I closed the door behind us and sat on my bed.

"Elizabeth" he started but I just shook my head, "can you tell me?" he asked and I shook my head again. "if I did you'd tell everyone" I said in a whisper, "no I wouldn't" he said and I looked up at him with a blank expression. "Okay then well I felt uncomfortable and I had a panic attack when I was sitting with you and Ava" I stated with a little frustration hidden in my voice.

Great so now he knew lovely so much for leave me alone in peace, "oh I'm sorry" he said sounding sincere. "It's fine really" I said before Melody came to the door, "you guys want any snacks?" she asked and both James and I nodded.

Melody had give us some snacks and we were sitting in the games room just talking and what not. "So how many assignments do you have left?" he asked breaking the awkward silence that was between us. "Well I have two and one's exam for Math and the other is for a history assignment" I stated. "I completely forgot about the math exam" he exclaimed with a bit of sarcasm. "You know that at the end of the year we have a year 10 formal" I said and his eyes widened. "Wasn't that just year 12?" he asked and I shook my head, there was then a knock at the door. "Come in" I called out and the door opened and there appeared Sarina, "Sarina, what are you doing here?" asked James in surprise.

"Dad sent me to fetch you from Elizabeth's house because we're going to youth soon" she stated and James looked at her slightly annoyed. "I'll see you tomorrow, at least it's Friday tomorrow right?" he questioned and I shook my head, "no it's Wednesday but nice try" I said and he laughed. "Anyway see ya" he said waving and I waved back  and we walked out of the room with Sarina.

I walked over to the corner of my room and got out my guitar and sat on the bed in a comfortable position, I wanted to Play 'Iris' a song that sleeping with sirens did a cover on. I played the first few tabs to get the opening before singing along. "And I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow.You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

 and I don't want to go home right now. And all I can taste is this moment, And all I can breathe is your life.Cause sooner or later it's over, I just don't want to miss you tonight."  I sang as I played but I was then startled "nice singing by the way and you really good at guitar" I looked up and saw Sarina and James peeking through the door. "Anyway bye" she said before they actually went out of my sight.

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