Chapter 15

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Today I decided to take the day off school because I wasn't wanting to go and Mum said I could only have today off because Mum always gave us one chance a term to take a day off unless we were sick then we automatically couldn't' go to school Mum. said she had work and so did Dad while Melody caught the bus to school so I was left home alone. I decided to get my homework out of the way so I had the rest of the day to do what I wanted. And like Thursday today so no big deal. 

After I finished my homework I went into the kitchen to grab a snack which in my case was a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of orange juice. I had my music blasting through the house because I was the only one home, I had a whole playlist of my favourite songs playing as I walked around the house, typical me.

I soon got a message from Brooklynn 'Where are you?' it said. I was home alone and normally wasn't allowed to talk to anyone on the internet but who cared Melody did it so I could. 'I'm at home looking after the house' I typed back. 'Yeah very funny' she replied, 'what I have the day off school. I'll be back tomorrow' I texted to her. 'Yea you better be' she typed back. 'Anyway got to talk to ya later' she typed, 'okay then bye' I replied.

I continued to dance around to my loud music that echoed the house and me being me I was dancing around the house and singing along to each song. And that started when King for a day came on, "Please, won't you push me for the last time, Let's scream until there's nothing left. So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore. The thought of you's no freaking fun, you want a martyr, I'll be one. Because enough's enough, we're done."

After singing along to that I ended up dancing to every other song that was playing, I soon turned the music down when I saw a call from Mum. "Hello?" I answered, "Hey sweetie, how's everything?" she asked. "All good" I answered her, "Did you do your homework?" she asked me. "Yes Mum I did" I said to her, "good look I'll be home at 5:30pm and Dad will be home at 4:50pm" explained Mum. "Okay cool" I said back to her, "alright then talk to you later" she said before she hung up.

I turned my music back up and this time I had 'Circles' by Pierce the Veil playing in the background and besides I was home alone also known as freedom. I was singing and enjoying myself when I lost track of time and saw that it was now 3pm, "oh shoot" I said to myself realizing Melody would be home soon and Dad too.

I turned the music down and cleaned up the house so it looked spotless and ten I heard the door open "I'm home" I heard Melody call out. "oh hey" I called out down the hall as I unplugged my Ipod from the speaker and tossed it on my bed. I walked into the kitchen to find Melody grabbing a snack and a drink of cordial, "want some?" she offered and I just nodded.

She handed me a glass and I sat at the bench looking down as I drank, "so what did you do all day?" she asked and I looked up. "I was singing and dancing around the house to Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens" I said and she giggled. "Sounds fun" she said putting down her glass on the bench.

"Okay girls I've got to go and pick up you father because his car broke down" said Mum rushing into the hall and grabbing her keys and coat. "Sure thing Mum" said Melody walking out of her room and leaning over the railing. "Okay Mum" I said bouncing back on my bed and turning onto my stomach to get my Ipod. I then heard the door close and the house was quiet and that didn't last long, "Elizabeth can you play you're music through the house please?" she asked and I didn't say no. "Okay what songs?" I asked her, "Play Sleeping with Sirens, Panic! At the disco, Fall out boy and Twenty one Pilots!" yelled out Melody from downstairs.

"Okay!" I yelled back at her before plugging my Ipod into my speaker and turning up the volume. I jumped back on my bed and grabbed my laptop and opened it up, before going onto YouTube to check my feed. I then got a message on my phone and it was from Mum, 'Do you girls want homemade pizza's for dinner?' it said. 'Okay sure' I texted back to Mum.

I soon went downstairs to get a tub of blueberry yogurt from the fridge so I could eat a snack and sit in the Livingroom watching something from Disney channel and to my luck Phineas and Ferb was on. I was watching a marathon of episodes when the phone rang, I answered the phone and sure enough it was Mum.

"Hey Mum" I answered, "Hey sweetheart can you open the garage door?" Mum asked. I ran to the garage and pressed the button on the wall which opened the garage door, Mum drove in and then I closed the door. Dad walked through the door and I gave him a hug before we went inside, "where's Melody?" Mum asked.

"She's in her room upstairs talking to her boyfriend" I said sounding relaxed and laid back. "Don't worry Mum they'll date even after they graduate" I said shrugging my shoulders with a durppy look on my face.

"I bought the bases for the homemade Pizza's Mum said walking into the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and sat on the bench with an empty base in front of me. She had bowls with different ingredients set up in front of me so picked what I wanted before drowning it in cheese. Melody soon came and did her pizza too, "Hey Mum and Hey Dad" she said giving them both a kiss.

"Yay homemade Pizza for dinner" she said excitedly as she got her empty base while I put mine in the oven to cook for 15 minutes. The time passed and Mum took the pizzas out and set them on the kitchen bench so we could serve ourselves. Tonight we were having a movie night and the lucky winner was 'The lion king' the first one because it was a family classic too. We took our plates into the Livingroom and Dad set up the movie while Mum got the blankets and I helped Melody put the pizzas on the coffee table.

Halfway through the movie I got a text from James about the homework we were given and he said he'd give it to me tomorrow which was fine. After the movie I went up to my room and hopped into bed before cracking open a book. I picked out the book 'The NoteBook' and sat in bed reading it when I heard the leaves rustle and crunch, it scared me so I put my book down and pulled up the covers. I didn't think of closing my window and I was too scared to go near it, I waited to see the mysterious sounds end when I heard grunting so I crawled to the edge of my bed only to jump back when I saw someone's hand.

A few second past which felt like minutes turning into hours, "sorry" they spoke and then before me appeared James. "You scared me yet I thought you were a robber wanting to kill me" I yelled in a whisper. "I'm sorry but I came to give you your homework and to tell you something" he said as he made it through the window.

He handed me my homework and I put them on my desk before sitting on the edge on bed next to James, "listen I know this may sound wired but Ava and I are going out" he said and I felt my jaw drop. "Why she's such a bitch and she's cruel" I said and he gave me a sour look, "come on she isn't the bad" he said defending her which annoyed me. "Not that bad, James take that back" I demanded and he shook his head. "So you asked her out" I spat and he looked at me like he was mad.

"Why can't you accept it!" he yelled and that got me even madder, "why should I she beat me up and now you're dating her. Are you stupid?" I asked and he looked at the ground, "You've gone mad and let me tell you that you need to get over it" he said and I pushed him off my bed and he landed on the ground.

He stood up and dusted himself off, "I'm going see you later" he scoffed before jumping out the window. I stood in the middle of my room alone and silent, no one to tell me it was okay and no one to tell me that he was stupid to make me feel better.

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