Chapter 14

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I sat in the shade under a tree lying on Penelope's lap and Owen went to get a teacher so he could report the incident of Ava pushing me around. I knew nothing would happen because she got away with everything so I guess I gave up. Cyrus soon came running towards us with concern when he saw me that is. "What happened?" he said hurriedly, I sat up in pain as I felt sore and a little dizzy.

"Wait Cyrus what are you doing here?" asked Owen looking up in surprise, I was leaning up against the tree so I could support my posture. "I just wanted to know if she was okay" he said sitting down next to me. "Well that's nice of you, how did you change?" asked Penelope with a smirk, I let out a faint laugh before trying to keep my vision clear before everything blacked out and all I saw was darkness.

I woke up and looked around at my surroundings and realized that I was in the nurse's office, the room was cold and the light was really bright. I attempted to sit up because I felt okay and nothing was wrong. I sat on the edge of the bed looking down at my feet when the school nurse walked through the door with Ms. Lin at her side. "Hey Elizabeth, how are you feeling?" Ms. Lin asked as she kneeled down in front of me. I could feel a nice bruise brewing on my cheek, Mrs. Jackson the nurse was cleaning up the blood left on my cheek while I listened to Ms. Lin try and talk and get me to tell her what happened.

After going to the nurse Ms. Lin walked me to my next class because I was 5 minutes late but no one would notice. Apparently Ava got away with her actions and I wasn't surprised because she has he ways to get away with the things she does. I made my way to Math and I took my seat and I was so lucky that the whole class didn't turn around to look at me, I took my seat and got out my books and laptop while Ms. Lin spoke to my teacher about the incident from earlier.

I thought I would get away with being unnoticed but I was so wrong because I got caught by Ava who gave me a look of disgust and I just poked my tongue back out at her. She frowned her brow before flipping her fake as hair and turning her attention back to the front of the class. After Ms. Lin spoke to my teacher she then came and spoke to me about seeing her regularly and that I free to talk to her anytime.

The next hour was hell and like it was so wired to for some reason Ava kept looking back at me 'haha the freak' I thought. Everyone knew she was wired and stupid and the only thing that would solve it was if you ignored her presence which worked out fine for me. Every now and again I would look at the clock on wall to see when class would be over and disappear. Half an hour later I heard the one sound I was dying to hear the school bell horary I can go home and be gone and away from school.

I walked to the bus and met up with Cyrus, James, Joyce and Vanessa who all were catching the bus with me. We all sat on the bus together and I was sitting next to Joyce while Vanessa was on the single seat and the boys were behind us being stupid. I sat in my seat and looked out the window.

A few minutes later I got home and I got off the bus and walked towards my house when I heard someone call me out "Elizabeth!", I turned around and saw James running up behind me. I turned around to face James and he had a concerned look on his face, "Elizabeth?" he asked once more and I just flinched. "Y...yes" I stuttered out as I felt my whole body start to tremble. "I'm sorry" he mumbled to me and I looked at him confused "what?" I answered back to him and he looked up, "I'm sorry about earlier" he finally said.

"Don't worry about it I probably deserved it anyways" I said biting the inside of my cheek, "listen can I come over to yours?" he asked and I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "I'm busy with homework" I pouted and he rolled his eyes in response, "yea what homework would that be?" he questioned taking a step forward as I took one back.

"Reading for English" I mumbled, "you're lying" he said breaking the silence and I gave him a frustrating glare before trying to walk away. I soon felt my wrist being pulled back and I flinched at the pain. "Did you relapse?" he asked looking at the pained expression on my face, "no but I'll tell you what did happen" I yelled and he stepped back before looking down at the ground. "what?" he said sounding upset, "I fell on my wrist when Ava decided to throw me around" I said holding my wrist in agony. He looked up at me before averting his eyes and looking away, he didn't say anything and not a single word.

We stood there for a while until I made my move to hurry home "I've got to go and I'll talk to you later" I said before running off and leaving James standing on his own. I ran the rest of the way home and I knew Melody would be home because she ended up going home early because Mum needed to take her to a dentist appointment to get her braces changed.

I went upstairs to my room and tossed my bag onto my bed before walking over to my guitar, I picked it up and sat on my bed resting the guitar on my lap with my iPad set on in front of me. I pulled a few strings and then began to play 'Roger Rabbit' by Sleeping with Sirens. I sang along to my guitar strums as I played.

"Nobody's gonna love you if, You can't display a way to capture this, Nobody's gonna hold your hand. And guide you through, No it's up for you to understand. Nobody's gonna feel your pain, When all is done. And it's time for you to walk away, So when you have today. You should say all that you have to say. Say all that you have to say."

I sang while I played the song on my guitar, until I heard a knock at the door and then someone walk in after. "We're home" Mum called out from downstairs, "hey Mum" I called out to let her know that I was home. Melody soon came upstairs into my room and she was smiling with neon pink braces.

"What do you think?" she said with a wide smile on her face, "they look so cool" I said with my eyes wide from surprise "they're so bright" I said in my first reaction to her braces. She giggled before going off to her room. I went back in my room and put my guitar to the side and got out my books for homework, the only homework I had was Math and it had to do with graphs 'Eww there so confusing' I thought to myself but who could blame me, math wasn't anyone's favorite but in my case I only hated graphs and algebra. Natural at it but at least I understood some of it.

After finishing my math's homework I ended going back to my guitar and I began trying play 'Lost Stars' by Keira Knightly. I struggled at first but then I got the hang of it I played a few chords and just repeated them until I remembered. After playing some bits of the song I decided to skype Brooklynn and she answered, "Hey" she said smiling on camera.

"Hey, what you up to?" I asked her and she smiled happily, "just playing piano" she said pointing over at the piano. "I'm playing Mr. Know it all by Kelly Clarkson and I finally managed to memorize it" she said feeling proud. "I can't believe we're in week 5 and already almost near the end of the term" I said leaning in towards the laptop. "I know right, hey did you see the signs around the school about a student talent show" Brooklynn said fixing her iPad which sat on her piano stand.

"You should do it" I said with a smile, she shook her head in disagreement "no way the people in the school are scary" she exclaimed and I let out a small laugh. "But you're really good" I said trying to encourage her. "I'll think about it "was all she said, "Say want to play I see fire by Ed Sheeran together?" I offered and she nodded happily before getting her piano and I got my guitar ready before we could perform together. 

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