Chapter 10

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*Trigger warning (Last Paragraph)*

Mum said we didn't have to dress formal because they agreed that we would all come in free dress and so we could all be relaxed too. I put my earphones in my ears and put on a whole playlist of Sleeping with Sirens, Fall out Boy, Pierce the Veil and Evanescence. And played them through as I sang along like the stupid idiot I was, dancing around the Livingroom. I was enjoying myself too much that I didn't notice Melody recording me, I turned around and she had a cheeky grin on her face. "Don't post it on social media" I begged, "don't worry I won't but can I send it to Grandma and Grandpa?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

I nodded at her request before she walked off to send the video before I changed my mind, I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. And tied my hair in a messy ponytail and pulled out a few strands of hair before putting on some lip balm and lip gloss on.

"You girls ready?" I heard my call out from downstairs, I looked out of my room and down to Melody. "Yep" she said heading down stairs, I grabbed my black hoodie and went downstairs after Melody. I walked downstairs and walked out the door towards Mum's car and I was sitting in the back with Melody and I kept glancing over at her phone because she was totally having a great conversation with her boyfriend Thomas, I sighed 'there such a cute couple' I thought to myself. Me on the other hand I was trying to focus on school work and I didn't really have to work hard to get noticed by James either. Not that I wanted a lot of attention because we were already friends anyway.

I soon felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out and unlocked it to see who messaged me and what I saw was an unknown number and a message from them. 'Hey this is Heather Milton, don't worry I'm friends with James he gave me the number. But I just wanted to talk to you' I looked down at the message and sent her a reply. 'Hey, what can I do for you?' I texted back to her before adding her as a contact. 'I just wanted to try and help you' she replied back.

'Thank you' I replied back to her, After talking to Heather for a little bit we ended up meeting up with James and his parents for dinner. We arrived at the Thai restraint and met up with everyone else inside, we took our seats at a cornered booth table and I ended up sitting between to James and Melody while the Mum and sat together in the corner next to James's parents.

We ordered dishes to share and I just ordered a coconut rice mainly because I'm told I have no mind for any other food. While my parents and James's parents ended up ordering two curries so Mum and dad ordered a Thai red curry and James's parents ordered a Thai green curry. In total we ordered maybe 5 dishes because James ordered fried noodles and Melody just ordered fried basil pork. The waitress soon came around and took our order and dad ordered our drinks, "can we please have 3 cokes and one bottle of white wine with 3 glasses to serve please" dad asked. The waitress nodded and went to get our drink before proceeding our order to the kitchen. After the waitress left us and we kind of split off and the adults were discussing their own conversations that were mainly based around work. While Melody, James and I were all just talking about school stuff and random topics. That was when a question popped into my head about the phone number from earlier, "James just a question did you give my number to Heather Milton?" I asked as I mumbled the last part. He looked at me sheepishly and looked down "yea, I'm sorry" he said mumbling the last part, "I'm not mad at you" I said as he looked up back at me.

"You're not?" he said sounding confused as he stared at me wide eyed in surprise, "nope I spoke to her and she's okay" I said smiling at him. "Okay well that's good, I just thought you needed someone else to talk to and she's kind of an old friend of mine" he said sounding shy. "Cool" said Melody smiling at the two of us, "oh Melody I wanna hear more about Thomas" I said with a big grin and a small laugh. "What is there to know?" she asked sounding stupid like she didn't know what I was talking about all of a sudden.

"You never told me a lot about how he asked you out" I stated crossing my legs under the table, she looked at me like she was embarrassed "well I was just with my friends and then he came up to me and asked me out" she simply answered.

I looked at her as if she was not telling me the whole truth but she caught me out because I've shown her that look many times before. "I'm telling the truth, detective Elizabeth" she said with a smirk and we all laughed.

The food soon arrived and the dishes were quite big and had a lot of food stacked on them, we each had a little bowl and we just served ourselves what we wanted. Everyone was eating their meals and the adults were in there little world of work while us being stupid teenagers decided to play truth or dare while eating but there was no getting up from the table. This kind of scared me because I didn't like the sound of it but I knew it would be funny.

"Okay truth or dare Melody?" I started off and she looked at me like I was crazy, "Truth" she said making a smart choice. "Damn it" I said to myself quietly so she couldn't hear me, "okay well have you had your first kiss?" I asked with a wicked smile. "Nope" she answered truthfully and I looked at her in surprise, how could someone as pretty like my sister not had her first kiss not that I have anyway but still. "Okay your turn" I said fiddling with my cutlery, "Truth or dare James?" I heard Melody ask. "I say dare" he said with a laugh.

"I dare you to balance a spoon on the bridge of your nose" she said poking her tongue out. "okay then" he said with a determined look, Melody started counting for how long he could balance it for and he succeeded for around about 20 seconds with 1 failed attempt.

"Congrats you did it" said Melody tapping her fork on the table, "truth or dare Elizabeth?" asked James looking over at me. "Truth" I said being completely lame and uninteresting, "what do you hope to do when you leave school?" he asked. "No idea" I said with a sigh at the end. After finishing our meals the adults paid and we ended up leaving to go for a walk around town. Melody was walking ahead with Mum and Dad along with James's parents, we walked behind them just talking to each other when James bought up a subject that scared me. "So wait why is it that you have no idea of what you wanna do when you leave school?" he asked, "well I don't wanna talk about it" I said waving off his question but then he moved in front of me and stopped me in my tracks.

"Why don't you want to tell me?" he said sounding slightly hurt, "because I just don't James" I said to him sounding a little irritated. "But Elizabeth is it really that bad or you just have no thought" he semi yelled, "I don't see why it annoys you to know so much" I said now annoyed. "Well I want you to tell me what's going on" he said now mad, "nothing is going on with me the boring girl who everyone loves to make her life hell" I yelled back at him before running off.

I pushed past all the adults and up to my Mum "can we go home I'm kind of tired" I lied but I just wanted to go home. "Hon how about I drop Elizabeth off at home and then I'll come back to meet up with you guys okay" Dad said sounding very casual. Mum nodded in approval and Dad ended up taking me home, I sat in the car staying silent as we drove home. Once we got home Dad handed me the house keys and then drove off, I unlocked the door and walked inside the house locking the door behind me. I then ran upstairs to my room and got dressed into my trackies and a long sleeved Harry Potter shirt before putting on my pink and yellow stripped fluffy socks.

I went into the bathroom and I grabbed my razor and began making cuts down my wrist, it hurt but I honestly didn't care anymore. I soon cleaned the blood off and tossed my razor back in my bag before cleaning my wrist and pulling my sleeve back down. I soon heard my phone ring and walked over to my bed to see who it was and I jumped back when I saw that it was from James.

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