Chapter 31

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One week later, Melody wasn't back yet but she had been checking in with mum. Me on the other hand today I was going to the beach with my friends. And Penelope was coming to pick me up with Joyce, Brooklyn, Taylor and Vanessa. And all the boys were getting picked up by Blake's parents. God bless their souls with those boys. I had a bag of spare clothes with me and my towel. I had a beach dress on in the colour light blue. My hair in its natural wavy form dropped over my shoulder. I wore my sandals and I was good to go, my red sunglasses sat on the top of my head and I looked in the mirror looking for approval. When our dog Lava came running up next to me, "hey Lava" I said patting her head.

I probably stood there for 3 minutes before I heard a knock at the door and I knew they were here. "Come on Lava let's go to the beach!" I said before Iran downstairs and went to open the door, I had everything with me and when answered the I saw an extremely happy looking Vanessa and Taylor  waiting outside my door jumping around like 5 year olds who are impatient. "Alright let's go" I said pushing the two of the playfully out of my way and running to the car and Lava hopped in the back while I put my bags in the boot of the car and hopped in the back seat. I leaned forward and placed my hands on Vanessa's shoulders who was sitting in the front seat, Penelope's Mum Lisa was driving us and we were listening to the music tracks off a CD.
We listened to a few songs and rocked out considering Penelope's Mum's car was a convertible and it was red too. We soon came to listening to 'Kick Me' by Sleeping with Sirens. "Let's hang the Jury, you sick judgemental fools. I'll bury you six feet deep, so tired of your rules" we all sang along. And then finally we got to the chorus and we turned it up and sang along, "keep looking down on me, I am more than you'll ever be. Cut me deep and I won't bleed, I'm gonna kick...Kick me when I'm down" we sang and then Joyce and Vanessa decided to do a duet, "by all means put me through hell and I'll make you see, I'll be your worst enemy. Try to Kick...kick...kick me when I'm down, kick me when I'm down" they sang.

The song finished and they were giggling like they were on too much soft drink. Speaking of which we had plenty in the esky which the boys had but at least we had the food. We soon got to the beach and parked at the barrier of the cliff, at the bottom was a rock pool and then the sand separating the ocean bay. Penelope's Mum said she'd leave us with the car and she was going down to the other bay to meet up with Penelope's step-dad and older step brother Mason. "Hey Penelope, is Mason still single?" Joked Vanessa, "hahaha shut up!" Said Penelope a little irritated.
I was getting the stuff out so we could head down when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around lazily using just my one foot. And I was surprised when I saw James, "hey Elizabeth" he said and I just stared at him. He tilted his head a little and I rolled my eyes, I looked behind him cautiously but then again I wanted no sign of Ava. "Elizabeth?" He said catching my attention, "yes?" I asked and he looked down nervously.

"James?" I asked and he looked back up at me and at that point I was ready to turn around on my heels and walk away. "Why don't you talk to me?" He asked and I bit my lip, "like your always on edge and just don't talk to me" he said sounding upset. "I don't have time for this" I said feeling a bit of anxiety come to me I wanted to escape but he grabbed my arm stopping me. I didn't move but I got annoyed at him, "why do you want to know so bad?" I asked and he is grip loosened. He hesitated a bit and then I stepped up, "talk about this later just not now" I said and he nodded. We went down to meet up with the others and they all had the soft drinks out and I looked to see Newt chasing around Taylor who was covered in water droplets, Brooklyn and Joel were sitting next to each other on the edge of the pool and Joel had his arm around her too.

I was sitting on the end of the pool near we're all the bubbles were when I saw Mason and James's stepbrother Justin who was Sarina's biological brother. I walked over to say hi and they seemed surprisingly nice, "so your here with some friends?" Asked Mason and I nodded I then heard one voice squeal and I looked to see Penelope running over to say hello. Penelope and Mason looked like they got along well and then I looked to see James who was surprised to see Justin, that's when I mumbled my thoughts and it was enough for Justin to hear me. "I still can't believe he's dating Ava" I said, "same here, she's terrible" said Justin in return and I tried to contain a laugh.

"Want to join us?" Asked Penelope and the boys agreed and I went ahead serving them some drinks from the esky. I looked over at James and he seemed a little uncomfortable but whatever that was his problem. I went over to my bag and took off the beach dress that I had on so I just had my bikini on, "come on Elizabeth!" shouted Owen. I went over and joined them in the pool and I noticed James staring at me but I did my best to ignore it. "Two weeks can you believe it then its term 4 and that has 9 weeks in the term" said Blake who was sitting near Joyce. "I know and yet means no one is gonna care for the last term" I stated and we all laughed because it was true, we had our music on in the background playing on Blake's Bluetooth speaker too. We were listening to 'Now that we're done' by Metro station while Owen, Blake and Kody all playing fetch with Lava while the rest of us chilled in the water.

"Truth or dare Brooklyn?" Asked Joyce with a smirk, "dare" said Brooklyn a little too confidently. "I dare you to kiss Joel on the cheek" said Joyce and Brooklyn laughed, "yea alright" she said before kissing Joel's cheek. Next was my turn and who better to ask it than Taylor, "truth or dare Elizabeth?" She asked. She smirked while thought about what to say, "truth" I said to be safe. "Would you ever go out with Cyrus again?" She asked and this wasn't a hard answer. "Dear Maria, count me out. Um definitely not" I said they laughed, "I loved that All time low reference" said Taylor laughing and I laughed too.

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