Chapter 12

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So my two best friends are dating and they'll probably end up staying together till year 12 because there perfect for each other. I then noticed that James wasn't with us and like not that it bothered me because he had other friends but just something felt wired. "You guys seen James?" I asked feeling a little awkward for asking. "He's probably been dragged off by Ava" said Kody in disgust, "okay" was all I said before turning my attention away to something else.

I then saw Melody, Heather and Kayla heading my way "hey what are you guys up to?" asked Kayla smiling cheerfully. "Nothing really just talking" replied Taylor, I guess Melody took notice of Taylor and Newt because she smiled "are you two dating?" she asked and they both smiled and nodded. Kayla soon showed me a sympathetic smile signalling that something had happened. And I wasn't going to ask I just wanted to find out for myself weather I liked it or not.

Matt, Toney and Joel went to go see what was going on and when they turned the corner they froze. "What's up boys" I heard Joyce call out with worry. She walked over and did the same she froze, now it was starting to really scare me and I began to worry. I then heard voices talking and one sentences caught me off guard, "Are you guys going out now?" someone asked and I quickly went to see what was happening.

When Joyce turned around and stopped me "what's going on" I asked hurriedly trying to see over everyone else. "You're not going to like it" was all she said before she let me go and what I saw shocked me. "It's official their going out" whispered Matt into my ear, I had no tears left in me and I had no words left either so I just felt numb.

The bell then went and we all scattered away to pack up our stuff and headed off to class. Finally to end my day I had was English and Mr. Jetson emailed us with our homework which I did complete by the way. I got to class and because I was early sir got me to do a job so he sent me to the resources to collect some photo copies. He said it had stuff to do with some written poems, after getting the photocopies I went back to class and walked in to give the papers to Mr. Jetson and walked over to my seat.

Things now were super awkward and like James was no longer sitting near Owen instead he was sitting next to Ava and was so wired. She honestly wouldn't stop flirting with him and it made me feel like vomiting. That was when I texted Melody 'can you see if Mum can pick us up'. I then got a reply 'sure but she's picking us up anyway' she texted back, I looked at the message and shrugged.

I didn't really like Ava because all she did was cause trouble and hurt others but then again I hated all people who were like that. Mr. Jetson soon handed out our sheets and I started them straight away, it was pretty self-explanatory so sir didn't explain it to us.

There was soon a knock at the door, I looked over to see Cyrus holding a stack of papers. "Oh come in Cyrus" Mr. Jetson greeted, he walked in and put the papers on sir's desk "thank you" I heard Mr. Jetson say before Cyrus walked off and he just happened to walk past my desk and drop a note.

I watched Cyrus leave before opening the note that read 'Hey here's my skype want to talk after school or something' the note said. I smiled to myself and searched his user on skype (Cyrus_194) was his name. I read his bio and it was so nerdy and funny 'Why can't video game characters take over reality' it read and I laughed. That's when I sent him a message and a request (Eli_203): hey it's Elizabeth. I typed and he accepted straight away 'Hey' he typed and I sent a smiley face in response.

Half way through the lesson I was talking to Cyrus every once in a while but also doing my work at the same time. The bell was going to ring 45 minutes and I noticed Owen and Matt were counting down as the clock ticked away. Finally we got to the last second and 45 minutes was up and it was time to go home at last. I packed up my books and laptop before Mr. Jetson dismissed us and I went to my locker to get my stuff so I could go home.

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