Chapter 41

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2 weeks later after Christmas and mum was already pestering me to start going shopping for school stuff and that was the worst, why couldn't i have another month of holidays. "Elizabeth come on we need to go out to get your school supplies" stated mum as she got her car keys from the bench. I put on my sneakers and walked out of the house and over to the car waiting for mum to get her things together. I sat on the front porch step and looked over down the road to see Justin, Mason and a few of their mates playing touch football in the street. And luck for them our street hardly had any cars on a Sunday or a Saturday.

I walked over to go say Hi and I saw no sign of James hanging around and so i was scot free, i ran over before Mum came out. "Hey guys" i said and Mason was first to turn around when the ball hit him on the side of his eye, "aww you got distracted Mason" Josh Rails teased poking his tongue out. He scared me honestly because he was Chloe's step brother, "Shut up Josh" said Mason rubbing the side of his head that was now red and most likely gonna hurt with a bruised eye. "Hey Elizabeth" said Justin giving an awkward wave, i waved back and leaned up against the street light pole that was behind me. "Anyway heads up" called Josh throwing the rugby ball to Mason, "Anyway guys I better et 'going and I'll see ya later" i said and Justin walked up to me. "Aww come on stay please, we sort of need a score keeper" said Justin hopefully. I smiled and shook my head, "nah later because I'm going shopping for school" i said and Justin shrugged and nodded accepting my answer.

I made my way back to mum's car and got in to mum already sitting in the drivers seat, "alright let's get this school stuff fixed and out of the way" said Mum as she started her car. "Alright mum let's go" i said ready to get this boring school stuff out of the way. And i know everyone says that the next year is always better but i wouldn't count on that because it's rare that people ever change. "Alrighty then" mum said reversing out of the driveway and soon driving down the road so we could deal with school needs. Okay the only thing i looked forward to with school is seeing my friends which helps but not so much the other people. Well at least i know how I'll survive this time and it will be having music and earphones and a hard covered book as my weapon, This should be fun and now there's only 3 weeks of holidays back and then the repeat of the start of the year assembly. But that was the part I hated most but at the same time I couldn't wait to see what was in store, so I'd say on with the new year already because I'm curious to find out what's going to happen.

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