Chapter 33

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After that I headed off to my next class which was math and as I got the the classroom I saw mr.Jetson was already in the classroom because he taught year 12 before us, I lined up and then I saw others start to show up. I kept my attention to the front until I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned my head slightly to see James standing behind me. "Hi" I said awkwardly as I looked down at the ground,
"Elizabeth?" He said making me look up. "What is it?" I asked and he stood there nervously as if he did something wrong, "I just needed to talk to you" he said and I bit my lip. "About?" I asked and he sighed, "the conversation that we had after the beach" he said and I adjusted my grip on my books.

"Ladies come on in" mr. Jetson said and I ignored James and just walked inside. I sat in my usual spot away from other people when I heard a cough making me look up. "Is this spot taken?" James asked and I looked at the seat next to me, "sure" I answered and he took his seat.

Mr. Jetson was going through fractions and decimals plus Co-ordinates because we were having an open book exam in week 8 which was awesome. I was writing down the notes on the board when I saw a passed on note folded on my desk. I looked over at James and then the note before reading it.

'What did I do?, you keep giving me the evil eye' the note said and I replied back writing underneath. 'I don't know figure that out yourself' I wrote passing on the note, he read the note and then replied. 'Can I come over after school?' He wrote and I sighed, 'fine yes you may' I wrote back to him.

A few lessons later I was done for the day and got my stuff from my locker before going to the buses. I sat in my usual seat and Ava walked in after  me as she sat 2 rows back. I got out my phone turned my volume up and looked through my playlist, I picked Metro Station's Love and War. I then felt a shadow over cast me and when I looked up I saw James and if I looked straight ahead I saw Ava death staring me, "may I?" He asked and I hesitantly nodded and he took a seat. "James why don't you come sit with me" said Ava innocently, he looked at me and shook his head. "Ava I think I'll sit with Elizabeth" he said wavering her off. For the rest of the bus trip I was talking to James and I could feel Ava staring at us, I looked out the window and then down at my lap.

20 minutes later the bus came to a stop in my street and I hopped off the bus with James following behind me, we walked over to his house and sat on his front door step. "Want to tell me what's going on?" He asked and I looked at him in disbelief, "what do you mean?!, James?!" I said slightly yelling. He stayed quiet, "your on to me!" I said giving him a death stare. "No I'm not" he said hesitantly, I rolled my eyes and sighed. I moved my bag to my lap and attempted to get up before I was stopped but when I looked down I saw James holding on to my arm, "let go" I ordered and he shook his head. "But-" he started and I glared at him, "no because you've turned into a pretty big waste of my time" I said and he lowered his head.

I tried getting free of his grip but he didn't budge, instead he stood up and moved closer, "get away from me" I said twisting and turning my arm. "Calm down Elizabeth I just have something to tell you and I probably should've told you sooner" he said and I looked away. "I don't really like Ava or more like never did" he said and I sighed before he continued, "I-I've a-always L-liked you" he stuttered and I looked down at the floor. I was to surprised to say another word, I looked up at him and showed a small smile. "James your dating Ava though and this is kind of sudden even though I've heard you talk about this before to Rosita" I said and watched his cheeks turn red.

"You were listening" he said in a slightly quieter tone, "yea but you sort of never said your answer" I said biting my lip. He walked towards me and I looked up "James I can't" I said and he looked disappointed. "Okay I get it" he said realising me from his grip, "I gotta go" I said hurriedly picking myself up and walking away as fast as I could until I got to my house. I rushed inside and ran upstairs to my room, "well that was wired" I said to myself before going to sit on my bed with my earphones in and listening to floral and fading by Pierce the Veil.

I soon got a text from Melody saying that James's and his parents and such were coming over for dinner and I gave myself a face palm. Why couldn't I catch a break honestly, I walked to my closet and got out my skinny jeans and Harry Potter Gryffindor loose shirt before putting on my sneakers. I put my hair into a bun and pulled out some strands before going downstairs to the kitchen and before long mum got home and so did Melody. "Oh good your ready" said Melody before she made her way up to her room. Mum looked at me in approval, "sweetie mind fixing up the two salads?" Mum asked me. "Sure thing" I said before walking into the kitchen and getting the stuff out before getting to work.

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