Chapter 18

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I ran away in a panic wanting to escape and I didn't stop running until I reached the corner shop, I walked in and I heard the bell ring. I got a basket and went down the isle's getting foods that interested me. I went down the aisle that held the lollies and picked up some snakes and jelly beans along with a bottle of raspberry lemonade. I then went and got some chive grain waves from the front counter before paying, after finishing up there I went back home.

I got to my house and I looked over to see James and Ava sitting on the doorstep of James house, looks like she was talking his ear off. I noticed he looked at me but then I turned away and went inside. I put everything in the kitchen making a lot of noise before Melody came down, "What's going on?" she asked and I looked at her. "What's with the tears love?" she asked pulling me into a hug, I didn't even notice that I was crying let alone why. "Want me to make you some mango tea and then we can talk" she said and I nodded, I curled up into a ball on the couch and sat there. "You okay?" asked Melody looking at me from the kitchen, I was lost in my thought that I started saying random lyrics from Pierce the Veil. "This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy" I sang at first before saying another line, "What's so good about picking up the pieces?" I said with a pause before saying another. "What if I don't even want to?" I sang before Melody came over to me with a mug of tea.

Melody sat next to me with her arm around my shoulder as I took small sips of my tea, "Mum and Dad aren't going to be home till 6pm and Thomas was meant to be coming over which he still is but do you want to invite Cyrus over?" she asked and I looked up at her and sighed, "Okay I guess" I said and she grew concerned. "What happened?" she asked me and I flickered my eyes down to my mug of tea. "Well it's been a month since were started dating and I just feel that something isn't right" I said and Melody nodded.

"What have you seen?" asked Melody and I wiped my tear stained cheeks, "I was listening to a conversation that Cyrus was having and he looked like he was cheating" I said with no more tears falling. "Hon It'll be okay trust me boys are wired and complicated" said Melody, "unless your me and your certain that you love Melody" said a voice. We both turned around to see Thomas smiling at us, "hey babe" said Melody as he came to sit down next to her. "Want some tea I still have some boiling" offered Melody and Thomas nodded, I watched Melody go to get the tea while I had sips of my own.

"Look Elizabeth don't worry he's just stupid to ever worry over trust me I've seen him at school so I know" said Thomas and that made me feel a little better at least. Melody soon came back and gave Thomas his mug before sitting down again. I soon heard my phone ring and I looked at the number, "well speak of the devil" I said as we all looked at my phone. "Just answer it" said Thomas and I nodded before going upstairs to talk.

I picked up the phone to hear coughing and slurring, "Heyy El how's it going? I heard Cyrus slur. "Are you drunk?" I asked and he coughed, "Nooo butt this girl is soooo hot" he slurred and I instantly grew mad. "Did you cheat?" I asked and he coughed again, "She was alright babe" he slurred and I grew digested. Yet I didn't get mad because I was gonna wait until the morning when he was sober to ask him, "See ya bye" I said before hanging up.

I marched back downstairs to find Thomas and Melody cuddling on the couch watching TV together, "what happened?" asked Melody looking over at me. "Cyrus was drunk and I think he did cheat because he was saying this wired stuff about another girl" I said and Thomas scoffed, "what a player and he pretends to be innocent" said Thomas with a look of disgust. "Whatever hon just ignore him or would you like his Mum and Dad to know about this?" asked Melody when the door opened and we froze. "Tell us what?" asked Mum putting away her coat and Dad walking into the kitchen, "nothing" replied Melody she said winking at me.

Mum returned to packing away her stuff and we were having lasagna for dinner which in defense wasn't all bad because I was actually craving lasagna. Dinner was soon ready and I made my way over to the table and Mum always served me small portions because I didn't really eat much and my minimum was one serving of food. Thomas was sitting next to Melody and they looked friendly but what could expect and they are dating after all, I was left out of the conversations because they were mainly between Mum, Dad , Melody and Thomas. After I finished my plate I stood up and quietly left so they wouldn't notice me and went into my room, I sat on the edge of my bed staring into nothing.

The room remained quiet until my phone rang, so much for having time to myself. I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen, 'why is he calling' I wondered as I saw James's name appear on my screen. I stared for a few minutes until deciding to answer, "Hello" I answered and a burst of energy yelled into my ear. "Elizabeth oh that goodness you answered" exclaimed James, "what is it?" I asked with a hint of frustration.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, "just fine" I replied with a sniffle. "Are you crying?" he asked me and I didn't want to admit it. "No just have a cold" I lied, "no tell the truth" he demanded. How could he tell I was lying I thought I sounded convincing, "are you upset, afraid, anxious?" he asked ready to throw a few more. The truth was that I was a mess and confused especially with my worries about Cyrus. "Is Cyrus with you?" he asked and I tried to hold back my tears and sobs, "what does it matter?" I asked and I heard a sigh come from James. "I guess you're afraid" he said and I stayed silent. "Want me to come over?" he asked but I wasn't really comfortable with that idea, "no it's fine" I said back to him.

"So what happened?" he asked over concern and worry being reflected in his voice, "Cyrus rang me up but he was drunk and he mentioned something about a girl and fun times" I stated. "Hey probably is being stupid and I would hold your breath on the worst" he said and I hummed in response. "Is there something you're hiding?" I asked him almost demandingly, "he is kind of having a thing or affair of you will with Leah" stated James. "I knew it was too good to be true and we went out for a month" I exclaimed, "I know but you'll be okay" he said calming me.

"I was going to ask him tomorrow morning about it anyway" I said looking over at my mirror, "I know what you're thinking and don't do it" said James and I groaned. "Why not?" I said and back at him, "because wrist are for bracelets not cuts" he said quoting Kellin Quinn. "And I wouldn't want to see you do that to yourself" he mumbled the last bit. "yea right" I said wiping my tears, "I wouldn't lie" he said and I snickered. "Yea nice try it hard to believe" I said and I heard James let out a sigh.

"Those scares are too beautiful to be on your skin" he said and I was struck speechless, "I want to help" he said and I stayed quiet. "I also have my own issues on my mind" he said and it caught my attention, "what do you mean?" I asked and there was silence before he answered me. "Well Ava is a really annoying person and she's manipulative" he said and I giggled. "And?" I asked him so I could know more.

"She's just annoying now and like she always starts fights and finds it a pleasure to talk terribly about you and I stick up for you every time" he said and I moved my mouth but no words came out. "You think she's your world and is perfect yet she's a phyco" I said and he was silent, "I really like someone else" he said and I was shocked. "This girl is funny, laid back, beautiful and way better than Ava" he stated and I sighed, "I wish her well then" I said with a yawn. "Anyway I'm tired so better get to sleep" I said, "goodnight" he said and I did the same before hanging up. I soon got dressed into my pajamas and went back downstairs.

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