Chapter 35

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Three weeks later we were in week 4 and in another two weeks Melody would be graduating plus the week after that I would be finishing year 10. Mum told us that Aunt Emma and Uncle Bob were coming up for Christmas and they just recently got back from there holiday to Mauritius. Meanwhile I was now currently in school sitting in History class being bored out of my mind, we were watching a movie about the industrial revolution.

"Why would the kids work more back then than now?" Taylor asked as she took down her notes. I was sitting in the middle of Taylor and Newt and in the back row of the room was Chloe, Maggie, Quinn and Lenny. I looked around and saw no sight of Cyrus but then my sight was dashed when he turned up but he looked depressed. And here I am thinking hey Leah will be so much better for him well from what I can see I guess not, but in my half I didn't want to be with someone who turned out to be a cheat.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked to see Taylor trying to get my attention. Ms. Falcon got out her blue white board marker and drew a pyramid diagram to try and explain the matter which only confused poor Taylor. "Do you understand?" Ms. Falcon asked and Taylor just nodded but I knew she had no clue still. Ms. Falcon moved on with her teaching and I quickly explained the child labor stuff about kids working to Taylor. "And so in that time there was no restrictions on work hours for kids and they were used to work harder than adults" I explained, "oh now I get it" said Taylor and this time she actually did understand.

Half way through the lesson I went to the library to collect some printing and I peeked behind me to see Cyrus sort of following me. He eventually caught up and was walking next to me, "what do you want?" I asked catching him by surprise that I would even talk to him. "Elizabeth I'm sorry okay, Leah I don't even like her an-" he said and I glared at him making him shut up before he could even start the next sentence. "Cyrus let me stop you right there because actually you ran off with Leah twice. Now don't come telling me that she meant nothing to you because the first excuse you made was that you did it so they'd leave me alone" I exclaimed and he hung his head low.

"I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have listened to them" he said sounding deeply upset. "Look we can still be friends okay" I said and he just nodded, "come on let's get this printing from the library" I said nudging Cyrus's shoulder lightly. "Okay" he said in a slight whisper. We got to the library and scanned Ms. Falcon's ID card and released the printing, we gathered the pages and headed back to class where Ms. Falcon was going over the Pro's and Con's of the Industrial revolution because she had paused the movie and normally she would talk forever.

"Oh your back" she said looking over at me and Cyrus, "just put the papers on my desk" she instructed and we did as we were told. "Ms.Falcon do we have an assignment or exam this term?" Maggie asked, "you will have an assignment and that will be to write an essay" Ms. Falcon stated. We soon finished the documentary which was sort of interesting and I had taken down some notes and Taylor suggested that we put the notes on our Skype chat and we all took down the ones we didn't have. 'You guys wanna post your notes on the chat and we can take down the ones we don't have' I texted over the chat. And the first to reply was Newt, 'Newt_is_amazing: yea sure' and then followed by Taylor 'Tay_is_bae: 'okay I'll put them up'. I always laughed at there usernames because they thought highly of themselves, not really they just loved being stupid. But hey there dating so I could see how they were so alike. I looked at my screen again and saw a new message from Newt, 'Newt_is_amazing: thanks lovely 'I was now intrigued and decided to be stupid. I looked at the two of them at with side of me and typed my reply, Eli_203: Naw and I'm stuck in the middle of this flirting, come on guys get a room!'. I then looked and saw a message from Cyrus, Cyrus_194: 'hey um how's history?', Eli_203: 'boring, how's electrics?'. Cyrus_194:'terrifying I'm dealing with melting metal', I laughed at Cyrus's reply and I could sense both Taylor and Newt looking at my screen and I peeked to my left and right and sure enough I was right.

The bell soon rang and it was the end of class and I decided to be nice and meet Cyrus over by the electronics shed, I walked up the path and waited outside the door and sure enough Cyrus walked right out. "Hey Cyrus" I said catching his attention, he looked at me with a relieved smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked and I shrugged, "guess I just wanted to see ya" I said and he laughed. "Alright anyway come on we have a spare and then lunch" he said and I nodded, "want to go to the library?" He offered and I nodded in agreement.
We were walking to the library just talking when Cyrus bought up a different subject out of the blue, "do you hate me?" He asked in a sad tone and I shook my head. "No Cyrus not at all and if I did I would've said no to us being friends" I said and he looked up at me seeming very upset. "Okay so um this probably isn't my place but you know that James really likes you" he said sounding disappointed, "yea he's told me but I don't believe it" I said and Cyrus looked at me confused as he stopped walking and I stopped too.

"Listen Elizabeth, all I want to see is you happy and I get I made my mistakes I guess I had to learn the hard way" he said sounding depressed. "Cyrus?" I said moving closer and he sighed, "I'm sorry" he said and I sighed and showed a tiny smile. "Look thank you Cyrus but just because I broke up with you doesn't mean we can't have a clean slate as friends and I mean I'm not really looking for another relationship" I said and he looked up at me as if he was dead from his emotions. Then an idea struck me, "look Cyrus I'm going to Melody's graduation and I was wondering if you maybe want to escort me?" I asked sounding hopeful and a smile appeared on his face. "May I?" He asked smiling and I nodded, "yes you may" I said and he unexpectedly hugged me. "Sorry but I really wanted to" he said and I shrugged and hugged him back, "it's like deja vu" I said and he quietly laughed. "Yea for sure" he said before we pulled away, "now come on let's get to the library" I said and he happily nodded before we walked to the library.

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